Minutes October 2019

Approved minutes of Council Meeting October 2019

Port Eynon Community Council

Minutes of monthly Council meeting held on Monday 14th October 2019 at Knelston Primary School

Present                  Councillors: Martin Cox, Gareth Evans, Robert Fisher, Sheila Fisher, Gareth Jones David Lewis and Steve Young.

Apologies:             none

In attendance       Mr.Barry Stubbings – Clerk;

                                Residents of Scurlage –  Mr. Graham Howarth and Mrs Tracey Howarth

Chair                       Councillor Robert Fisher took the Chair and invited those members of the public present to address the meeting.

                                Mr. & Mrs. Howarth, on behalf of all residents in Scurlage, expressed concern over the lack of control of vehicle speed on the A4118 Port Eynon Road. They explained that they had organised a petition of residents and that this petition had been presented to the local Member of parliament Ms Antonia Antoniazza. Subsequently they had met at Scurlage with Mr. Lyn Jones of Swansea City Council and pointed out the hazardous stretch of road which included blind junctions at Berry road and Muddy Gap, bus stops on each side of the road, and in the summer months an ad hoc junction serving the Scurlage Farm shop via a field gate. They also stressed that the opposed service bus stops were used by numerous school busses.

                                The Chair responded to say that the Community Council had been pressing for many years for physical traffic calming measures to be introduced to reduce traffic speed and had offered to contribute to the cost of such measures from their limited budget. He further advised that their had been no response from the City Council to complaints from the Community Council and no contact with regard to this resident’s petition other than to advise that the same had been received.

                                Mr & Mrs Howarth thanked the Council for the sympathetic hearing they had received and all agreed to share any further developments. Mr & Mrs Howarth then left the meeting.

                                The Chair commenced the business of the regular Council Meeting.

  1. Minutes                 Clerk confirmed that the draft minutes of the last meeting held on 14th September 2019 had been circulated to all Councillors; also that the confirmed minutes of the July council meeting had been displayed on the Council notice boards and posted on the web site. Minor corrections were made. It was proposed by Councillor Gareth Evans, and seconded by Councillor Martin Cox that the minutes be accepted and this proposal was agreed by all.
  • Declarations of Interest      None were declared.
  • Matters Arising


Bench seat – Clerk advised that he had received no response from C&CS Highways Dept concerning the removal of the bench seat.

Traffic speed – Clerk advised that he had written to C&CS Highways Dept. on traffic calming and possible provision of ‘Gateway’ signage for the village. He had sent a reminder and copied correspondence to Cllr. Richard Lewis but again was yet to receive any response. Cllr.Young advised that he was being pressed by many residents to take action to have ‘speed bumps’ installed. Clerk advised that he had been in contact with C&CS and requested the installation of speed monitoring strips in the vicinity of the junction with Berry lane.

                                FOOTPATHS –Cllr Steve Young advised that the footpath thro’ to the Sports Ground had been cleaned but a long term solution was still required.

It was agreed that Clerk should address all of the above long standing issues to the Council Chief Executive.

DEFIBRILLATORS –Clerk advised that the Council’s application for lottery funding had been declined with an indication that community support had not been demonstrated.

  • Finance 

Committed expenditure was presently:

                                                Port Eynon Village Green works- £2,000

                                                Scurlage Village Green works – £2,000

                                                Scurlage traffic speed management – £3,000

Clerk confirmed that there were adequate resources to meet these commitments.                           

  • Planning  

Clerk provided a resume of applications recently considered and now approved or refused

2019/1556 Llais y Don, Overton lane, SA3 1NR – Extensions, Porches, canopy and front patio area.

Council noted that the proposal amounted to considerable reconfiguration and extension of the existing building. Reference was made to a detailed objection from owners of the neighbouring property. Council expressed concern over the extent of the additions to the present property and in particular, to the proximity of the side extension to the property boundary. Council further noted the incorporation of flat roof areas which would not be consistent with the Gower AONB Design Guides. Overall Council concluded by majority that the application could be recommended for approval provided the above concerns could be addressed.

Application approved on 5th November 2019.

2019/1982 Milestone Court, Scurlage, SA3 1AX – Proposed new dwelling house and attached Garage.

Council considered the application and noted that a previous application for a detached house at this location had already been granted, but an application for a pair of semi detached dwellings had been rejected. It was noted that this application increased the size of the proposed dwelling but now integrated the previously detached garage with the main house. Council expressed concern over the size of the dwelling which seemed inappropriate to what was effectively a ‘backland site’. In view of the previously granted application Council reluctantly accepted the modifications now presented. Application refused on 1st October as representing over development of the site and being inappropriate.


2019/2027TCA Box Boat Cottage, Port Eynon – To lop and crown lift one cedar tree. Council had no recommendations.

2019/ 2080  Manzell Kuchak, Port Eynon  – Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension.

Council considered the application which was for extension and improvement of an existing holiday cottage. Council noted that there was no provision for parking at the existing property and there would be none after the improvements are carried out. Car parking in the immediate area is already problematic. Council further noted that the proposed fenestration would appear to not be compatible with the AONB design guide and expressed reservations over the proposed balcony.

Overall Council recommended that the application be refused.

  • Highways and Footpaths

No new matters considered.

  • Correspondence

Clerk advised of no issues for consideration

  • Communications, Notice Boards, Etc

Again, no matters for consideration.

  • Village Halls

Port Eynon – Cllr. Robert Fisher advised that he had written to the VHMC regarding the boundary encroachment from a caravan pitch and had emphasised that this was a matter that should be considered under the regulations for a party wall.

Llanddewi – Nothing to report.

  1. Knelston Burial Ground.

Clerk advised, on behalf of the Trustees, that there was nothing to report.

  1. Any Other Business            

Cllr. Sheila Fisher advised that arrangements had been made for a brief service of rememberance at the Scurlage Green Memorial on Monday 11th November. All were welcome to attend and clerk agreed to publicise on Council notice boards and web site.

Cllr Steve Young advised that he had been approached by residents in Monksland road concerning the dangers presented to children who were attending evening coaching sessions at the sports Club. After discussion it was agreed that children should be encouraged to use the footpath link alongside Monksland Court and not the main road. Council would look into the possibility of improving this link to remove unnecessary vegetation and provide solar powered bollard lighting.

Next meeting – Monday 18th November, 7 pm. At Knelston School.

There being no further business to discuss the Chair thanked all in attendance and the meeting adjourned at 9: 00 pm.

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Barry Stubbings (Clerk)                                                                                                       Robert Fisher (Chair)

18th Nov 2019