Council Meeting on 16th September 2024

Notes of a Regular Council Meeting held on Monday 16th September 2024 at The Old Pharmacy, Scurlage.

Present                        Councillors:  Martin Cox, Robert Fisher, Sheila Fisher, Gareth Jones

Apologies:                   None

In Attendance           Mr. Barry Stubbings – Clerk;

  1. Declarations of Interest  – None declared.
  •  Minutes            Minutes of meeting held on 4th July 2024 were proposed to be accepted by Cllr. Martin Cox, seconded by Cllr. Sheila Fisher, agreed and signed by the Chair.
  • .Ongoing Matters in Consideration
  • Traffic Speed at Scurlage – No response from City Council.
  • Traffic Speed on Port Eynon Hill – No response from City Council.
  • Port Eynon Village Green – Application for transfer of ownership from City Council (made in May 2022). Clerk advised that the officer dealing with this in the City Council was no longer an employee and attempts to resurrect the matter by telephone and e-mail had been unsuccessful. He had  written on 14th Feb. to C&CS Corporate Property and awaited a response.
  • Scurlage Village Green. Council had requested that an approach be made to Sketty Housing to replace missing posts on the edge of the green at several locations. Clerk was to follow up.
  • Defibrillator at Scurlage Cllr. R. Fisher advised that he had been in Contact with Gower Medical Practice and that they were no longer prepared to contribute to the cost of a new 24 hour access unit. The new owners of the shop had been approached and they had expressed agreement to the siting of a unit on the external wall. Cllr. Rob Fisher to arrange with the handyman.
  • Flooding and Drainage – No further action.
  • Finance

Clerk advised that the only payments made were for gardening services. The second tranche of the Precept income had been received.

Clerk advised that he was in receipt of three paym,ent demands from the Welsh audit Office for audit services in each of the years 2019-2020, 2020-2021 and 2021-2022. Amounting in total to over £1,000. These were the first invoices to be received following the change of audit service arrangements several  years ago. Whilst the Council has budgeted each year a sum for audit services this is not carried forward and the claim now made is significantly greater than the current budget allowance and will impact on other spending provisions in the current year. Council agreed that the payments were to be made and caution to be exercised for the remainder of this year.

  • Planning             

Clerk advised that there were three current applications to be considered, as per the Agenda Notice and Council had the following observations:

2024/1380/FUL– The Village Shop, Monksland Road, Scurlage

First Floor and Side  Extension

Council considered the application, and had the following comments:

The proposed extensions are stated to be for the purpose of creating living accommodation, presumably associated with the retail premises, any approval granted should be specifically for that purpose and not for a short term holiday let.

Whilst two parking spaces are indicated for sole use of the occupant of the residential premises one of them negates access to the store room and rubbish collection point associated with the retail premises.

No amenity space is provided in the application for the use of the occupants of the residential premises.

The creation of four dormer windows in the first floor extension will result in a poor elevation at this prominent site overlooking the village green and would not be compatible with neighbouring properties.

Council by majority considered that this proposed extension constituted over development of a confined site and which was most likely aimed at achieving holiday let accommodation. The proposal was not supported.

2024/1593/PRE – The Old Lifeboat House, Port Eynon SA3 1NN

Single Storey Rear & Side Extension

Council considered the application, and had the following comments:

The proposal is for a Certificate of Lawful Development in relation to recent conversion of the previous youth hostel into upgraded combination of hostel style and ‘Airbnb’ accommodation providing  a total of ten bedrooms. The single track unpaved access lane serves three other residential properties, all deliveries and access to the boat launching jetty. It has to be kept clear for access by emergency vehicles and public health services.

There is no mains drainage connection to the property and the present treatment/storage facility needs considerable improvement to cope with the additional load now generated and current public health standards.

The amenity space provision is inadequate for such a concentrated development.

There is no provision for private car parking and the nearest available parking is in the public car park which is closed from 20:00 to 08:00.

Council by majority considered that this proposed extension constituted over development of a confined site aimed at achieving holiday let accommodation to the detriment of the village of Port Eynon. The proposal was not supported.

2024/1582 PLD No 5 Monksland Road, Scurlage, SA3 1AY

Single storey Side/Rear Extension

Council considered the application and noted that the proposed alterations have already been completed.

It was noted that the proposed extension replaced existing store rooms with useful further living accommodation.

Council by majority considered that this proposed extension presented no detrimental effect to the property or to the neighbourhood and would support the granting of a Certificate of Lawful Development.

  • Highways

Cllr’s  expressed concern over the extent of parking on the main road at Knelston Primary School during school hours which frequently led to large vehicles finding it impossible to obtain safe passage.

  • Correspondence

Clerk advised that he had nothing to report.

  • Communications, Notice Boards, Etc

Clerk had nothing to report.

  • Defibrillators

Clerk to explore possibility of transferring inspections and maintenance to a commercial organisation.

  1. Village Halls

Port Eynon Hall –  Cllr. S. Fisher advised of matters considered at recent meetings of the Port Eynon Village Hall Committee.

Llandewi Hall – Clerk advised that he had received a letter from from the Trustee Mr. Alun Walter seeking clarification that there had been no progress in in the considerations of the Community Council to take up active involvement. All agreed that the  Clerk should now re-activate the negotiations with the Trustees.

  1. Knelston School

Cllr. Sheila Fisher advised that she would approach the new Head about the Council resuming its meetings at the school premises.

  1. Village Greens

Port Eynon – nothing to report

Scurlage – Clerk to follow up on replacement of timber posts.

  1. Knelston Burial Ground.

Clerk advised that discussions concerning the roadside hedge continued among the Trustees..

12.   Any Other Business – None considered.

Next meeting –  Monday 28th October at The Old Pharmacy.

Council meeting on 4th November 2024

Notes of a Regular Council Meeting held on Monday 4th November 2024 at The Old Pharmacy, Scurlage.

Present                        Councillors:  Martin Cox, Robert Fisher, Sheila Fisher, Gareth Jones

Apologies:                   None

In Attendance           Mr. Barry Stubbings – Clerk;

  1. Declarations of Interest  – None declared.
  •  Minutes            Minutes of meeting held on 16th September 2024 were proposed to be accepted by Cllr. Sheila Fisher, seconded by Cllr. Martin Cox, agreed and signed by the Chair.
  • Ongoing Matters in Consideration
  • Traffic Speed at Scurlage – No response from City Council.
  • Traffic Speed on Port Eynon Hill – No response from City Council.
  • Port Eynon Village Green – Application for transfer of ownership from City Council (made in May 2022). Clerk advised that the officer dealing with this in the City Council was no longer an employee and attempts to resurrect the matter by telephone and e-mail had been unsuccessful. He had written on 14th Feb. to C&CS Corporate Property and awaited a response.
  • Scurlage Village Green. Council had requested that an approach be made to Sketty Housing to replace missing posts on the edge of the green at several locations. Clerk was to follow up.
  • Defibrillator at Scurlage Cllr. R. Fisher advised that he had been in Contact with Gower Medical Practice and that they were no longer prepared to contribute to the purchase of a new 24 hour access unit. The new owners of the shop had been approached and they had expressed agreement to the siting of a unit on the external wall. Cllr. Rob Fisher to arrange with the handyman.
  • Flooding and Drainage – No further action.
  • Finance

Clerk advised that routine payments had been made for gardening services, also the demand from Welsh Audit Office for service fees

In the years 2019-2020, 2020-2021 and 2021-2022, amounting in total to £1,633, had been settled.


