Draft Minutes of Council Meeting on 19th June 2015



Draft – Unconfirmed

Minutes of Monthly Council Meeting held on

 Monday 15th June 2015 at Port Eynon Village Hall.


The meeting commenced at 7:30 pm.


Present:                                  Mr. G.Evans, Mr. R. Fisher, Mr. G. Jones, Mrs. S. Fisher, Mrs. L. Newland and Mr. A. Wright


Apologies for Absence:         none.


In attendance:                        Mr. B. Stubbings (clerk),


Chair person:                         Cllr. R. Fisher


013/15.  Declarations of Interest:     None


014/15  Minutes of Last Meeting (April 2015):


The minutes were proposed to be accepted as a true record by Cllr. Evans, the proposal was seconded by Cllr, Newland and agreed by all.  The minutes were signed by the chairperson.


015/15.  Matters Arising:


Defibrillators. Clerk confirmed that he had received the six defibrillators and they were currently held by him pending receipt of the cabinets. He expected the work to be carried out in the next two weeks.

Clerk confirmed that the locations were to be

1          Port Eynon – Car Park Amenity Building

2          Port Eynon – Village Hall

3          Port eynon – St Cattwg’s Church

4          Llandewi – Village Hall

5          Scurlage –  The Old Pharmacy

6          Knelston – The Garage


At present it had not been possible to find a suitable location for a unit to be placed in Overton  It was agreed that if a location could be found then the Council would consider purchasing a further unit.


Overton Lane (drains)

Drains at the top of The Boarlands and along Overton Lane. Cllr. Evans advised that the problem of  foul odours had not reoccurred..


Port Eynon Car Park

Port Eynon and Horton public car parks were being closed at 8 pm and that this was giving rise to people having difficulty parking when attending local events held in the evenings. Response was awaited from City Council.


016/15.  Finance:


Clerk advised that £5,000 had been received from The Lottery fund for the defibrillators and £1833 from City Council as first precept payment. The bank balances were as follows:


Current Account         £6,915

Savings Account         £13,453

Knelston Burial Ground Account       £675


An invoice had been received from Port Eynon Village Hall for hall rental in the amount of £200. Clerk confirmed that this was in order and it was proposed by Cllr Jones, seconded by Cllr Newland and agreed by all that payment should be made.


The following funding commitments have been made:


Wooden bench seat (1 no) at Overton – £500

Scurlage Green Improvements – £2,000

Defibrillators (6 no) – £3,000.

Port Eynon village green improvements – £2,000.


017/15.  Planning:


From previous applications:


2014/0417 Monksland Road, Scurlage – 14 units of new housing..

*Understood to having been approved by C&CS Planning Committee but now awaiting WAG Section 106 approval with regard to policy on affordable housing.


2015/0014 The Ship Inn, Port Eynon – Alterations to front elevations.

Council considered that the principle of improvements to both the elevations and the interiors was to be welcomed.  Council however were concerned to note that the submitted plans for the existing building indicated that the single storey part of the building was of two storeys and that this error had then been erroneously incorporated in this application for alteration works. Council were unanimous in their decision that the plans should be resubmitted to correct these errors.

Decision pending.


2014/1614 South Gower Sports Club – permit for one touring caravans to be permanently occupied from March to November

Council expressed strong concerns over this and other applications which would effectually change the nature of usage of the Sports Club to a Holiday Park during the summer period. Councillors were particularly concerned that the infrastructure within the Club would require considerable improvement to facilitate these changes of use. Also that residents had complained in the past concerning late night noise, underage drinking and dangerous traffic conditions associated with camping festivals held at the Sports Club.  Council noted that the occupation applied for was inconsistent with 2014/1603. Council recommended by majority that the application should be refused.

Permit refused 21st May 2015


2014/1616 South Gower Sports Club –Change of use of grass sports area to paved area.

Council expressed strong concerns over this and other applications which would effectually change the nature of usage of the Sports Club to a Holiday Park during the summer period. Councillors were particularly concerned that the infrastructure within the Club would require considerable improvement to facilitate these changes of use. Also that residents had complained in the past concerning late night noise, underage drinking and dangerous traffic conditions associated with camping festivals held at the Sports Club.  Council noted that this application was solely made to facilitate application 2014/1617. Council recommended by majority that the application should be refused.

Approved with conditions 21st May 2015.


2014/1617 South Gower Sports Club –Change of use of multi purpose sports area to erect a marquee.

Council expressed strong concerns over this and other applications which would effectually change the nature of usage of the Sports Club to a Holiday Park during the summer period. Councillors were particularly concerned that the infrastructure within the Club would require considerable improvement to facilitate these changes of use. Also that residents had complained in the past concerning late night noise, underage drinking and dangerous traffic conditions associated with camping festivals held at the Sports Club.  Council noted that existing similar provisions for weekend functions were well provided for in this area and further provision at this time was unnecessary. Council recommended by majority that the application should be refused.

Approved with conditions 21st May 2015.


2014/1775 The Rickyard, Burry lane, Burry – Change of use of agricultural storage building to provide for housing of livestock.

Council noted that this application was made in respect of an agricultural building which was erected following planning application 2012/0280 in 2012. At that time concerns were raised that the planned building was unsuitable for storage of farm machinery and winter feed due to its limited headroom. Councillors noted the receipt of two letters from immediately neighbouring properties which expressed concern over the proximity of the barns to their properties and disturbance which would mostly likely arise from storage of livestock. Councillors agreed with these concerns and also noted that there appeared to be no provision for storage and environmental disposal of waste arising from housed livestock particularly with regard to the proximity of Burry Pill to the site. Concern was also expressed at the likely need to service the facility on a daily basis with large agricultural or waste disposal vehicles when this stretch of Burry lane was restricted to usage by large vhicles and caravans. Council recommended by majority that the application should be refused.

Approved with conditions 21st May 2015


2015/0446 Gower Holiday village – Change of use to allow for overspill caravan and camping pitches May to September.

Council by majority recommended refusal.

Application refused 21st May 2015.


2015/0734 Alex Lewis Motors, Llandewi – Erection of additional and new industrial shed. After due consideration Council were of the opinion that the application should be approved.

Decision pending.


New applications


2015/1042 Llanddewi Castle Farm – Agricultural Building

Demolition of existing stone barn and erection of steel framed agricultural building. Council noted that the existing barn had been severely damaged by fire and that the new barn would provide more appropriate facilities for this active farm. Application was recommended for approval.


018/15 Highways & Footpaths.


Cllr. Newland raised concerns over the number and siting of brown tourist signs in Port Eynon. After discussion it was agreed that advice should be sought from City Council on the policy being adopted for siting of brown tourist signs particularly as this would appear to be in conflict with recent efforts to reduce signage and improve the local environment.


Cllr. R. Fisher raised concern over the ‘village’ signs on the approaches to Scurlage. Some were missing and others were damaged and required replacement.


