Minutes September 2019

Confirmed minutes of Council meeting September 2019

Port Eynon Community Council

Minutes of monthly Council meeting held on Monday 9th September 2019 at Knelston Primary School

Present                  Councillors: Martin Cox, Robert Fisher, Sheila Fisher, Gareth Evans, Gareth Jones and Steven Young.

Apologies:             Councillors: David Lewis

In attendance       Mr.Barry Stubbings – Clerk;                             

Chair                       Councillor Robert Fisher took the Chair.

  1. Minutes                 Clerk confirmed that the draft minutes of the last meeting held on 15th July 2019 had been circulated to all Councillors; also that the confirmed minutes of the June council meeting had been displayed on the Council notice boards and posted on the web site. It was proposed by Councillor Martin Cox, and seconded by Councillor Gareth Evans that the minutes be accepted and this proposal was agreed by all.
  • Declarations of Interest      None so declared.
  • Matters Arising


Bench seat – Clerk advised that he had received no response from C&CS Highways Dept concerning the removal of the bench seat.

Traffic speed – Clerk advised that he had written to C&CS Highways Dept. on traffic calming and possible provision of ‘Gateway’ signage for the village. He had sent a reminder and copied correspondence to Cllr. Richard Lewis but again was yet to receive any response. Cllr.Young advised that he was being pressed by many residents to take action to have ‘speed bumps’ installed. Clerk advised that he had been in contact with C&CS and requested the installation of speed monitoring strips in the vicinity of the junction with Berry lane.

                                FOOTPATHS –Cllr Steve Young advised that the footpath thro’ to the Sports Ground had been cleaned but a long term solution was still required.

DEFIBRILLATORS –Clerk advised that he had made an application to Lotteries Fund for Wales for a grant of £7,500 for four defibrillators accompanied by a commitment of Council funds up to £1,000 for installation costs and training. He had received acknowledgement of the application.

NOTICE BOARD AT KNELSTON – Clerk advised that he was in receipt of new MMT notice board to replace the present board at the burial ground and would install as soon as he could.

  • Finance 

Committed expenditure was presently:

                                                Port Eynon Village Green works- £2,000

                                                Scurlage Village Green works – £2,000

                                                Scurlage traffic speed management – £3,000

                                                Defibrillators – £9,000 (with possible grant aid of £7,500)

                                                New notice board at Knelston burial ground – £675

                                                Annual membership of One Voice Wales – £133

Clerk confirmed that there were adequate resources to meet these commitments.                           

  • Planning  

Clerk provided a resume of applications recently considered and now approved or refused

2019/1419 Land North of 2 Frogmoor Cottages, Frog Moor lane. Conversion of garage to a two bedroom holiday cottage

Council noted that there was a previous application in 2018 (2018/1267) for conversion of the same garage building into a two bedroom holiday home and that this was refused. The existing building was considered to be unsuitable for conversion and the resultant building would be of inappropriate scale and design.

Council noted that the present garage building was no longer associated with the adjacent cottages and that it was significantly isolated in an adjoining field and had no apparent usage or purpose. Council were of the opinion that the present appearance of the building was incongruous. Council considered that the proposed conversion would serve to improve the usage and appearance of the building. Council agreed by majority to support the application.

Application refused on 19th June 2019 as existing building is not appropriate for conversion and resultant building would be an inappropriate suburban form.

2019/1587 PRE. Conversion of office building to a two bedroom dwelling

Council noted that the building in question was originally constructed as a pharmacy to serve what was then an adjacent doctor’s surgery building. It has latterly been in use as commercial office premises. The building is located in a residential context on a small infill site and in close proximity to the adjacent residential bungalow. Council were of the opinion that the present building was inappropriate to its residential surroundings and that the proposed conversion would offer significant visual improvement. Concern was expressed that the resultant accommodation was very limited for its purpose as a self-contained residential dwelling. Overall Council, by majority, recommended that the application be granted.

Application refused on 24th July as an inappropriate form of development which could be considered as detrimental to the character and appearance of the settlement.