Clerk advised that there had been only one application for consideration,

2024/2095/TPO – The Old Rectory, Port Eynon

To lop one lime tree covered by TPO no 587.

Council considered the application, and concurred that there were no grounds for comment or objection:

Council noted the following decisions made by City Council in resect of previous applications.

2024/1938/PNA – Agricultural Building on Land adjacent to South Gower Sports Club.

Permission was granted.

2024/1812/ FUL –  Coombe Cottage, Overton Lane, Port Eynon SA3 1NR                                                                                 ,

Front Porch, Single storey Rear Extension & Summer House

Application approved on 15th November.

2024/1760/FUL – The Bays Farmhouse, Overton Lane, Port Eynon SA3 1NR

Single Storey Rear Extension, Roof Lights, New Pitched Roof to first floor bathroom.

Application was refused on 15th November.

  • Highways & Drainage

Nothing to consider.

  • Correspondence

Clerk advised that he had nothing to raise for consideration.

  • Communications, Notice Boards, Etc

Clerk had nothing to report.

  • Defibrillators

Clerk to explore possibility of transferring inspections and maintenance to a commercial organisation.

  1. Village Halls

Port Eynon Hall –  Cllr. S. Fisher advised of matters considered at recent meetings of the Port Eynon Village Hall Committee.

Llandewi Hall – Clerk advised that there had been no further progress. Chair expressed his desire to conclude this matter before the next AGM.

Knelston School

Cllr. Sheila Fisher advised that she would approach the new Head about the Council resuming its meetings at the school premises.

 Council considered a request to fund purchase and installation of improved management software but felt that this was a matter for the Welsh assembly Education Authorities and not local fund raising.

  1. Village Greens

Port Eynon – nothing to report

Scurlage – Clerk to follow up on replacement of timber posts and a further dropped kerb to link to the Village shop.

  1. Knelston Burial Ground.

Clerk advised that there were no matters for consideration.

12.   Any Other Business – None considered.

Next meeting –  Monday 16th December at The Old Pharmacy.

Minutes of Council Meeting

Notes of a Regular Council Meeting jointly held on Monday 24th July 2023 at The Old Pharmacy, Scurlage, following the Annual General Meeting.

Present                    Councillors: Martin Cox, Gareth Evans, Robert Fisher, Sheila Fisher, and Gareth Jones

Apologies:               None

In Attendance         Mr. Barry Stubbings – Clerk;

                                Mr. Bryn Davies and Ms. Charlotte Evans residents of Scurlage village.

  1. Declarations of Interest  – None
  •  Minutes          It was proposed by Councillor Martin Cox, and seconded by Councillor Sheila Fisher that the notes of the meeting held on Monday 19th June 2023 be accepted as a true record and this proposal was agreed by all.
  • .Ongoing Matters in Consideration
  • Traffic Speed at Scurlage – No response from City Council. Clerk tabled a speed display board priced at approximately £5,000 for consideration. Noted that this would require agreement of City Council to implement which was unlikely to be forthcoming.
  • Traffic Speed on Port Eynon Hill – No response from City Council.
  • Llanddewi Village Hall – A joint meeting with the Trustees was held on 23rd March. Actions arising from that meeting are to be addressed by the Clerk.
  • Defibrillators –New unit at Knelston Garage was awaiting installation.
  • Highfield Caravan Park – Site inspection required to evaluate potential planning breaches.
  • Notice Board at Port Eynon – It was agreed that Council should proceed with purchase of a board and posts to replace the board on the corner of St. Cattwg’ Churchyard, ALSO to purchase an additional board for fixing on the wall of the bus shelter. Clerk to place orders.
  • MotoCross activities at Margam Corner. Clerk had received response to the submitted Planning complaint advising that submitted complaint indicated that the activities were too infrequent to warrant investigation and control measures. Additional monitoring is required.
  • Finance

Clerk had circulated the following list of items/actions requested by Councillors in past few meetings with request that this be reviewed.

Notice Board replacement near St Cattwg’s Church                                                                   

As present board from Greenbarnes and including new posts                                                                   £1250

Cost of erection, etc. allow                                                                                                                                £200

New Notice board affixed to bus shelter in Port Eynon

From Greenbarnes, 4xA4 size aluminium frame                                                                                           £420

Cost of fixings and installation, allow                                                                                                               £100

Replacement defibrillator for Scurlage medical centre                                                                              

Zoll AED Plus fully automatic with free case from British Heart Fdn                                                         £1250

Defibrillator External heated cabinet

From British Heart Foundation                                                                                                                         £575

Man made timber seat at Overton Green                                                                                                      £720

From Fairway

Ground anchors and fitting                                                                                                                                £100                                      

Man made timber seat at Overton Green                                                                                                      £720

From Fairway

Ground anchors and fitting                                                                                                                                £100

                                                                                                                TOTAL                                                    5,435

It was agreed to defer replacement of the Notice Board near St Cattwg’s Church pending receipt of further precept payments and to proceed with all other items.

  • Planning           

Clerk confirmed that he had circulated notice of recent applications and decisions.


3rd July

9 Milestone Court Scurlage Swansea SA3 1AX

Ref. No: 2023/1051/FUL | Received: Wed 10 May 2023 | Validated: Tue 16 May 2023

REFUSED for the following reasons;

 1             The access driveway serving the site is of a sub-standard width that does not allow two cars to pass one another and is devoid of segregated footways.

2.             The proposed holiday let would result in increased levels of vehicular movements to and from the site, which given the substandard nature of the access driveway, which be to the detrimental of highway and pedestrian safety, contrary to Policies T5 and T6 of the Swansea Local Development Plan (2019).



1 Milestone Court Reynoldston Swansea SA3 1AX

Ref. No: 2023/1508/FUL | Received: Wed 12 Jul 2023 | Validated: Mon 17 Jul 2023 | 

Attached garage 

Council considered the application and were of the view that it would have no detrimental effect to neighbouring properties or the environment and that it could be recommended for approval.

Llandewi Castle Farm Reynoldston Swansea SA3 1AU

Ref. No: 2023/1352/DOC | Received: Wed 21 Jun 2023 | Validated: Mon 17 Jul 2023 Discharge of conditions 3,5 and 7 of Planning Permission 2022/2167/FUL granted 16th March 2023 Open for comment icon

Council considered the application and unanimously found it to be acceptable.

  • Highways, Footpaths and Environment

Council discussed the forthcoming imposition of 20 moh zones.