Cllrs Newland and R Fisher relayed concerns of residents over the overgrown nature of the verges and hedgerows which in places were restricting traffic to single file and excessive delays trying to pass pedestrians and cyclists. After discussion it was agreed to approach the City Council on the possibility of adopting the verge and hedgerow cutting.


019/15 Correspondence:


Clerk provided a resume of correspondence received from mid-May to date.  Of particular note was letter received from Knelston School requesting the Council to nominate  a representative to act as a School Governor. Cllr. S. Fisher agreed to accept this position. Also letter received from Rev. D. Griffiths requesting support for ‘Gower Christian Youth Work’, – it was agreed that Council could consider a specific request for equipment or teaching items but not for non-specific funding of staff costs, etc..


020/15 Knelston Burial Ground.  Nothing to report


021/15 Village Halls


Talbot Hall (Port Eynon Village Hall) :  Clerk advised that the letter concerning ownership and the Trust Deeds had been sent to the Hall Management Committee.  . Cllr. Newland reported that the matter was considered at the meeting of the Management Committee on 12th June and that the Committee disagreed with the contents of the letter.


Council discussed the apparent encroachment of the site boundary by the neighbouring owner of the Highfields Camp Site and Clerk was directed to raise the matter with the owner.


Llandewi Hall – Council agreed to invite chair of Trustees to attend a Council meeting to discuss the future of the Hall.


022/15 Communications Cllr.. Tony Wright presented a number of options with regard to production of a Council newsletter. It was proposed by Cllr Newland and seconded by Cllr. Evans that Council proceeds with a quarterly newsletter extending to 8 full colour pages and with a print run of 400 or 500 copies. A budget allowance of £1,000 was allocated. A working meeting would take place on 29th June to consider format and content.


023/15 Any Other Business:


Councillor R.Fisher expressed concerns over one or two residents who had reverted to crossing Scurlage Green in their vehicles. It was agreed to approach Sketty Housing Assn with a view to placing further timber posts at the vulnerable access points.


Date of Next Meeting: Monday 20th July 2015 at 7:30 pm. at Port Eynon Village Hall.


Meeting closed at 9:30 pm.                                                                 Chairman



  1. J. Stubbings, (Clerk) R. Fisher

Minutes of Monthly Meeting January 2015

Minutes of Monthly Council Meeting held on

 Monday 19th January 2015 at Port Eynon Village Hall.


The meeting commenced at 7:30 pm.


Present:                                  Mr. G.Evans, Mr. R. Fisher, Mr. G. Jones, Mrs. Sheila Fisher


Apologies for Absence:         Mr. Tom Roderick. and Mrs. L. Newland.


In attendance:                        Mr. B. Stubbings (clerk),


Chair person:                         Cllr. R. Fisher chaired the meeting.


091/14.  Declarations of Interest:     None


092/14 Minutes of Last Meeting (November 2014):


The minutes were proposed to be accepted as a true record by Cllr. Evans, the proposal was seconded by Cllr. S.  Fisher and agreed by all. The minutes were then signed by the chairperson.


093/14.  Matters Arising:


Defibrillators. Clerk advised that an application had been made to the Lottery Fund and he was awaiting the outcome. Clerk confirmed that the locations he had identified for the purpose of the grant application were as follows:

Port Eynon – Car Park amenity building (with electrical power)

Port Eynon – Village Hall (with electrical power)

Llandewi – Village Hall (with electrical power)

Scurlage – Village Stores OR The Old Pharmacy

Knelston – The Burial Ground (no power) OR school OR garage



094/14.  Finance:


Clerk advised that the bank balances were unchanged, as follows:


Current Account         £82

Savings Account         £13,453

Knelston Burial Ground Account       £675


The following funding commitments have been made:


Wooden bench seat (1 no) at Overton – £500

Scurlage Green Improvements – £2,000

Defibrillators (5 no) – £5,000 – Lottery Grant funding applied for.

Port Eynon village green improvements – £2,000.




095/14.  Planning:


From previous applications:


2014/0417 Monksland Road, Scurlage – 14 units of new housing.. Councillors had raised concern on the following-

The density of the development and the lack of provision of gardens.

The overlooking issues between the new units and the established properties in Salisbury Close; The reliance of soakaways for drainage which are sited below the ground water table;

The failure to acknowledge the flooding which had occurred for several years;

The extensive hard paving which would further exacerbate flooding;

The reliance on Monksland Road for access which is of substandard width and already suffers from parking and access problems;

The loss of seven existing communal car park spaces which would exacerbate current difficulties; The lack of parking spaces within the planned development;

The failure of similar developments to provide long term social housing as they had been purchased and sold on the open market, most often for holiday homes.

Council were unanimous in recommending that planning approval should not be given until these issues had been addressed. Decision pending.

*[ Chair advised that revised plans had been submitted (see planning portal web site) but

Clerk noted that revised plans had not been circulated for comment.]

*Understood to having been approved by C&CS Planning Committee and now awaiting WAG Section 106 approval.


2014/0960 The Elms, Port Eynon – Alterations to elevations, garages and driveway.

Council considered that the proposed alterations were generally acceptable and recommended approval (Cllr Fisher declared an interest and abstained from the decisions). Amended plans submitted 20th February 2015. Decision pending.


2014/1674 New Dwelling adjacent to Maybank, Overton

Council noted that this was an ‘Outline Application’ for one new dwelling and productive comments could not be made until the full planning application was received. It was noted that a previous application made in 2007 for a single dwelling had been approved but not proceeded with. Council noted that there was no evidence of a previous dwelling on the site and that the AONB guidelines for new dwellings must be adhered to. It was considered that the indicated size of dwelling house was relatively large and concern was expressed that any development must be sympathetic with its location adjoining the green and with the adjacent properties. Decision pending


New applications


2014/1788 Fairfield Farm, Knelston – Change of use to allow caravan storage.

Council noted that caravan storage had taken place on this site for several years and that this use had been previously referred to C&CS planning enforcement section. Chair appraised Council of the fact that storage had recently been extended to field area immediately adjoining existing houses and that representations had been made to him concerning loss of view, infringement of privacy, etc. He had visited the site and was of the opinion that storage so close to these houses was unnecessary. Council note that the application was for a temporary change of use but no indication was given as to the intended period and this should be clarified. Concern was expressed over access to the site from the A4118 which occurred on the brow of the hill and could be dangerous with manoeuvring of caravans. Council voted against the application with one abstention.


2014/1970 Dwr Cymru Welsh Water – Pumping Station at Scurlage Castle.

Council noted that application was to create improved vehicle access off the A4118 together with off road paved vehicle turning and parking space. Council were of the opinion that the increase in population of Scurlage would undoubtedly require associated improvements to drainage infrastructure by Welsh Water and although this proposal necessitated loss of established roadside hedgerow and some prime agricultural land it should be reluctantly supported.


