Minutes of Monthly Council Meeting held on
Monday 28th September 2015 at Port Eynon Village Hall.
The meeting commenced at 7:30 pm.
Present: Cllr. G.Evans, Cllr. R. Fisher, Cllr. Mrs. S. Fisher, and Cllr. G. Jones.
Apologies for Absence: Cllr. A. Wright and Cllr. Mrs. L. Newland
In attendance: Mr. B. Stubbings (clerk), and
Mrs Ann Scott, Mr. Andrew Milligan and Mr. Peter Williams
Chair person: Cllr. R. Fisher took the Chair.
024/15. Declarations of Interest: None
025/15 Minutes of Last Meeting (June 2015):
The minutes were proposed to be accepted as a true record by Cllr. Evans, the proposal was seconded by Cllr, Jones and agreed by all. The minutes were signed by the chairperson.
027/15. Matters Arising from previous Meeting:
Enviromental Nuisance at Scurlage
Clerk advised that he had received responses from Environment Dept. and other sections of C&CS re control of noise and adequacy of facilities for large events at South Gower Sports Club. Generally these were positive and indicated that the City Council would be actively working with the Club to ensure that nuisances did not re-occur. Cllr. Jones advised that he understood that measures had been taken by the management persons of the Sports Club to strengthen the management and improve the operation of the facilities.
Defibrillators. Clerk advised that installation work was now complete. Cllr. Jones suggested that a suitable location at Overton could be provided by Mr. Russell Stokes. It was agreed that Mr. Stokes should be approached by Cllr. Jones.
028/15. Finance:
Clerk advised that payment had been made for the defibrillators in the amount of
The bank balances were as follows:
Current Account £9,460
Savings Account £5,255
Knelston Burial Ground Account £675
The following funding commitments have been made and are carried forward:
Wooden bench seat (1 no) at Overton – £500
Scurlage Green Improvements – £2,000
Port Eynon village green improvements – £2,000.
029/15. Planning:
From previous applications:
2015/1042 Llanddewi Castle Farm – Agricultural Building
Demolition of existing stone barn and erection of steel framed agricultural building. Council noted that the existing barn had been severely damaged by fire and that the new barn would provide more appropriate facilities for this active farm. Application was recommended for approval.
Decision pending
2015/1218 Monksland Road, Scurlage – 14 Units Social Housing
Amended submission for landscaping etc.
2015/1513 The Old Pharmacy, Monksland Road, Scurlage
Provision of non-illuminated advertising panels
(Note: This application was submitted with wrong address, correct address is ‘The Medical Centre, Scuralge’.)
New applications
2015/1657 Gower Holiday Village, Scurlage
Renewal of permit for overspill touring caravan site for June to Sept 2016. Council note that this application was for renewal of the present temporary permit for the forthcoming year. Observations were made that in the peak period for 2015 established caravan sites accessed via the Port and Rhossilli roads were not at capacity and hence the need for a temporary overspill site was not justified. Also the usage of this site in the peak period was very small indicating that it was not operating as an overspill, as intended, but was picking up occasional occupants from passing tourists. Concerns were expressed that there were no associated facilities for toilets, washing etc. as required in an established site and reliance was made on a small number of ‘Portaloos’. Council recommended by majority that the application should be refused.
2015/1199 Fairfield Farm, Knelston
Council noted that there was little material change from the previous application (2014/1788) which was refused. Storage of caravans, albeit short term, was still proposed in close proximity to the neighbouring houses, whereas this could readily be located adjacent to the existing barns. Concerns were again expressed over the poor visibility and consequent danger of slow vehicles entering and leaving the site from the main road, also the possible obstruction of a public right of way within the storage area. Council, by majority, recommended refusal.
2015/1513 Beach House Surf Shop, Port eynon
Conversion of garage storeroom into coffee shop plus external seating area. Application was supported by majority.
030/15 Highways & Footpaths.
Cllr. Fisher again stressed the need for traffic speed control measures in Scurlage, particularly for through traffic to and from Port Eynon.
Cllr. Evans advised that overgrown trees on Port Eynon Hill were a considerable hazard. He also advised that C&CS were erecting a number of new road signs in Port eynon which were contrary to the previous policy of limiting intrusion by road signs and should be queried with the originating department.
Cllr. Jones advised that the footpath from Stoney Forge to Llanddewi remained impassable due to overgrowing bushes.
031/15 Correspondence:
Clerk provided a resume of correspondence received in the past four weeks. Of particular note were:
Post Office – Efforts to obtain alternate premises and a Post Master had so far proved unsuccessful and the post office service at Scurlage would remain closed.
C&CS Review of Council Assets – Council noted that this was limited to properties, and it was recommended that a response be sent stressing the need for the grounds at Knelston school to be retained for use of the school; and querying the continuing use of Borva House as a recreational hostel.
032/15 Knelston Burial Ground. Nothing to report.
033/15 Village Halls
Talbot Hall (Port Eynon Village Hall) :Clerk reported that he had referred the available documentation to Solicitors for clarification on ownership of land and buildings and interpretation of the Trust Deed. Solicitor had also been asked to advise on possible encroachment of the Talbot Hall land. Mr. Peter Williams (present) requested a response to the VHMC request for a Certified True Copy of the 1985 Conveyance and Trust Deed. The Clerk advised that the Council was only in possession of a photocopy of the said document and hence could not satisfy this request. Measures were in hand to locate an original copy but so far had proven unsuccessful.
Llandewi Hall – Clerk had invited chair of Trustees to attend a Council meeting in the autumn period.
034/15 Communications No further developments
Mr. Peter Williams (present) advised that the Village Hall Management Committee planned to replace the public notice board opposite the bus shelter in Port Eynon.
035/15 Any Other Business:
Cllr. Fisher advised that PV panels had been placed on the roof of the new barn at Berry farm and he was not aware of any planning application for the same.
Cllr. Evans note that with the present recreational boating season coming to an end that it would be appropriate to request feedback on the use and operation of the boat slip at Port Eynon and the proposed arrangements for the next season.
Cllr. Fisher advised that the residents at Scurlage had recently been affected for several days by an intolerable odour presumably emanating from a particular matrial being spread on the local fields. Many residents had made individual complaints and Clerk was requested to also make a strong complaint.
Mr. Milligan (present) commented on the presence of several ad hoc advertising panels at the junction of the Port Eynon and Rhossilli roads which obstructed visibility and caused danger to both traffic and pedestrians.
Date of Next Meeting: Monday 19th October 2015 at 7:30 pm. at Port Eynon Village Hall. Rescheduled to Monday 26th October.
Meeting closed at 9:30 pm. Chairman
- J. Stubbings, (Clerk) R. Fisher
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