Noted that City Council had responded to the complaint notice regarding blocked surface water drainage at Overton Lane.

Councillors Fisher reported that there were problems with surface water drainage in the vicinity of 15 Salisbury Close.

  • Correspondence

Clerk had nothing to report.

  • Communications, Notice Boards, Etc

Web site – It was agreed that the photo’s and contact details for Councillors should be updated. Noted that a link to Rhossilli Hub should be incorporated.

Clerk to provide keys to enable each Councillor to access and maintain boards in their vicinity.

Noted that there were plans for the Pay Phone at Port Eynon car park to be reinstated.

  • Defibrillators

Brought forward was a  new cabinet for the unit at Port Eynon Amenities Block and installation of a new unit plus cabinet for garage.

New cabinet was required for the unit at Scurlage Medical Centre. After discussion it was agreed to move this unit to The Old Pharmacy as this would be more central to the population of the village. Clerk to write to Medical Centre to appraise them of this decision.

  • Village Halls

Port Eynon Hall –  Cllr. R. Fisher confirmed his attendance at the monthly meetings of the Management Committee.

It was noted that no action had been taken to repair erosion at the start of the paved drive and that the Management Committee should be pressed to address this problem.

Llandewi Hall – Clerk to review outcomes of joint meeting with Hall Trustees.

  • Knelston Burial Ground.

There was nothing to report.

  • Port Eynon Sea-Front Improvements

It was noted that no further communications had been received. Freedom of Information request had not been responded to. Clerk confirmed that he had lodged a further FOI request.

  1. Any Other Business

Noted that several posts along the edge of Scurlage Green, fronting the shop needed replacement. Clerk to investigate costing.

Next meeting –  Monday 18th September 2023, 7 pm, at The Old Pharmacy.

There being no further business to discuss the Chair thanked all in attendance and the meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.

————————————–                                                                                 ——————————————

Barry Stubbings (Clerk)                                                                                                           Robert Fisher (Chair)

Minutes of Meeting July 2023

Notes of a Regular Council Meeting jointly held on Monday 24th July 2023 at The Old Pharmacy, Scurlage, following the Annual General Meeting.

Present                    Councillors: Martin Cox, Gareth Evans, Robert Fisher, Sheila Fisher, and Gareth Jones

Apologies:               None

In Attendance         Mr. Barry Stubbings – Clerk;

                                Mr. Bryn Davies and Ms. Charlotte Evans residents of Scurlage village.

  1. Declarations of Interest  – None
  •  Minutes          It was proposed by Councillor Martin Cox, and seconded by Councillor Sheila Fisher that the notes of the meeting held on Monday 19th June 2023 be accepted as a true record and this proposal was agreed by all.
  • .Ongoing Matters in Consideration
  • Traffic Speed at Scurlage – No response from City Council. Clerk tabled a speed display board priced at approximately £5,000 for consideration. Noted that this would require agreement of City Council to implement which was unlikely to be forthcoming.
  • Traffic Speed on Port Eynon Hill – No response from City Council.
  • Llanddewi Village Hall – A joint meeting with the Trustees was held on 23rd March. Actions arising from that meeting are to be addressed by the Clerk.
  • Defibrillators –New unit at Knelston Garage was awaiting installation.
  • Highfield Caravan Park – Site inspection required to evaluate potential planning breaches.
  • Notice Board at Port Eynon – It was agreed that Council should proceed with purchase of a board and posts to replace the board on the corner of St. Cattwg’ Churchyard, ALSO to purchase an additional board for fixing on the wall of the bus shelter. Clerk to place orders.
  • MotoCross activities at Margam Corner. Clerk had received response to the submitted Planning complaint advising that submitted complaint indicated that the activities were too infrequent to warrant investigation and control measures. Additional monitoring is required.
  • Finance

Clerk had circulated the following list of items/actions requested by Councillors in past few meetings with request that this be reviewed.

Notice Board replacement near St Cattwg’s Church                                                                   

As present board from Greenbarnes and including new posts                                                                   £1250

Cost of erection, etc. allow                                                                                                                                £200

New Notice board affixed to bus shelter in Port Eynon

From Greenbarnes, 4xA4 size aluminium frame                                                                                           £420

Cost of fixings and installation, allow                                                                                                               £100

Replacement defibrillator for Scurlage medical centre                                                                              

Zoll AED Plus fully automatic with free case from British Heart Fdn                                                         £1250

Defibrillator External heated cabinet

From British Heart Foundation                                                                                                                         £575

Man made timber seat at Overton Green                                                                                                      £720

From Fairway

Ground anchors and fitting                                                                                                                                £100                                      

Man made timber seat at Overton Green                                                                                                      £720

From Fairway

Ground anchors and fitting                                                                                                                                £100

                                                                                                                TOTAL                                                    5,435

It was agreed to defer replacement of the Notice Board near St Cattwg’s Church pending receipt of further precept payments and to proceed with all other items.

  • Planning           

Clerk confirmed that he had circulated notice of recent applications and decisions.


3rd July

9 Milestone Court Scurlage Swansea SA3 1AX

Ref. No: 2023/1051/FUL | Received: Wed 10 May 2023 | Validated: Tue 16 May 2023

REFUSED for the following reasons;

 1             The access driveway serving the site is of a sub-standard width that does not allow two cars to pass one another and is devoid of segregated footways.

2.             The proposed holiday let would result in increased levels of vehicular movements to and from the site, which given the substandard nature of the access driveway, which be to the detrimental of highway and pedestrian safety, contrary to Policies T5 and T6 of the Swansea Local Development Plan (2019).



1 Milestone Court Reynoldston Swansea SA3 1AX

Ref. No: 2023/1508/FUL | Received: Wed 12 Jul 2023 | Validated: Mon 17 Jul 2023 | 

Attached garage 

Council considered the application and were of the view that it would have no detrimental effect to neighbouring properties or the environment and that it could be recommended for approval.

Llandewi Castle Farm Reynoldston Swansea SA3 1AU

Ref. No: 2023/1352/DOC | Received: Wed 21 Jun 2023 | Validated: Mon 17 Jul 2023 Discharge of conditions 3,5 and 7 of Planning Permission 2022/2167/FUL granted 16th March 2023 Open for comment icon

Council considered the application and unanimously found it to be acceptable.

  • Highways, Footpaths and Environment

Council discussed the forthcoming imposition of 20 moh zones.

Noted that City Council had responded to the complaint notice regarding blocked surface water drainage at Overton Lane.

Councillors Fisher reported that there were problems with surface water drainage in the vicinity of 15 Salisbury Close.

  • Correspondence

Clerk had nothing to report.

  • Communications, Notice Boards, Etc

Web site – It was agreed that the photo’s and contact details for Councillors should be updated. Noted that a link to Rhossilli Hub should be incorporated.

Clerk to provide keys to enable each Councillor to access and maintain boards in their vicinity.

Noted that there were plans for the Pay Phone at Port Eynon car park to be reinstated.