096/14 Highways & Footpaths.


Nothing to report


097/14 Correspondence:


Clerk provided a resume of correspondence received from mid-November to date.


098/14 Knelston Burial Ground.  Nothing to report


099/14 Village Halls


Port Eynon Village Hall :  Clerk advised that he had  received no response from the management Committee. Council noted that maintenance of the hall appeared to be declining and observed that cash generation may have been reduced following the retirement of Ms Jean Higgins from active participation.


Llandewi Hall – Nothing to report.


100/14 Any Other Business:


Cllr. Fisher advised his concern over the large new entrance that had been created off the A4118 at Moor Corner and the removal of the hedge row between two fields. He requested the clerk to refer this to  C&CS Planning.


Cllr. Evans advised that he understood the consultation period on the C&CS LDP had been extended to January 2016.


Date of Next Meeting: Monday 9t March 2015 at 7:30 pm. at Port Eynon Village Hall.


Meeting closed at 9:10 pm.                                                                 Chairman



  1. J. Stubbings, (Clerk) R. Fisher

Minutes of montly meeting – October 2014



Draft – Unconfirmed

Minutes of Monthly Council Meeting held on

Monday 15th September 2014 at Port Eynon Village Hall.


The meeting commenced at 7:30 pm.


Present:                                  Mr. G.Evans, Mr. R. Fisher, Mr. G. Jones,


Apologies for Absence:         Mr. Tom Roderick. and Mrs. L. Newland.


In attendance:                        Mr. B. Stubbings (clerk),

Chair person:                        Cllr. Fisher chaired the meeting.

071/14.  Declarations of Interest:     Cllr. Fisher with respect to planning applications 2014/1329 & 2014/1527


072/14 Minutes of Last Meeting (September 2014):


The minutes were proposed to be accepted as a true record by Cllr. Evans, the proposal was seconded by Cllr. Jones and agreed by all. The minutes were then signed by the chairperson.


063/14.  Matters Arising:


Scurlage Green. Flower beds to be programmed for next spring. Clerk was requested to research names of local persons who could be included in a war memorial.


Defibrillators. Clerk advised that he was in process of preparing a grant application to Lotteries Fund.


Port Eynon Village Hall :  Clerk advised that he had  written to the Village Hall Management Committee to clarify the matters of ownership and management of the existing hall but had to date received no response. Clerk was also requested to obtain copies of insurance policies taken out by the management committee in respect of the hall building and hall activities. Cllr Newland advised that the management committee had identified a budget of £500,000 to £600,000 for a replacement hall building assuming nil land costs.  Chair advised that he had obtained information from the Land Registry with regard to the areas of land occupied by the hall and the present village green.. He would pass these to the Clerk.


Llandewi Hall – Clerk advised that Council stranding orders permitted expenditure up to £2,000 based on two written quotations. Council Considered the two quotations provided by the hall Management committee via Cllr. Jones and  agreed by majority to provide £1,000 to the Hall to facilitate replacement of the large window. Clerk to progress.


Stoney Forge, Knelston

Council noted that the problem reported concerning the blockage to the footpath between Knelston and Llandewi, did not occur within the caravan park, but arose from the adjacent lane becoming impassable. In fact a temporary bypass ahd been provided through the caravan park to facilitate pedestrians.


064/14.  Finance:


Clerk advised that the bank balances were presently as follows:


Current Account         £82

Savings Account         £15,253

Knelston Burial Ground Account       £675


The following funding commitments have been made:


Wooden bench seat (1 no) – £500

Replacement window at Llandewi hall – £2,000

Scurlage Green Improvements – £1,000

Defibrillators (3 no) – £3,000

Port Eynon village green improvements – £2,000.


065/14.  Planning:


From previous applications:


2014/0417 Monksland Road, Scurlage – 14 units of new housing.. Councillors had raised concern on the following-

The density of the development and the lack of provision of gardens.

The overlooking issues between the new units and the established properties in Salisbury Close; The reliance of soakaways for drainage which are sited below the ground water table;

The failure to acknowledge the flooding which had occurred for several years;

The extensive hard paving which would further exacerbate flooding;

The reliance on Monksland Road for access which is of substandard width and already suffers from parking and access problems;

The loss of seven existing communal car park spaces which would exacerbate current difficulties; The lack of parking spaces within the planned development;

The failure of similar developments to provide long term social housing as they had been purchased and sold on the open market, most often for holiday homes.

Council were unanimous in recommending that planning approval should not be given until these issues had been addressed. Decision pending.

[ Chair advised that revised plans had been submitted (see planning portal web site) but

Clerk noted that revised plans had not been circulated for comment.


2014/0960 The Elms, Port Eynon – Alterations to elevations, garages and driveway.

Council considered that the proposed alterations were generally acceptable and recommended approval (Cllr Fisher declared an interest and abstained from the decisions). Decision pending.


2013/1034 Burry Dairy Farm – New agricultural building.

Council expressed surprise at the size of the proposed barn, but noted that the new owner had purchased the land of Burry Dairy Farm without the benefit of the existing farm buildings. Cllr Jones advised that objections had been raised by residents in Burry Alley as to the size and location of the building and that these had been forwarded to the Planning Dept at C&CS. Council by majority recommended that the proposal should be approved. Note: Determined as Permitted Development on 12th August 2014.


2013/1263 Ash Croft Scurlage – Removal of planning conditions.

Council noted that the planning considerations referred to were for environmental aspects of construction and that these had subsequently been discontinued. Council were unanimous in recommending that the application be approved. Decision pending.


New Applications:


2013/1318 Scurlage farm Grain Storage Building

Council noted that the proposed storage building was essential to the continued viability and development of Scuralge and Great Pitton Farms. Concern was expressed over the size of the building and the visual impact on the surroundings. Concern was also expressed over the likely increase in surface water run-off as a result of the building mass and extended paved areas around the building, and the contribution of the existing farm area to recent severe flooding at this location.. It was noted that these issues had not been addressed and considered that any approval should be conditional on improvements being made to the surface water drainage of the area. Approved by majority subject to these conditions.


2014/1329 No 18 Monksland Road – single storey extension.

Council noted that the planned extension would replace the existing single storey structure with a larger structure extending to the rear of the main house. It was noted that the mass and appearance of the planned extension were similar to the existing. Also noted that as there was no planned increase in occupation there would not be adverse effect on current problems with vehicle access/parking and with drainage. Approval recommended by majority.


2014/1527 The Bower, Port Eynon – Two new Dwellings.

Council noted that this application superceded a previous application in 2003 for a larger new single dwelling on this site. The Council found that although this application was more sympathetic in scale and siting to the previously approved application it still could be considered as over-development of  a relatively constrained site. Some recommendations were made in respect of elevational treatment. Approval was recommended by majority.


