Approved Minutes of Council Meeting held in May 2022

Minutes of monthly Council meeting held on Thursday 30th May 2022 at The Old Pharmacy, Scurlage..

Present                  Councillors: Martin Cox, Gareth Evans, Robert Fisher, Sheila Fisher, Gareth Jones, Dave Lewis.

Apologies:             None

In Attendance       Mr. Barry Stubbings – Clerk;

  1. Declarations of Interest      None were declared.
  •  Minutes                 Proposed by Councillor Sheila Fisher, and seconded by Councillor Dave Lewis that the minutes of the meeting held on 14th April 2022 be accepted and this proposal was agreed by all.
  • .Ongoing Matters in Consideration
  • Traffic Speed at Scurlage – Clerk confirmed that he had written to City Cllr Lewis expressing the views of PECC on the survey findings and to request an urgent meeting with Officers of City Council to review measures that could be taken to reduce vehicle speed. No response..
  • Scurlage Green – Noted that several of the timber posts at junction of Salisbury Drive and Monksland road need replacing following  a vehicle collision. Cllr. Gareth Jones agreed to carry out the work.
  • Traffic Speed on Port Eynon Hill – Clerk had written to City Cllr. Richard Lewis, requesting assistance. No response.
  • Flood lights at Port Eynon – to be raised with Community Police Officer.
  • Plastic Free Village – Agreed that approaches should be made to create a plastics free village in Port Eynon. City Cllr. Richard Lewis was making enquiries to identify appropriate City Council Officer. No response.
  • Village Green, Port Eynon –Draft submission prepared and approved by Council. Clerk has made the submission..
  • Llanddewi Village Hall – Mr. Alun Walters has advised that copy of Trust Deed and other documents were held by Mr. Robert James. Clerk had written the the three present Trustees requesting them to meet and appoint Community Council members as additional Trustees and following this to offer their resignation. Mr. Walters has responded in he affirmative.
  • Police Community Officer – to attend once meetings resume at Knelston School.
  • First Response Unit – Noted that the vehicle has been observed in operational use during the past month.
  • Defibrillators – Clerk had referred the matter of servicing the present units and supply of new units to the NHS Defibrillator Advice Unit and they were looking into the issues that have been experienced.
  • Finance

Nothing to report.

  • Planning  

Clerk confirmed that he had circulated notice of recent applications and decisions.


Application was refused.

2022/0799/PRE – Briarwood Caravan Park, Knelston

Creation of an additional site for a static caravan & provision of a new office static caravn to serve as an office building.

Application has been accepted.

2022/0699/PRE – The Old Pharmacy, Monksland Road Scurlage.

First floor extension and conversion to residential accommodation.

Application has been refused.


There were none made in the past four weeks.


Sky Sea Park – Comment was raised in respect of the additional pitches being created for static caravans. Clerk was requested to check the current license.

MIlestone Court – Comment was raised in respect of removal of the construction access created off the Port eynon road. Clerk to file an enforcement request.

Hawthorn Cottage – Comment was raised in respect of the details for the access off Monksland Road, the boundary walls and separation of the plot into two parcels. Clerk to file an enforcement request.

  • Highways, Footpaths and Environment

Clerk noted that complaints had been received via the PECC website as to parking at rear of Borfa House and obstructions created to the lane leading to Horton. Clerk to raise with City Council.

Comment was again made as to the location of restricted speed signs on Port Eynon hill.

Comment was made as to the lack of clearance of sand blown on to the disabled parking bays at the roundabout in Port Eynon.

Comment was made as to the continuing failure of City Council to replace the village sign near Bank Farm, Scurlage Castle.

  • Correspondence

Noted a request from Oxwich and Horton Women’s Institute for general funding. Noted that funding requests would only be considered for specific project assistance.

  • Communications, Notice Boards, Etc

Purchase of new board for Port Eynon pending receipt of next Precept payment.

Comment was raised concerning the deterioration of the bench at Overton Green. Agreed to make an inspection and to provide budget for a replacement bench.

  • Village Halls

No new issues were raised for Port Eynon Hall.

Llandewi Hall – see Matters Arising above.

  1. Knelston Burial Ground.

Clerk confirmed that a new gardener, Mr. Alex Hampton, had agreed to take on the work and first cut of grass and internal hedges has been carried out.

  1. Port Eynon Sea-Front Improvements

No further communications had been received.

  1. Any Other Business

Comment was raised as to the absence of marker buoys in Port Eynon Bay which designated safe passage for jet skis and boats. Contact to be made with the Boat Club.

Next meeting –  Monday 30th May 2022, 7 pm, at Knelston School, Clerk to confirm arrangements.

There being no further business to discuss the Chair thanked all in attendance and the meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.