  • Defibrillators

Brought forward was a  new cabinet for the unit at Port Eynon Amenities Block and installation of a new unit plus cabinet for garage.

New cabinet was required for the unit at Scurlage Medical Centre. After discussion it was agreed to move this unit to The Old Pharmacy as this would be more central to the population of the village. Clerk to write to Medical Centre to appraise them of this decision.

  • Village Halls

Port Eynon Hall –  Cllr. R. Fisher confirmed his attendance at the monthly meetings of the Management Committee.

It was noted that no action had been taken to repair erosion at the start of the paved drive and that the Management Committee should be pressed to address this problem.

Llandewi Hall – Clerk to review outcomes of joint meeting with Hall Trustees.

  • Knelston Burial Ground.

There was nothing to report.

  • Port Eynon Sea-Front Improvements

It was noted that no further communications had been received. Freedom of Information request had not been responded to. Clerk confirmed that he had lodged a further FOI request.

  1. Any Other Business

Noted that several posts along the edge of Scurlage Green, fronting the shop needed replacement. Clerk to investigate costing.

Next meeting –  Monday 18th September 2023, 7 pm, at The Old Pharmacy.

There being no further business to discuss the Chair thanked all in attendance and the meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.

————————————–                                                                                 ——————————————

Barry Stubbings (Clerk)                                                                                                           Robert Fisher (Chair)

Approved Minutes of March 2022 Council Meeting

Minutes of monthly Council meeting held on Thursday 14th April 2022 in a ZOOM format.

Present                  Councillors: Martin Cox, Gareth Evans, Robert Fisher, Sheila Fisher

Apologies:             Cllr. David Lewis and Cllr. Gareth Jones

In Attendance       Mr. Barry Stubbings – Clerk;

  1. Declarations of Interest      Cllr. Robert Fisher in respect of planning applications 2022/0699 and 2022/0779.
  •  Minutes                 Proposed by Councillor Martin Cox, and seconded by Councillor Sheila Fisher that the minutes of the meeting held on 14th February 2022 be accepted and this proposal was agreed by all.
  • .Ongoing Matters in Consideration
  • Traffic Speed at Scurlage – Clerk confirmed that he had written to City Cllr Lewis expressing the views of PECC on the survey findings and to request an urgent meeting with Officers of City Council to review measures that could be taken to reduce vehicle speed. No response..
  • Scurlage Green – Noted that several of the timber posts need replacing. Cllr. Robert Fisher to check on number of posts required.
  • Traffic Speed on Port Eynon Hill – Clerk had written to City Cllr. Richard Lewis, requesting assistance. No response.
  • Flood lights at Port Eynon – to be raised with Community Police Officer.
  • Plastic Free Village – Agreed that approaches should be made to create a plastics free village in Port Eynon. City Cllr. Richard Lewis was making enquiries to identify appropriate City Council Officer. No response.
  • Village Green, Port Eynon –Draft submission prepared and approved by Council. Clerk has made the submission..
  • Llanddewi Village Hall – Advice has been received that there is a Management Committee. Cllr. Fisher had visited the Hall in company of Mr. Robert James and assessed the present condition which he found to be poor but structurally sound. Agreed that Clerk should write to present Trustees seeking to appoint Council embers as new Trustees following which Council would be in apposition to take positive action. Clerk advised that he had received a request to hold a regular produce market at the hall.
  • Police Community Officer – to attend once meetings resume at Knelston School.
  • First Response Unit –Clerk advised that he had received no response from either the Senydd Member or, Member of Parliament. Noted that the Council’s contribution to the funding appeal was in the form of a grant conditional on the service being established. No response to date.
  • Defibrillators – Three of the original five units have now been serviced and re-established. Fourth unit was yet to be serviced and the fifth unit sited at Knelston garage had apparently been stolen.  Receipt of external cabinets for the newly purchased units was still awaited.
  • Finance

Nothing to report.

  • Planning  

Clerk confirmed that he had circulated notice of recent applications and decisions.


2022/0012 FUL. The Green, Overton Lane – Proposed two storey side extension.

Overall, Council was of the opinion that this application should be refused, and a side extension should only be permitted if it is of substantially smaller proportions.

Application was approved with conditions.

2022/0309 PRE. Milan House, Overton Lane – Single storey side extension and dormer roof additions.

Overall, Council was of the opinion that this application for a side extension as indicated could be approved but the proposal for extensive modification of the roof to the main house incorporating dormers and balconies should not be permitted.

Application was refused.


2022/0799/PRE – Briarwood Caravan Park, Knelston

Creation of an additional site for a static caravan & provision of a new office static craavn to serve as an office building.

Council considered the application and noted that both parts were part of the existing layout for this caravan park and as such there were no adverse opinions.

2022/0699/PRE – The Old Pharmacy, Monksland Road Scurlage.

First floor extension and conversion to residential accommodation.

Council considered the application and were of the opinion that conversion of the existing commercial premises to residential use was appropriate to the neighbourhood and an improvement to the present usage. Overall there were no adverse opinions.

  • Highways, Footpaths and Environment

No considerations.

  • Correspondence

No considerations

  • Communications, Notice Boards, Etc

Purchase of new board for Port Eynon deferred pending receipt of next Precept payment.

  • Village Halls

No new issues were raised for Port Eynon Hall.

Llandewi Hall – see Matters Arising above.

  1. Knelston Burial Ground.

Clerk advised that following notice from Mr. Rhodri Lloyd that he would not be continuing his services there was a need to find a new gardener. He had the name of a jobbing gardener and would contact him.

  1. Port Eynon Sea-Front Improvements

No further communications had been received.

  1. Any Other Business

Stouthall, Knelston it was noted that a new gate had been placed in the fence along the A4118. Clerk noted that this was beyond the parish boundary and should be considered by Reynoldston ComCo.

Clerk advised that he had received a complaint via the web site link as to the condition of the lane to the youth hostel. Clerk to once again write to C & CS

Similar complaint had been received concerning the state of the car parking area at the rear of Morfa House and the use of it by persons calling at the Ship Inn, which resulted in the lane to Horton becoming inaccessible.

Next meeting –  Monday 30th May 2022, 7 pm, at Knelston School, Clerk to confirm arrangements.

There being no further business to discuss the Chair thanked all in attendance and the meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.

————————————–                                                                                             ——————————————

Barry Stubbings (Clerk)                                                                                                       Robert Fisher (Chair)

Minutes of 2021 Annual General Meeting

Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on

 Monday 24th May 2021 in a Virtual Format.

The meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

Present:                                 Cllr. M. Cox; Cllr. G. Evans; Cllr. R. Fisher, Cllr. S. Fisher; Cllr. D. Lewis

In attendance:                     Mr. B. Stubbings (Clerk)

Apologies for Absence:,  Cllr. G. Jones

Chair person:                      Cllr. R. Fisher took the Chair.