2019/1156 Llais y Don, Overton lane, SA3 1NR – Extensions, Porches, canopy and front patio area.

Council noted that the proposal amounted to considerable reconfiguration and extension of the existing building. Reference was made to a detailed objection from owners of the neighbouring property. Council expressed concern over the extent of the additions to the present property and in particular, to the proximity of the side extension to the property boundary. Council further noted the incorporation of flat roof areas which would not be consistent with the Gower AONB Design Guides. Overall Council concluded by majority that the application could be recommended for approval provided the above concerns could be addressed.

2019/1982 Milestone Court, Scurlage, SA3 1AX – Proposed new dwelling house and attached Garage.

Council considered the application and noted that a previous application for a detached house at this location had already been granted, but an application for a pair of semi detached dwellings had been rejected. It was noted that this application increased the size of the proposed dwelling but now integrated the previously detached garage with the main house. Council expressed concern over the size of the dwelling which seemed inappropriate to what was effectively a ‘backland site’. In view of the previously granted application Council reluctantly accepted the modifications now presented.

  • Highways and Footpaths

Cllr. Lewis drew attention to the apparent disregard of motorists to the traffic control measures on Port Eynon hill. Present signage requires descending vehicles to give way to ascending vehicles. After discussion it was agreed that the relevant traffic sign should be relocated at a level corresponding to driver’s eye level. Inspection at site had confirmed that this was feasible at the present sign location. Clerk to write to C&CS Highways.

Cllrs Evans and Lewis drew attention to vehicles parking on the access lane to the Youth Hostel at Port Eynon. It was apparent that regular visitors were persistently avoiding parking in the car park and leaving vehicles on the access track. A Council Enforcement officer had periodically attempted to exercise control by issuance of parking tickets but this was having little effect. The question was raised as to whether this was a public highway. A similar situation existed for the parking area at the rear of Borva House.

Cllrs Young and Evans again raised issues concerning the ‘Inner Green’ area at Scurlage and the extent of fly tipping and abandoned or temporarily disused vehicles. Clerk confirmed that the matter had been referred to Sketty Housing Association.

  • Correspondence

Clerk advised receipt of:

Notification from C&CS Transport re new bus time tables introduced by NAT bus Company.

Complaint on 6th September from resident concerning works by Dwr Cymru at Overton Green and subsequent inadequate reinstatement work. Cllr. Evans advised that he was aware of the problem and had been in lengthy discussion with DWr Cymru and their contractors. A further delivery of top soil was now awaited following which the large stones around the green could be repositioned.

Complaint in July from visitors to Port Eynon concerning the poor cleanliness and maintenance of the public toilets and the general cleanliness of the beach. Clerk advised that the complaint had immediately been referred to C&CS Foreshore Officer, Peter Beynon.

Circular advising of activities of Gower Hedgerow Hub.

  • Communications, Notice Boards, Etc

See previous note.

  • Village Halls

Port Eynon – Cllr. Robert Fisher advised that at the VEHMC last meeting the Committee continued to discuss  the matters of wayleave payments from WPD, and the ownership of the land. Chair advised that he had found it necessary to write to the committee to clarify mistakes and omissions in the meeting minutes.

Llanddewi – Nothing to report.

  1. Knelston Burial Ground.

Clerk advised, on behalf of the Trustees, that there was nothing to report.

  1. Any Other Business            

Cllr. Sheila Fisher raised concern that the footpaths and verges in Scurlage had not received routine spraying to control weeds.

Cllr Steve Young drew attention the overgrown state of the bridleway between Llanddewi and Kings Hall.

Cllr Martin Cox drew attention to the signage at the Port Eynon Public Car park which appeared to act as a deterrent to evening parking as users could not be sure that vehicles would not be trapped inside the car park. Question swere raised as to whom had placed the current signage and why the park should be closed before 11 pm.

Next meeting – Monday 14th October, 7 pm. At Knelston School.

There being no further business to discuss the Chair thanked all in attendance and the meeting adjourned at 9: 00 pm.

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Barry Stubbings (Clerk)                                                                                                       Robert Fisher (Chair)

20th Sept 2019