076/14 Highways & Footpaths.


Cllr Evans advised that the large posts for signs at the roundabout in Port Eynon had now been removed, although he had received no indication from C&CS as to whether smaller signs or any signs would now be erected.


077/14 Correspondence:


Clerk provided a resume of correspondence received from mid-July to date.


Council considered a letter received from South Gower Sports Club advising of their intent to make planning applications in respect of further development of the site and its facilities. Clerk was directed to respond advising them that all planning applications would be considered on a case by case basis and that they would be welcome to make a supporting presentation to the Council in respect of each or any application.


078/14 Knelston Burial Ground.


Clerk advised that he had placed the recently purchased bench seat just inside the access gate, at the same time he had carried out some minor tidying up of the entrance area. There were no other matters to be considered.


069/14 Notice Boards & Web Site


Clerk again reminded Councillors to provide a suitable photograph (head and shoulders) that could be included in the web site detail page on the councillors.


Cllr. Fisher advised that the public notice board on Scurlage Green needed replacement. Council noted that this borad was additional to the nearby Community Council Notice Board, but that it did provide a public facility and as such agreed to provide moderate funding for a simple timber board to replace the existing.


070/14 Any Other Business:


Cllr. Fisher requested all Councillors to exercise their maximum endeavours to recruit new Councillors as any further loss of members could result in the Council being discontinued.


Cllr. Fisher advised that he had received representations as to the possibility of establishing a village hall in the Scurlage area.


Date of Next Meeting: Monday 24th November 2014 at 7:30 pm. at Port Eynon Village Hall.


Meeting closed at 9:30 pm.                                                                 Chairman



B. J. Stubbings, (Clerk)                                                                       R. Fisher

Draft Minutes of Meeting held on 21st July 2014



Draft – Unconfirmed

Minutes of Monthly Council Meeting held on

Monday 21st  July 2014 at Port Eynon Village Hall.


The meeting commenced at 7:30 pm.


Present:                                  Mr. G.Evans, Mr. R. Fisher, Mr. G. Jones, Mrs. L. Newland


Apologies for Absence:         Mr. Tom Roderick. and Mrs. P. Pritchard.


In attendance:                        Mr. B. Stubbings (clerk),

Chair person:                        Cllr. Fisher chaired the meeting.

051/14.  Declarations of Interest:     None


052/14 Minutes of Last Meeting (June 2014):


The minutes were proposed to be accepted as a true record by Cllr. Evans, the proposal was seconded by Cllr. Jones and agreed by all. The minutes were then signed by the chairperson.


053/14.  Matters Arising:


Jubilee Commemoration Bench Seats – Clerk reported that three MMT bench seats had been received and that he would erect them on site in next few days. An order was still to be placed for a timber bench. Clerk would arrange for suitable plaques to be affixed to the benches with the wording ‘This seat was provided by Port Eynon Community Council to commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee 2012.’


Bus Shelters.  Clerk advised that an order had been placed with ‘Greenbarnes’ for three MMT bench seats, each 180 cm long. Delivery was imminent and he would then place them in the three bus shelters..


Scurlage Green. Clerk to write and advise Sketty Housing Association (C&CS) of proposals for improvements to the green and to seek their assistance. Flower beds to be programmed for next spring. Clerk was requested to research names of local persons who could be included in a war memorial.


Port Eynon Village Hall :  Ownership of the village hall and the plot of land on which it was sited, together with ownership of the  village green.  Clerk reported that documentation provided by Cllr. Evans indicated that the land for the Village Hall was provided to the then Parish Council for the purpose of erecting a hall to the benefit of the residents of Port Eynon and Scurlage. The village hall management committee was originally constituted from representatives of groups of residents who had formed clubs or societies. Concern was noted that the Management Committee no longer included any representation from the residents of Scurlage. For the Village Green, initially enquiries to the Land registry indicated that the green and surrounding waste areas were in the ownership of C&CS. It was agreed that documentation should be obtained and an application be made to register the land as a village green. It was also considered that enquiries might be made to formally lease the land from C&CS although this would then bring an obligation to maintain the area.


054/14.  Finance:


Clerk advised that there had been no financial movements in the past month and the bank balances remained as follows:


Current Account         £1,102

Savings Account         £15,252

Knelston Burial Ground Account       £675

There were at present the following financial commitments:


Bench seats (3 no.) – £1,071

Wooden bench seat (1 no) – £500

Bus shelter seats (3 no.) – £463

Scurlage Green Improvements – £1000

One Voice wales membership – £103

Port Eynon Village Hall – £200

Clerk – £800


Council confirmed that these payments should be made.


Clerk advised that expenditure may be required for improvements to Port Eynon village green.


055/14.  Planning:


From previous applications:



2014/0417 Monksland Road, Scurlage – 14 units of new housing. Cllr. Heard noted that this site had been identified for housing for over 35 years and had been included in the draft LDP for housing, however the application was incorrect in describing the land as grassland when it was and had been for over 35 years in agricultural use. Cllr. Evans pointed out that the application does not conform with WAG – TAN14. Councillors all raised concern on the following-

The density of the development and the lack of provision of gardens.

The overlooking issues between the new units and the established properties in Salisbury Close; The reliance of soakaways for drainage which are sited below the ground water table;

The failure to acknowledge the flooding which had occurred for several years;

The extensive hard paving which would further exacerbate flooding;

The reliance on Monksland Road for access which is of substandard width and already suffers from parking and access problems;

The loss of seven existing communal car park spaces which would exacerbate current difficulties; The lack of parking spaces within the planned development;

The failure of similar developments to provide long term social housing as they had been purchased and sold on the open market, most often for holiday homes.

Council were unanimous in recommending that planning approval should not be given until these issues had been addressed. Decision pending.

[ Chair advised that revised plans had been submitted (see planning portal web site) but

Clerk noted that revised plans had not been circulated for comment.


2014/0677 2, St. David’s View Llandewi. Cahnge of use of detached workshop to domestic accommodation for holiday letting. Council were unanimous in that permission should not be granted as the permission for the workshop obtained in 2011 was specifically on the basis that the workshop shall not be sold, let or otherwise occupied. Decision pending.


2014/0617 Berry Farm, Scurlage Replacement of existing telecommunications mast and cabinets. Council noted that the applicant, Vodafone Telecommunications, intended to replace the exiting mast and cabinets with a taller and larger mast. Concern was expressed that the new mast would be visible from further afield, but Council was in agreement that the proposal should be approved. DECISION PENDING.


2014/0690 The Countryman, Scurlage. Alterations to front elevation. Council by majority considered the alterations to the front elevation were acceptable; but noted that this application should have also included the recent alterations to the flat roof which have created a sloping roof.

Council also noted with concern the proliferation of roadside signs in the vicinity of the Countryman which were creating a hazard to traffic safety and a deterioration of the visual environment. DECISION PENDING.