 1.            Minutes of Last Annual General Meeting:

It was noted that there was no Annual General Meeting held in 2020 due to restrictions arising from the Covid pandemic. The minutes of the AGM held on 21st May 2019 had been circulated prior to the meeting and no comments had been received. Cllr. M. Cox proposed that the minutes be accepted as a true record, the proposal was seconded by Cllr. S. Fisher and agreed by all. The minutes were signed by the chairman.

2.             Election of Chairperson.

Cllr. M. Cox proposed that Cllr. Robert Fisher be re-elected as Chairperson for the forthcoming year. The proposal was seconded by Cllr. D. Lewis. There being no other proposals and the meeting duly elected Cllr. R. Fisher by unanimity.

3.             Election of Vice Chairperson.

Cllr. D. Lewis proposed that Cllr. G. Evans be re-elected as Vice-Chairperson for the forthcoming year. The proposal was seconded by Cllr. S. Fisher. There being no other proposals the meeting duly elected Cllr. Evans by unanimity.

5.             Chairman’s Report

Cllr. R. Fisher presented a report of activities during the past year:

Following what has been an extremely different year than normal I am able to report that although most of the country was on furlough, we as a community council we were all able to continue on with our responsibilities as community councillors. As with most other community councils we had our meetings via zoom, although some struggled to get to grips with the technology we did manage to continue to function as a community council.

Unfortunately, during the year, the Council lost the services of Mr. Steve Young and we continue to look for persons to join the Council particularly from the communities of Knelston and Port Eynon.

Acting on behalf of the community we managed to organise some new benches for Scurlage Green, which we are now waiting for the contractor to arrange for them to fixed into place.

Each year we organise in conjunction with Swansea City Council, to have some flower beds seeded with natural wild-flowers, and the City Council have recently treated the areas and seeded the ground.

The Knelston Church Burial ground continues to be assisted with donations from the community council and is always well maintained.

We arranged for the rough grass and brambled covered area in front of the chip shop on Port Eynon frontage to get a yearly tidy up to make it more presentable, and safe.

The community council has previously assisted Knelston School each year with donations to help in purchasing items that will assist the children’s development, unfortunately the school was closed for most of last year, so we were unable to help, but this coming year we intend to help the school financially once again with support towards equipment for the outdoor learning environment.

We continue to ask the City council to look into many matters on a regular basis and the following are some examples:

Vehicle speeding through Scurlage. The City Council have responded and carried out a traffic speed survey and agreed that vehicles were on occasions exceeding the prescribed speed limit. It is intended to have further dialogue with the City Council to see what they can implement to help reduce the traffic speed through Scurlage.

Unauthorised and random road-side signage.

Drainage issues in Scurlage.

The state of the roads and the number of pot holes.

Ash tree die back which is going to affect many areas in our community council.

The dire state of port Eynon Beach, and the sea frontage.

As a community council we have a seat on the Port Eynon Village Hall Management Committee. And for the past years it is I who has been representing the Community Council at the committee. However, the hall has been little used due to the covid pandemic but will start to reopen soon and re-commence indoor activities. The Port Eynon Village Hall is self -funded and run by the committee for the benefit of the residents of Port Eynon and Scurlage, The community Council has regularly supported the Village Hall on various matters, and will continue to do so in the future where we can.

As a Community Council we have the opportunity to comment on planning matters however, we sometimes wonder if our views are taken into account when planning decisions are reached.

We have had the usual ongoing planning matters covering both domestic and commercial developments and will raise any comments that the public have on planning applications if brought to our attention.

However the biggest issue at present that the community council are dealing with under  planning, is the proposed redevelopment of Port Eynon Car park and associated public areas.

There has been much discussion and many letters protesting against the proposed development in any of its forms, however it must be said that there have been a few in support of some form development.

The proposed development, if taken in its entirety, will fundamentally change the small sea side village of Port Eynon forever.

We as a Community Council feel that there is much to do with regard to making good what we have in Port Eynon before venturing off to carry out some new re-development that many feel is out of character and will over dominate the village.

We have yet to receive a response from the Architects working on behalf of the City Council to the recent meeting and to the letters of opposition that have sent to the architects and to others on the steering group.

We hope however, that in the end the City Council will listen to the wishes of the local residents, and if they have to have a scheme, then it is something that is sympathetic in nature and style to the village.

As we all start to venture into the ‘new normal’ we all hope that as a Community Council we can help the community in as many ways as we are able.

Thank you.

                Cllr. G. Evans proposed that the Chairman’s report be accepted with thanks to Cllr. R. Fisher for all the time and hard work he has devoted to the Community Council in the past year. This proposition was seconded by Cllr. S. Fisher and accepted by all.

6.             Financial Report:              

Clerk advised that the year-end bank balances were as follows:

Current Account                                 £7,553.15                             

Savings Account                                 £5,268.61

                                Knelston Burial Ground Account     £435.00

The Clerk provided a brief review of expenditure throughout the year and presented a budget for the forthcoming year. After discussion it was agreed that donations towards maintenance of the three churchyards should be set at £300 each for the coming year, and that the Clerk’s remuneration should be £2,000 per annum.

Cllr. Evans proposed that the budget of £6,990 for 2021-2022 be accepted and that the precept application be £6,000. This proposal was seconded by Cllr. S. Fisher and approved unanimously.

Council agreed that Mr Stephen Heard should again be requested to act as Internal Auditor.

6.             Code of Conduct

The Clerk advised that there were no changes to the Council Code of Conduct and all members re-affirmed their acceptance thereof.

7              Standing Orders

  • The clerk advised that there were no proposed changes to the current Standing Orders, and they were adopted accordingly.
  • It was confirmed that the regular monthly meetings of the Council continue to be held on the third Monday of each month at Knelston Primary school, commencing at 7:00 p.m..

8              Register of Members Interests

All Councillors confirmed that they had no real or material interests in the business of the Community Council.

9              Committees

  • It was unanimously agreed, in the absence of any counter proposals, that Cllr. R. Fisher should continue to represent the Council at the Port Eynon Village Hall Management Committee.
  • It was unanimously agreed, in the absence of any counter proposals, that Cllr. S. Fisher should continue to liaise with Knelston School.
  • It was unanimously agreed that Cllr. R. Fisher should represent the Council on the Management Trust for Knelston Chapel Burial Ground, noting that the Clerk also was in attendance to this Trust.

10           Date of Next Meeting – was provisionally set as Monday 16th May 2022 at Knelston Primary School.

The meeting closed at 7:30 pm.

B. J. Stubbings, (Clerk)                                                                                       R. Fisher Chairperson

Approved Minutes of Council Meeting held on 20th September 2021

Minutes of monthly Council meeting held on Monday 20th September 2021 at The Old Pharmacy, Scurlage.

1.  Apologies for absence was received from Barry Stubbings.

    Those in attendance were RF,SF,GE,MDC,DL,GJ.

2. There were no declarations of interest.

3. Approval of the Minutes of the last meeting was deferred owing to the wrong minutes being circulated to all councillors by the Clerk to the Council.