The Ship Inn, Port Eynon Council noted the alterations currently being carried out to the external façade of The Ship Inn and that no planning application had been raised. Clerk was requested to raise this with the C&CS Environment (Planning) Department. C&CS advise that alterations are for minor decorative works.


New Applications:



056/14 Highways & Footpaths.


Cllr. Newland advised that the footpath from Newpark Caravan Site to Bank Farm requires clearance and maintenance.


Cllr . Newland advised that she understood that the hedge rows and verges were not to be cut thi summer following  requests from the Penrice Estate and The Gower Society to promote natural growth. Concern was repeated that this presented a danger to pedestrians who were unable to step off the carriageway to avoid vehicles. Councillors also noted an apparent inconsistency between south Gower and North Gower where hedge cutting had continued.


057/14 Correspondence:


Clerk provided a resume of correspondence received from mid-April to date.


058/14 Knelston Burial Ground.


There were no matters to be considered.


059/14 Notice Boards & Web Site


Clerk again reminded Councillors to provide a suitable photograph (head and shoulders) that could be included in the web site detail page on the councillors.


060/14 Any Other Business:


Cllr Fisher advised that the bench seat in the vicinity of the bus stop at Scurlage was in need of replacement. It was agreed to include this in a master plan for improvements to Scurlage Green.


Following the presentation by Adrian Hughes to the Council on the placement of defibrillators, possible action was discussed and it was agreed that suitable locations would be at Carreglwyd and Newpark Camp sites, The Ship Inn, The Countryman, the Smugglers Restaurant, Overton Green and Llandewi Village Hall.  Agreed that The Council should plan to place three units in public places and commercial premises be encouraged to install their own units. Clerk was requested to make enquiries of Reynoldston CC as to the grant application that was made by them.


Date of Next Meeting: Monday 22nd   September 2014 at 7:30 pm. at Port Eynon Village Hall.


Meeting closed at 9:15 pm.                                                                 Chairman



B. J. Stubbings, (Clerk)                                                                       R. Fisher

Minutes of Monthly Council Meeting – Monday 14th April 2014

Minutes of Monthly Council Meeting held on

Monday 14th April 2014 at Port Eynon Village Hall.

The meeting commenced at 7:30 pm.

Present:                                  Mr. G.Evans, Mr. R. Fisher, Mr. S. Heard, Mrs. L. Newland and Mrs. P. Pritchard.

Apologies for Absence:         Mr. G. Jones, and Mr. Tom Roderick.

In attendance:                        Mr. B. Stubbings (clerk),

Chair person:                        Cllr. Fisher chaired the meeting.

031/14. Declarations of Interest:     Cllr Newland in respect of planning applications for caravan sites.

032/14 Minutes of Last Meeting (February 2014):

The minutes were proposed to be accepted as a true record by Cllr. Heard, the proposal was seconded by Cllr. Evans and agreed by all. The minutes were then signed by the chairperson.

033/14. Matters Arising:

Jubilee Commemoration Bench Seats – Cllr. Heard requested that the matter be deferred to enable him to visit Mr, Woodman and convey the Council’s requirement that the benches be installed by the end of May, at a cost of £500 per bench.

034/14. Finance:

Clerk advised that there had been no financial movements in the past month and the bank balances remained as follows:

  • Current Account         £868
  • Savings Account         £15,251
  • Knelston Burial Ground Account       £675

There were at present the following financial commitments:

  • Bench seats (4 no.) – £2,500


035/14. Planning:

From previous applications:

2014/0091 New House Farm, Overton – New enclosed porch, rooflights and solar panels. Council considered the application together with other extensive works carried out recently and unanimously agreed that approval should be recommended. Decision pending.

2014/0207 Gower Holiday Village, Scurlage – Amendment of licensing conditions to permit all year round occupation of two holiday chalets. Council considered the application together with other recent applications for this site. It was noted that off-season repair and decoration works could be provided by local tradespersons without the need for residential accommodation, also residential accommodation had been made available for staff at both the fast food Outlet and The Countryman which did not appear to be utilised or taken into account in this application. Council was unanimously of the opinion that approval was not justified, would set a dangerous precedent for permanent occupation and recommended it should not be approved. Decision pending.

2014/0239 Frogmoor Cottage, Knelston – Extension to existing garden shed. Council noted that the existing garden shed was remote from the main dwelling, of timber construction approximately 3.2m square and 3.9m high. The proposed extension would increase the size to 3.2m by 5m and was below the eaves of the existing shed. The council saw no reason for the application to be refused.

2014/0250 Moor Corner Farm, Port Eynon – License for Touring caravans. Council noted that the license had been granted for anumber of years for the same location and saw no reason for the application to be refused.

2014/0298 South Gower Sports Club – License for Siting of up to 100 tents in July/August. Council noted that the application was four weekends from mid July to mid August. Concerns were expressed that 100 units could generate up to 1000 persons and that the reliance on the existing sports facilities, which were of a limited and communal nature, was unrealistic. Council noted that existing permanent camp site provisions had proven adequate in the past few years; also that ‘overspill’ facilities had recently been approved within a few yards of this site, to cater for the unlikely event that permanent facilties were overloaded. Further that the proposed site would be in very close proximity to the recently constructed houses. Council were of the opinion by a majority of 4:1 that approval for such a large provision should not be made.

New Applications:

2014/0417 Monksland Road, Scurlage – 14 units of new housing. Cllr. Heard noted that this site had been identified for housing for over 35 years and had been included in the draft LDP for housing, however the application was incorrect in describing the land as grassland when it was and had been for over 35 years in agricultural use. Cllr. Evans pointed out that the application does not conform with WAG – TAN14. Councillors all raised concern on the following-

The density of the development and the lack of provision of gardens.

The overlooking issues between the new units and the established properties in Salisbury Close; The reliance of soakaways for drainage which are sited below the ground water table;

The failure to acknowledge the flooding which had occurred for several years;

The extensive hard paving which would further exacerbate flooding;

The reliance on Monksland Road for access which is of substandard width and already suffers from parking and access problems;

The loss of seven existing communal car park spaces which would exacerbate current difficulties; The lack of parking spaces within the planned development;

The failure of similar developments to provide long term social housing as they had been purchased and sold on the open market, most often for holiday homes.

Council were unanimous in recommending that planning approval should not be given until these issues had been addressed.

2014/0317 South Gower Sports Club – License for touring caravans. Council considered the application, also with reference to the application recently made for license for 100 units of camping. Concerns were expressed that there was already overprovision in both the immediate area and in South Gower in general for touring caravans. Also that reliance of the sports club building for washing and toilet facilities was unrealistic and unlikely to meet the regulatory hygiene standards. Also that the extensive camping and caravan provision were in close proximity to housing and would create unacceptable disturbance to residents.

Finally there was an apparent trend for the South Gower Sports Club to become a holiday park.

Council were unanimous in that the application should be refused.

2014/ Salt Cottage, Port Eynon. Repairs to Sea Wall. Council noted that the repairs were essential following damage during the recent winter storms. They would re-establish the previous sea wall and similar materials would be used. Council were unanimous in that the application could be approved.

036/14 Footpaths.

Clerk reported that he had no feedback from C&CS.

037/14 Correspondence:

Clerk provided a resume of correspondence received from mid-January to date.

038/14 Knelston Burial Ground.

There were no matters to be considered.

039/14 Notice Boards & Web Site

Clerk advised that the initial stage of development of the web site had been completed and he was liaising with the consultant. He requested that Councillors should provide a suitable photograph (head and shoulders) that could be included in the web site detail page on the councillors.

040/14 Any Other Business:

Cllr. Pritchard provided further information on proposal to create wild flower beds within Scurlage Green. Cllrs. Pritchard and Fisher agreed to further discuss the plan sand implementation with Sketty Housing Assn. and with C&CS Parks section.

Cllr. Fisher commented on recent works and changes to the roof at The Countryman and to the solar panel installation on the roof of the medical centre, neither of which appeared to have been subject to the normal planning procedures. Clerk to advise C&CS Planning & Enforcement.

Cllr. Eans advised that he was in discussion with Ms Christine Collins of C&CS with regard to provision of seating within the Port Eynon bus shelters.

Council noted the planned beach cleaning day on 30th May to be sponsored by Marks & Spencer Stores.

Date of Next Meeting: Monday 19th May 2014 at 7:00 pm. at Port Eynon Village Hall.

Meeting closed at 9:15 pm.                                                                 Chairman

B. J. Stubbings, (Clerk)                                                                       R. Fisher

Minutes 24/03/2014

Minutes of Monthly Council Meeting held on Monday 24th March 2014 at Port Eynon Village Hall.

The meeting commenced at 7:30 pm.

Present: Mr. G.Evans, Mr. S. Heard, Mr. G. Jones, Mrs. L. Newland and Mrs. P. Pritchard.

Apologies for Absence: Mr. R. Fisher, and Mr. Tom Roderick.

In attendance: Mr. B. Stubbings (clerk),

Chair person: In the absence through sickness of Cllr. Fisher, Cllr. Evans chaired the meeting.

021/14. Declarations of Interest: Cllr Newland in respect of planning applications for caravan sites.

 022/14 Minutes of Last Meeting (February 2014):

The minutes were proposed to be accepted as a true record by Cllr. Jones, the proposal was seconded by Cllr. Pritchard and agreed by all. The minutes were then signed by the chairperson.

023/14. Matters Arising:

Jubilee Commemoration Bench Seats – Proposed by Cllr newland, seconded by Cllr. Pritchard and agreed by all, to proceed with purchase of three MMT bench seats from ‘The Notice Board Company’ and one oak seat from Gower Oak Company. Subject to verification of installation costs. Clerk reported that he was in receipt of a second quotation for installation of the four bench seats at £1,000 in total. (First quotation was from C&CS for £1,200 in total). Clerk was directed to check with standing orders and if necessary obtain a third quotation, before the order could be placed.

Flooding at Scurlage.

Clerk reported that Natural Resources Wales had carried out clearance of overgrowing trees, bushes etc and removal of accumulated rubbish to the Burry Pill from Flitters Hall to Burry, which together with previous works from Burry to Stembridge should assist in relief of flooding.

Llandewi Village Hall – Cllr. Jones reported that minor repairs and decorations were continuing but that a large window needed replacing and the management committee had enquired of him whether the Community Council would be able to fund the replacement costs. Council noted that the Hall had suffered a loss of revenue since the Council had discontinued its meetings. It was agreed to hold a more extensive discussion at the April meeting.

Billy Gibb Statue – Council noted that cleaning and restoration work appears to have been undertaken in past few weeks. (Clerk subsequently advised by Cllr. Evans that the RNLI had funded the cleaning and restoration).

Bus Shelters – Clerk was directed to clearly establish the ownership of the existing shelters. Also to approach C&CS to install seats, if necessary at the Community Councils expense. Proposed by Cllr. Pritchard, seconded by Cllr. Newland and agreed by all.

Scurlage Green – Clerk apologised for omitting this item from the minutes of the February meeting. In the absence of Cllr. Fisher, who had agreed to draw up a master plan for improvemenst to be discussed at this meeting, it was not possible to take the matter further. Cllr, Pritchard pointed out that a key item was the creation of wild flower planting areas. She had now obtained details including suppliers of seeds but was concerned that the ground needed to be prepared before the end of April. Clerk to follow up with Cllr. Fisher.

024/14. Finance:

Clerk advised that the current bank balances were as follows:

  • Current Account         £868
  • Savings Account         £15,251
  • Knelston Burial Ground Account       £675

There were at present the following financial commitments:

  • Bench seats (4 no.) – £2,500

025/14. Planning:

From previous applications:

2013/1238 Commercial Premises, Llandewi – Certificate of Lawful Development. Council had issues with the procedure adopted and details contained in the application but considered that overall this business venture should be supported. Approved as ‘on the balance of probability the building was originally erected and used as a garage/workshop’.

2014/0091 New House Farm, Overton – New enclosed porch, rooflights and solar panels. Council considered the application together with other extensive works carried out recently and unanimously agreed that approval should be recommended. Decision pending.

2014/0101 – 12, The Boarlands, port eynon – Provision of dormer roof extension and conversion of attic space. Council considered the application, noted that there appeared to be no overlooking issues and unanimously agreed that approval should be recommended. Refused as the extension would fail to respect the character and appearance of the main dwelling and would appear as an incongruous and discordant feature to the detriment of the visual amenities of the locality and Port Eynon Conservation Area’.

2014/0207 Gower Holiday Village, Scurlage – Amendment of licensing conditions to permit all year round occupation of two holiday chalets. Council considered the application together with other recent applications for this site. It was noted that off-season repair and decoration works could be provided by local tradespersons without the need for residential accommodation, also residential accommodation had been made available for staff at both the fast food Outlet and The Countryman which did not appear to be utilised or taken into account in this application. Council was unanimouslyof the opinion that approval was not justified, would set a dangerous precedent for permanent occupation and recommended it should not be approved. Decision pending.

New Applications:

2014/0239 Frogmoor Cottage, Knelston – Extension to existing garden shed. Council noted that the existing garden shed was remote from the main dwelling, of timber construction approximately 3.2m square and 3.9m high. The proposed extension would increase the size to 3.2m by 5m and was below the eaves of the existing shed. The council saw no reason for the application to be refused.

2014/0250 Moor Corner Farm, Port Eynon – License for Touring caravans. Council noted that the license had been granted for anumber of years for the same location and saw no reason for the application to be refused.