4. It was noted that the order for the second bench needed to be clarified and the bench installation cost to G R Lloyd appears to be still outstanding. GE stated that a review of money allocated for certain works needs to be done to establish the correct money held by the council. The Scurlage sign is still being refurbished and needs to be chased. BS to action.

5. Planning in relation to the Ship Inn and the use of the rear garden etc is still being considered. The point of conjecture relates to Section 106 invoked when the houses at the rear of the Ship Inn were constructed and the pub wishing to alter the restrictions imposed at that time. Objections have been lodged by the present owner of the house facing the pub garden and a decision is still pending. All other planning applications have been approved.

6. GE mentioned that the stile from The Borlands to the road leading to the church is unsafe and requires attention. He asked if any attention had been given to this.

7. GE also mentioned that recently a tour bus had been caught at the pinch point towards the village car park and maybe this is due to using the sat nav for directions. No discussion took place at this time.

Further mention was made of the boundary of the Public Car Park in Port Eynon and the lights emanating from Skysea Caravan and camping site which continue to cause annoyance.

8. In view of the lack of the correct minutes to discuss, MDC proposed that we adjourn the meeting and ask the Clerk to the Community Council to arrange a suitable meeting when all outstanding matters and any new items needing discussion can be put on the agenda. This was seconded by DL and carried.

Approved Minutes of Council Meeting on 26th July 2021

Synopsis of Minutes of monthly Council meeting held on Monday 26th July 2021 at The Old Pharmacy, Scurlage

  1. Present: R. Fisher (chair), G. Evans (Dep chair), M. Cox, D. Lewis, S. Fisher.
  • In attendance: B. Stubbings (Clerk)
  • Declarations of Interest : . Cox re planning application 2021/1500
  • Minutes: Proposed as amended by M. Cox; seconded by S. Fisher.
  • Matters Arising: (1) Floodlights at Boarlands – Clerk to file a further complaint. (2) Lane to Youth Hostel – Clerk to make FoI request re sale of land. (3) Trees at village Hall – D. Lewis to obtain a ‘local’ quotation.
  • Planning: 2021/1500 Youth Hostel bin Storage – Unanimously found acceptable. 2021/1750 – Unanimously found acceptable.
  • Highways, etc.: (1) Noted recent problems with blockages at the promenade Port Eynon and at the public toilets. City Council in attendance. (2) Recent Triathlon caused severe disruption to bus services and disturbance of residents (loud music in early hours of morning). Caution for future functions. Functions such as this should be limited to overspill car park to avoid above issues – refer to City Council Events Manager. (3) Village signs for Scurlage are missing and should be replaced at both Scurlage Castle and the Sports Club. Check to be made on legal extent of the restricted speed area – refer to City Highways
  • Footpaths: GE advised path and stile at 10 Boarlands is impassable due to encroachment of brambles and stile is rotten – refer to S. Parry at City Council.
  • Parking: Frequent parking in frontage of Culver House, Port Eynon is obstructing access by residents. Suggested to put a sign at the road junction directing visitors to use the Council car park. – refer to Highways.
  1. Traffic Speed in Scurlage: Lack of action – refer to City Highways.
  1. Finance: Invoice for gardening services by Rhodri Lloyd was agreed for payment. Quote required for bench at bus stop – Clerk to approach Rhodri.
  1. Next meeting to be held in September.

Council Meeting on 19 April 2021

Minutes of monthly Council meeting held on Monday 19th April 2021 via a virtual platform

Present                  Councillors: Martin Cox, Robert Fisher, Sheila Fisher, Gareth Evans, Dave Lewis

Apologies:             Councillors Gareth Jones

In Attendance       Mr.Barry Stubbings – Clerk;

  1. Minutes                 Clerk confirmed that the draft minutes of the last meeting held on 22nd March 2021 had been circulated to all Councillors. Correction was requested to Item 6 to delete the word ‘recently’ for the lights at Sky Sea Park. Also to delete ‘SF’ from action regarding Llandewi Hall. It was proposed by Councillor Martin Cox, and seconded by Councillor Gareth Evans that the minutes be accepted and this proposal was agreed by all.
  • Declarations of Interest      None were declared.
  • Matters Arising

Chair advised that as a result of the massive programme in Gower to fell Ash trees, he had, so far, been unable to obtain the services of an arborist.

SF advised that despite door to door canvassing of opinion concerning the siting of a bench at the terminus of Monksland Road there appeared to be little interest. SF suggested that the bench presently available be located near to the bus stop. Also reminded all that purchase of a further bench had been agreed, it was agreed that Clerk should proceed with this.

  • Finance 

Clerk advised that £500 allowance was still held for installation of notice board and seats at Scurlage. Chair confirmed that he expected a quotation in the coming week.

GE advised that he had passed the invoice for wild flower planting to the Clerk. RF commented that extent of planting at Scurlage seemed to have been reduced. Clerk advised that it was best for RF/GE to take up direct with Parks Department.

Clerk confirmed that reserves were adequate to meet all envisaged commitments.                           

  • Planning  

Clerk confirmed that he had circulated notice recent applications and decisions.


2021/0434 – Four  Polytunnels to be erected at Llandewi Castle Farm.

Approved on 12th April 2021 as reasonable agricultural development but not to exist for more than ten years.

2021/0427/FUL – Attached single storey garage at 2Milestone Court, Scurlage

Approved on 9th April 2021


Week beginning 8th March – none

Week Beginning 15th March –

2021/0710/FUL 2, Salt Cottage, Port Eynon – Reduction on ground levels around the main dwelling and building of a natural stone retaining wall to create a level patio area. Detached garden room which will be used solely by the owner/occupier of the main building as ancillary & garden accommodation for the occupiers of the main application dwelling.

Council considered the application and made the following comments:

  • The location of the proposed building is in an area of historical prominence being positioned between the ruins of the historic Salt House and the Salt House Cottages. The modern elevational treatments while understood to be in architectural contrast to the historical buildings are considered to be inappropriate and if a structure at this location is to be permitted it should be visually consistent with the neighbouring buildings and cognizant of the AONB vernacular.
  • The presented photomontages are considered to be misleading. When the height of the building is compared to the garden seat nearby, the building will be at a higher elevation and will be far more obtrusive when viewed from all angles.
  • Whilst the intended usage of the rooms has been changed from that which was indicated in the Pre-Application submission, these changes are viewed as likely cosmetic. Should the application be granted then it must be with the proviso that the building can not be used for domestic habitation.

Overall the Council, by majority, does not support this application.

Week Beginning 29th March –

2021/0842/FUL Ivy Cottage, Port Eynon – Retention of sub-division of property to two independent units of accommodation.

2021/0794/ELD Ivy Cottage, Port eynon – Use of property as two separate residential units of accommodation (class C3) (Application for a certificate of existing lawfulness).

Council considered the two applications, during which concern was expressed at the accuracy of the presented drawings with regard to the location and width of the access and the area available for parking.