2014/0298 South Gower Sports Club – License for Siting of up to 100 tents in July/August. Council noted that the application was four weekends from mid July to mid August. Concerns were expressed that 100 units could generate up to 1000 persons and that the reliance on the existing sports facilities, which were of a limited and communal nature, was unrealistic. Council noted that existing permanent camp site provisions had proven adequate in the past few years; also that ‘overspill’ facilities had recently been approved within a few yards of this site, to cater for the unlikely event that permanent faciilties were overloaded. Further that the proposed site would be in very close proximity to the recently constructed houses. Council were of the opinion by a majority of 4:1 that approval for such a large provision should not be made.

026/14 Footpaths.

Clerk reported that he had no feedback from C&CS.

027/14 Correspondence:

Clerk provided a resume of correspondence received from mid-January to date.

028/14 Knelston Burial Ground.

There were no matters to be considered.

029/14 Notice Boards & Web Site

Clerk advised that the initial stage of development of the web site had been completed and he was liaising with the consultant. He requested that Councillors should provide a suitable photograph (head and shoulders) that could be included in the web site detail page on the councillors.

030/14 Any Other Business:

Cllr. Evans reported that he was recently at Llanddewi Corner and noticed that the road surface had subsided near to the rock gabions, also that there was considerable erosion round cast iron covers creating hazards to motorists and cyclists.

Cllr. Newland conveyed a request from the Port Eynon Village Hall Committee to the community council to fund the replacement of the notice board at the village hall. After discussion it was proposed by Cllr Heard, seconded by Cllr Pritchard that an offer be made to match any funding by the Hall committee.

Cllr. Newland advised that she had received representations from local residents expressing concern over the works currently being carried out within Carreglwyd Caravan Site. It would appear that extensive re-profiling of the ground was being undertaken and this was causing noise and general environmental disturbance. Clerk was directed to take up with C&CS Environmental Dept.

Date of Next Meeting: Monday 14th April 2014 at 7:30 pm. at Port Eynon Village Hall.

Meeting closed at 9:15 pm.                                                                 Chairman

B. J. Stubbings, (Clerk)                                                                       R. Fisher

Minutes 30/09/2013


Minutes of Monthly Council Meeting held on Wednesday 30th September 2013 at Port Eynon Village Hall

The meeting commenced at 7:30 pm.

Mr. S. Heard, Mr. R. Fisher, Mrs. L. Newland, Mr. G. Jones and Mr. Tom Roderick.

Apologies for Absence:
Mr. G.Evans, Mrs. P. Pritchard.

In attendance:
Mr. B. Stubbings,

Chair person:
Cllr. Fisher chaired the meeting.

061/13.  Declarations of Interest:     None.

062/13 Minutes of Last Meeting (May 2013):

The minutes were proposed to be accepted as a true record by Cllr. Newland, the proposal was seconded by Cllr. Jones and agreed by all. The minutes were then signed by the chairperson.


063/13.  Matters Arising:

Jubilee Commemoration Bench Seats – Present plans were to place one outside Vine Cottage in Port Eynon. One on Overton Green, one on Scurlage Green, (for which Cllr. Fisher had agreed to liaise with Sketty Housing Assn.) and one in the  Knelston burial ground. Cllr. Fisher to follow up with the supplier, Alan Woodman.

Flooding at Scurlage.

Clerk reported that Cllrs Fisher and Heard together with himself had met with Carl Humphrey (C&CS) and walked the section of Burry Pill from Llandewi to Burry Head. Mr. Humphrey advised that they were looking to commission a consultancy study via the National River Authority to deteremine what improvements could be made to increase flow in storm periods.

Road signs. –

Port Eynon abnormal vehicles – clerk had raised with C&CS who would review the need.

Port Eynon pedestrians – again clerk had raised with C&CS who would review the need.

Port Eynon at Brook Stores – displaced signs had now been replaced.

Moor Corner directional sign – Clerk had raised with C&CS and sign would be included in budgets for 2014-15.

The Boarlands, Port Eynon – Clerk had raised with C&CS the problem of parking in the vision splays and again the need for control will be reviewed.

The Countryman (camping). Clerk had raised with C&CS Planning, both the advertised usage of the field for camping and the proliferation of advertising signs outside the Countryman.

064/13.  Finance:

Clerk advised that the current bank balances were essentially unchanged, as follows:

Current Account         £9,662
Savings Account         £5,249
Knelston Burial Ground Account       £840

There were at present the following financial commitments:

Bench seats (4 no.) – £1,200
Green Seas Project match funding – £1,000
Notice board at Knelston school – £1,000

Clerk advised that the Town and Community Councils auditor ahd queried the amount of cash reserves being held but accepted that there was substantial imminent planned expenditure.

Council agreed to make donations of £200 towards maintenance of each of the Port Eynon, Llandewi and Knelston churchyards. Proposed by Tom Roderick and seconded by Steve Heard.


065/13.  Planning:

From previous applications:

2013/0072 Leslie Dale Farm, Port Eynon – Existing Static Caravan. Council considered the application and noted that this caravan had been used for residential purposes in connection with the farm for many years, and that this had led to a conglomeration of extensions with temporary structures. This proposal was to incorporate and convert an existing ‘barn’ into living accommodation and to ‘regularise’ the other temporary structures. After discussion it was agreed by majority that, whilst the situation was less than satisfactory, permission should be granted. Decision pending.

2013/0178 Burry Head Cottages, Burry – Side and Front Extensions. Council considered the application and noted that proposal included the addition of a front porch; the conversion of the existing garage to residential accommodation; and addition of a two storey rear extension. Council noted the unusual nature of the proposed rear elevation, being glazed over the full gable wall, but were of the opinion that as the rear of the building was not overlooked or visible from the Llandewi – Burry Road it was acceptable. Council also noted that the garage would remain detached from the main accommodation and therefore should only be approved on the basis that it would be used for family accommodation. Permission granted with conditions 20th August 2013.

2013/1649 The Old Rectory, Port Eynon – Removal of boundary wall and creation of new access. This was a re-application for creation of a new vehicular access off of Port Eynon Road. Councillors were sympathetic to the difficulties being experienced by the owner in making use of the existing access to the rear which was through the neighbouring caravan park, however, they were of a view that their original concerns over the new access still remained, i.e. congestion and conflict of vehicle and pedestrian movements in this narrow section of road; negative impact that removal of the stone boundary wall will have on the character of the village. Decision pending.

2013/0747 Meadows Farm, Overton Lane – Replacement Agricultural Building. Proposal to replace an existing agricultural building with a new one of demountable timber frame construction. All agreed that there was no objection. Permission granted 23rd July 2013.


2013/0085 No. 2, The Boarlands, Port Eynon – Front and Side Extensions and detached garage.

Council unanimously agreed that the application was acceptable. Permission granted 2nd Sept 2013.