Council noted that in a previous application 2010/0861 permission to extend the property was granted on the express condition ‘The proposed development shall remain at all times an integral part of the existing dwelling and shall not be sold, let or otherwise occupied as a separate unit of accommodation.’ The present application acknowledges that the property has been let as two separate units for the past ten years in contravention of the consent granted in 2010. There appears to have been no physical change to the property since 2010, and the condition of consent applicable then is still relevant.

For these reasons Council, by majority, could not support the application.

Week beginning 5th April –

2021/0268/FUL Ship Inn, Port Eynon – Retention and completion of first floor side extension, two single storey rear extensions, external staircase, increase in heights of chimney and side falt roof, front canopies, external alterations and three detached storage sheds.

Council noted that this applications is in several parts and addressed it in the same manner.

  • Completion of side first floor side extension.

Council considered that the addition of a first floor to the present side extension, as previously approved, would improve the overall massing of the building and eliminate the present unsightly large flat roof. The windows indicated on the North elevation at first floor were not found to overlook neighbouring properties. Council had no objection to this worl proceeding.

  • Retention of two single storey rear extensions.

Council considered the single storey rear extensions to have no significant detrimental effect to the neighbourhood and to have been largely accepted by the community. Council had no objection to these extensions being retained.

  • Retention of external staircase.

Council noted that two rear staircases have been constructed to provide access to both the rear lawn area and the rear storage yard. Council were of the opinion that the staircase from the function room should not be approved and access to the lawn area should be solely via the staircase leading from ‘back of house’.

  • Increase in height of chimney.

Council noted the increase in height of the chimney and had no objection to this alteration.

  • Increase in height of side extension flat roof.

Council noted that the flat roof of the side extension appeared to have been raised from that shown on previous plans. They had no objection to this apparent change.

  • Retention of front canopies and changes to external elevations.

Council noted the changes, particularly to the South elevation and were of the genral opinion that the changes provided an improvement to the South elevation. Council however noted a change to the North elevation where one of the proposed fixed windows has been changed to a combined widow and door thus providing access from the function room to the rear lawn. Council were strongly of the opinion that this rear lawn area should not be used as an extension of the function room and should be restricted to use solely by the occupants of the first floor living accommodation. Use of the lawn as a public area should be prohibited due to its proximity to the neighbouring properties.

  • Addition of three storage sheds.

Council had no comment on the proposed addition of storage sheds where limited to the indicated storage yard.

  • Highways, Footpaths and Environment

Clerk advised that there had been no response or updates on the issues previously discussed.

DL commented that he had yet again been placed in serious jeopardy whilst passing parked cars outside the Highwinds residence.

Chair requested Clerk to arrange for the Gower police person to attend the first available ‘in person’ meeting of the Council.

  • Correspondence

Clerk had nothing further to report.

  • Communications, Notice Boards, Etc

Board at Port Eynon has been re-established and the Chair thanked Cllr Evans and the Clerk for their efforts..

  • Village Halls

Port Eynon –  Chair advised that he continued to attend VHMC meetings. At the last meeting there had been heated discussion over the legitimacy of decisions made by the VHMC and presented to the public and other representative bodies.

Llanddewi – Chair advised that he would continue to endeavour to contact Mr. Walters. Clerk reminded all that Council had previously agreed to fund any legal consultations necessary to review ownership of Llandewi Hall.

  1. Knelston Burial Ground.

Clerk advised, on behalf of the Trustees, that there was nothing to report.

  1. Port Eynon Sea-Front Improvements

Clerk confirmed that a written paper had been sent to all households in the Community Council area setting out the Council’s position on the proposals for the waterfront development and inviting responses thereon.

Copy had been made to all Gower Community Councils, The Gower Society, Gower AONB and all members of the Steering Group. Copy was also posted on the Community Council website and Notice Boards.

  1. Any Other Business            

Discussion took place on:

  • The obtrusive floodlights and cameras installed at 9 Boarlands to monitor the Sky Sea Holiday Park. Numerous complaints had been received from residents as to the intrusion on privacy. Clerk was requested to make complaint to C&CS Environmental Officer, AONB Dark Sky Initiative, Local Police, etc.
  • Matters of beach safety, including signage to deter use of BBQ fires, the prevalence of adders during this period of fine weather, and servicing of litter bins.
  • The lane to the Youth Hostel and Salt Cottages. Clerk was requested to make a FOI request of C&CS with respect to recent sale of strip of land along the lane.

Next meeting – Annual General meeting on Monday 17th May 2021, 7 pm, using zoom meeting facility. Clerk to arrange.

There being no further business to discuss the Chair thanked all in attendance and the meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.

————————————–                                                                                             ——————————————

Barry Stubbings (Clerk)                                                                                                       Robert Fisher (Chair)

12th April 2021

Minutes of Council Meeting January 2021

Port Eynon Community Council

Minutes of monthly Council meeting held on Monday 25th January 2021 via a virtual platform

Present                  Councillors: Martin Cox, Robert Fisher, Sheila Fisher, Gareth Evans

Apologies:             Councillors Gareth Jones, Dave Lewis

In attendance       Mr.Barry Stubbings – Clerk;

  1. Minutes                 Clerk confirmed that the draft minutes of the last meeting held on 21st December 2020 had been circulated to all Councillors. It was proposed by Councillor Martin Cox, and seconded by Councillor Sheila Fisher that the minutes be accepted and this proposal was agreed by all.
  • Declarations of Interest      None were declared.
  • Matters Arising

Clerk advised that there were none other than would be considered via the Agenda

  • Finance 

Clerk advised of current resources available. Invoices had been received from BHB Insurance for the annual policy renewal at £225 and from Ms. Jan Harris for gardening work at Knelston Burial Ground and Scuralge war memorial at £262 and £58;50 respectively. Payments had been made for both. All agreed to retrospectively approve the payments..

 Clerk advised that he was in receipt of invoice from Greenbarnes Ltd for £2,462 for the notice board at Scurlage, noting that it had been recently delivered. MC proposed, GE seconded and all agreed to payment of above three invoices..

Clerk confirmed that reserves together with final payment of 2020 Precept were adequate to meet all envisaged commitments.                      

  • Planning  

Clerk confirmed that he had circulated notice of applications recent applications and decisions.


2020/1398 FUL    The Bays Farm, Overton – Conversion of existing detached studio building to provide for a self-contained holiday property.

                        Application was not supported but is now approved as follows:-

‘In conclusion it is considered that the proposal, as well as affording economic and social benefits to the wider community, respects the proportions, design, character and appearance of the existing former agricultural building which in turn respects the wider countryside and AONB whilst also offering modern, flexible holiday accommodation. The proposal is of high quality design and subject to conditions controlling traditional materials the renovation will respect the visual amenities of the area. Therefore, it is considered that the development complies with the principles of Policies PS2, CV2, CV4, ER4, TR1 and TR5 of the LDP and Supplementary Planning Guidance documents ‘Gower Design Guide’ and the ‘Conversion of Rural Buildings’. Regard has been given to the duty to improve the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales, in accordance with the sustainable development principle, under Part 2, Section 3 of the Well-Being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 (“the WBFG Act”). In reaching this recommendation, the Local Planning Authority has taken account of the ways of working set out at Part 2, Section 5 of the WBFG Act and consider that this recommendation is in accordance with the sustainable development principle through its contribution towards one or more of the public bodies’ well-being objectives set out as required by Part 2, Section 9 of the WBFG Act. Approval is recommended.’