New Applications:

2013/1195 Sunnyside, Llandewi Castle Farm – side and rear extensions. Council unanimously agreed that these exten9sions served to improve the existing dwelling house with no detriment to its appearance or neighbouring properties and should be accepted.

2013/1221 The Meadows, Knelston – Rear single storey extension to both house and garage. Council by majority considered that there were no objections to the rear extension to the house but were of the view that the rear extension to the garage, now converted to a bedroom should only be agreed to if the previous conditions that the building was only to be used as an extension to the owner’s occupation of the main house.

2013/1377 Burry Dairy Farm, Llandewi – New Agricultural Building. Council unanimously agreed the application should be accepted, noting that the applicant had recently purchased a substantially portion of the land previously forming Burry Dairy Farm but not any of the farm buildings.

066/13 Footpaths.

Nothing to report.

067/13 Correspondence:

Clerk advised that he had received the following items of general correspondence:

Letter from Mrs Davies of well Cottage, Port Eynon re parking and fly tipping in Orchard Close. It was noted that the situation had been improved following visits by staff of C&CS.

Gower Society Newsletter – noted.

Tidal lagoon Swansea – noted.

Community & Town Councils Forum re meeting dates – noted.

St David’s Church re grant for maintenance – see item 064 above.

South Wales Multiple Sclerosis Society, donation request – noted but declined.

One Voice Wales, requesting a named representative – noted, Clerk to respond.

Rural Swansea Action Group AGM Notice – noted.

Community & Town Councils Forum revised Charter – noted.

C&CS Local Development Plan preferred strategy – noted.

C&CS Grant for Web Site Development – agreed to continue cooperation with a joint Community Councils website.

Port Eynon Village Hall Committee minutes of meeting – noted.

068/13 Knelston Burial Ground.

There were no matters to be considered.


069/13 Notice Boards & Web Site

Clerk reported that he had placed an order for the notice board at Knelston School at a cost of approximately £1,000.

070/13 Any Other Business:

Countryman, Scurlage. Concerns were again expressed by Councillors over the situation of caravan and camping licenses at The Countryman. It was noted that existing site where a license had been granted for 12 or 15 touring caravans or campsites was now largely occupied by static caravans and tht this apparently generated the perceived need for an overflow facility to accommodate touring caravans and/or campers.

White Well Farm, Knelston. It was noted that boards had been displayed advertising the availability of caravan storage. Clerk was directed to query whether a license had been issued.

Scurlage Farm, Scurlage.   It was reported that there had recently been excessive noise from construction activities in early hours of the morning. Complaints had been raised locally but it was now thought that these works had been completed.

Village Green – Clerk was requested to review the archived documents in relation to the status of the village green (and the Community Hall) with a view to pursuing formal registration as a Village Green.


Date of Next Meeting: Monday 21st October 2013 at 7:30 pm. at Port Eynon Village Hall. (unless advised otherwise).

Meeting closed at 9:00 pm.


B. J. Stubbings, (Clerk)

Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday 13th May 2013

Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday 13th May 2013 at Port Eynon Village Hall.

The meeting commenced at 7:30 pm.

Present:                      Cllr. A. Davies, Cllr. G. Evans Cllr. L. Newland, Cllr. R. Fisher, Cllr. P. Pritchard

In attendance:            Mr. B. Stubbings (Clerk)

Apologies for Absence:, Cllr. S. Heard, Cllr. T. Roderick.,

Chair person:            Cllr. Fisher took the Chair.

  1. Minutes of Last Meeting:

The minutes had been circulated prior to the meeting and no comments had been received. Cllr. L. Newland proposed that the minutes of the 2013 Annual General Meeting be accepted as a true record, the proposal was seconded by Cllr G. Evans and agreed by all. The minutes were signed by the chairman.

  1. Election of Chairperson.

Cllr. Pritchard proposed that Cllr. Fisher be re-elected as Chairperson for the forthcoming year. The proposal was seconded by Cllr. Evans. There being no other proposals the meeting elected Cllr. Fisher by unanimity.

  1. Election of Vice Chairperson.

Cllr. Newland proposed that Cllr.Evans be re-elected as Vice-Chairperson for the forthcoming year. The proposal was seconded by Cllr. Davies. There being no other proposals the meeting elected Cllr. Evans by unanimity.

  1. Resignations

Cllr. Davies tendered his resignation, with effect from the end of this meeting as he would shortly be moving to West Wales to take up a new employment opportunity. His resignation was accepted with regret and the Chair thanked him for his services as a Councillor.

  1. Chairman’s Report


Cllr. R. Fisher presented a brief report of activities during the past year:

  • Following the election of Councillors in 2009 two vacancies still remained on the Council and despite advertising on the Notice Boards and Village Hall website these had remained unfilled throughout the year. The vacancies were for one Councillor each in the Port Eynon and Knelston wards. Cllr. Fisher expressed his continued disappointment at the apparent lack of interest from the community, or appreciation of the contribution that the Community Council makes to the local environment.
  • Cllr Fisher expressed his thanks to all who had assisted him and particularly with regard to eth major issues that the Council now found themselves having to deal with more frequently. In particular during the past year, dredging in the Bristol Channel and the planned Atlantic Array Wind Farm.
  • Finally, Cllr. Fisher expressed his thanks for the support and assistance of all the elected Councillors and also to the Clerk for his support and service to the Council.
  1. Financial Report:

Clerk advised that the year-end bank balances were as follows:

  • Current Account         £7,287
  • Savings Account         £5,246
  • Knelston Burial Ground Account       £865

The Clerk provided a brief review of expenditure throughout the year and presented a budget for the forthcoming year together with a proposal that the precept be maintained at £5,500. The Clerk recommended that consideration be given to providing either additional support or to separate fundraising in order to maintain the Burial Ground at Knelston.

Cllr. Evans proposed that the budget for 2013-2014 be accepted. The proposal was seconded by Cllr. Davies and passed unanimously.

  1. Standing Orders
  • It was confirmed that the regular monthly meetings of the Council continue to be held on the third Monday of each month commencing at 7:30 p.m..
  • It was confirmed that meetings should continue to be held at the Port Eynon Village Hall. Cllr. Newland proposed that further discussions be held with Knelston Primary school to enable some of the meetings to be held there.
  1. Committees
  • It was unanimously agreed, in the absence of any counter proposals, that Cllr. Newland should represent the Council at the Port Eynon Village Hall Management Committee.
  • It was unanimously agreed that Cllr. Heard should represent the Council on the Management Trust for Knelston Chapel Burial Ground, noting that the Clerk also was in attendance to this Trust.
  • Cllr. Heard advised the meeting that he would continue to represent the interests of the Community Council on the Gower AONB Steering Group of which he is a member.

The meeting closed at 8:15 pm.

B. J. Stubbings, (Clerk)                                                                       Chairperson