2020/2119 Well Cottage, Port Eynon – Single storey rear extension with addition of 7 rooflights and alterations to fenestrations.

Application was not supported and has been REFUSED for the following reasons

‘The proposed development, by reason of the excessive number of rooflights being proposed, in conjunction with their sporadic siting within the rear roof slope, would represent a discordant and contrived form of development, that would fail to respect the appearance and character of the host dwelling, to the detriment of the character of the Port Eynon Conservation Area and the wider Gower AONB, contrary to Policies PS2, ER4, HC1 and HC2 of the Swansea Local Development Plan (2019) and the Council’s Design Guide for Householder Development and Gower AONB Design Guide.’

2020/2269 FUL The Old Pharmacy, Monksland road, Scurlage – Addition of first floor and conversion from office to a dormer bungalow.

Application was supported but has been refused for the following reasons –

1 The proposed dwelling is served by an inadequate level of private amenity space, to the detriment of the living conditions of the future occupiers of the dwelling, contrary to Policy PS2 of the Swansea Local Development Plan (2019) and the Council’s Infill and Backland Design Guide and the Gower AONB Design Guide.

2 The proposed resultant building, by reason of its excessive height and close proximity to the common boundary with The Old Surgery (to the south), would have an overbearing impact on the occupiers of this neighbouring property, to the detriment of the standard of living conditions they could reasonably expect to enjoy, contrary to Policy PS2 of the Swansea Local Development Plan (2019) and the Council’s Infill and Backland Design Guide and the Gower AONB Design Guide.


2020/2439 PRE    2 Salt Cottage, Port Eynon – Reduction in ground levels and new dwelling to provide additional family accommodation.

Application is not supported for the following reasons –

  • The proposed new dwelling of approximately 1200 sq. m. floor area with two double bedrooms is considered excessive as an addition to the existing property and far in excess of what can be described as a ‘granny flat’.
  • The indicated largely glazed elevations are not sympathetic to and in keeping with the historic location of The Salt House and neighbouring row of traditional cottages.
  • This new dwelling does not benefit from any means of access or provision of parking. Sole access is via an ‘unmade’ lane and the only provision for parking is some distance away in the public car park serving Port Eynon beach.
  • Considerable excavation of the site is proposed, this site is subject to frequent south-westerly gales and serious concern is raised over the stability of ground of adjoining properties unless substantial retaining structures are provided which would themselves form an unsightly change in the landscape of this sensitive area. Substantial sea walls were recently provided to secure the seaward edge of this site.

2020/2371/S73   Knelston Farm, Knelston                   Amendments to planning conditions imposed by 2017/0470/FUL

Application was supported with no comments.

2020/2589/FUL  Dinglebank, Knelston – Two storey side extension, revisions to fenestration and timber cladding at first floor.

Application was supported, noting the following –

  • The proposed extensions involve demolition of an existing single storey extension and replacement with a substantial two storey extension which will more than double the size of the original house.
  • It was noted that the present house is located within a substantial plot on the edge of the village boundaries.
  • It was noted that the new extensions are effectively at the ‘rear’ of the existing house and would not detract from, or interfere with neighbouring properties.
  • It was further noted that the village of Knelston is characterised by a number of large dwellings of relatively recent construction and in the area of this property a number of recent infill developments.
  •  Whilst the extended property will not dominate views from the road and the village, it will be dominant in the landscape when viewed from Llanddewi to the west.
  • The proposed timber cladding will provide an ‘unusual’ elevational treatment in the context of a rural Gower village, but it was acknowledged that it would be a unifying element between the original property and the extensions.

2020/2653/ELD      Scurlage Farm, Scurlage – Siting of a residential caravan

Application was supported, noting the following –

  • It was noted that the address for this application is incorrect/misleading and should be ‘Scurlage Farm, Scurlage’
  • It was further noted that a static caravan had been present at this site for some considerable time, and this had not given rise to any complaints or objections.
  • In principle the Council is of the opinion that every opportunity should be taken to limit and remove the presence of isolated and individual static caravans in the Gower landscape an exception could be made in this instance as it was in an urbanised location and provided accommodation in support of local employment.
  • Highways, Footpaths and Environment

Clerk advised that there were no new issues.

Chair requested that efforts were again made to engage with City Council for a site meeting to review traffic safety in Scurlage. Clerk agreed to write to City council with copy to Cllr.Richard Lewis and for Chair to follow up with Mr. Lewis.

  • Correspondence

Clerk advised that the only correspondence had received was in respect of continued support for the Gower Dark Skies Initiative. All agreed that Council should so support.

  • Communications, Notice Boards, Etc

Chair confirmed that new board for Scurlage had been received and that he would arrange for it to be erected, hopefully on the existing posts. If successful then the two posts purchased with the board could be used to re-establish the board at St Cattwg’s church in Port Eynon. GE confirmed that he had spoken with DL who had the tools and facilities to prepare the foundations for the new posts.

SF enquired whether it was still the intention to re-locate the existing seat on the Scurlage Green to the vicinity of the bus stop. All agreed that it was better for the present seat to remain at its location and for a new seat to be purchased and sited at the bus stop.

  • Village Halls

Port Eynon –  Chair advised that he continued to attend VHMC meetings but there were no new substantive issues. Following a site inspection he had identified the need to fell or significantly prune two large ash trees which were suffering from ‘Ash Die Back’. All agreed that quotations be obtained from a tree arborist for any necessary work.

Llanddewi – Chair/SF advised that they would again endeavour to contact Mr. Walters.

  1. Knelston Burial Ground.

Clerk advised, on behalf of the Trustees, that there was nothing to report.

  1. Port Eynon Sea-Front Improvements

Chair advised that he had participated in discussion with the appointed architects, held jointly with Cllr. Richard Lewis, and where the focus had been on the potential for a multi use building to be constructed in the car park. Further discussions were planned for the forthcoming week, when he hoped that more details would be forthcoming so that informed discussion could take place both in the Community Council and the community at large. Ge advised that he had been receiving negative feedback from local residents.

  1. Any Other Business            

Clerk advised that he had received a call from Ms Caroline Davies of the special events Section of City Council with regard to a request to hold a wedding reception on Port Eynon Village Green on 6th August for approximately 150 guests. Clerk had requested further details.

Next meeting – Monday 15th February 2021, 7 pm, using zoom meeting facility. Clerk to arrange.

There being no further business to discuss the Chair thanked all in attendance and the meeting adjourned at 8: 30 pm.

————————————–                                                                                             ——————————————

Barry Stubbings (Clerk)                                                                                                       Robert Fisher (Chair)

26th January 2021