Minutes of meeting held on 16th December 2016





Minutes of Monthly Council Meeting held on

 Monday 19th  December 2016 at ‘The Old Pharmacy’, Scurlage.


The meeting commenced at 7:45 pm.


Present:                                   Cllr. R. Fisher, Cllr. Mrs. S. Fisher, Cllr. G. Jones, Cllr. Mrs Lynda Newland



Apologies for Absence:            Cllr. Mrs. Ann Scott and Cllr A. Milligan


In attendance:                         Mr. B. Stubbings (clerk),

Ms. Julie Harris, Ms Claire Payne.


Chair person:                          Cllr. R. Fisher took the Chair.


Declarations of Interest:         None



084/16 Minutes of Last Meeting (November 2016):


The minutes, as corrected, were proposed to be accepted as a true record by Cllr. Mrs. S. Fisher, the proposal was seconded by Cllr. Mr. G. Jones and agreed by all.  The minutes were signed by the chairperson.


085/16.  Matters Arising from previous Meeting:


Village Greens – Clerk provided a draft document to request installation of posts at Port Eynon Green which was discussed and amended. Clerk advised that he would seek quotations after the Christmas holiday period.


War Memorial – Chair advised that he was continuing to search for a suitable large stone on to which a memorial plaque could be sited.


086/16.  Finance:


Clerk advised that there had been no income or expenditure in the past month. The bank balances were presently as follows:


Current Account           £9,460

Savings Account           £5,255

Knelston Burial Ground Account           £675



The following funding commitments have been made and are carried forward:


Scurlage Green Improvements – £2,000

Port Eynon Village Green improvements – £2,000.



087/16.  Planning:


From Previous applications




2016/1384 St David’s Church, LLanddewi – Removal of deteriorated interior plaster and cement; and replacement with lime based plaster. Council unanimously agreed to support the proposal. Under consideration.


2016/3184 Frogmoor Cottages, Frogmoor – Removal of planning condition and extension for further five years. Council unanimously agreed they had no objections. Decision pending


New applications :


088/16 Highways & Footpaths.


Problems with construction traffic continued in Scurlage. Cllr Fisher reported that the contractor has relocated the site hoardings such that the turning bay at the end of Monksland Road was no longer usable. As a consequence the refuse collection trucks were turning at the junction with Salisbury Close and no rubbish was being collected from the higher house numbers in Monksland Road. Clerk to again raise with City Council.


Cllr. Jones reported that a new steel bridge had been constructed across the drainage ditch at Llanddewi Corner, to replace the previous timber bridge. As a consequence, it was no longer possible to rake out rubbish from the gratings to the adjacent drainage pipes. A service that both Council operatives and he occasionally performed to ensure free flow of the water. Clerk to raise with city council.


089/16 Correspondence:


Clerk advised on various items of correspondence. None of which required action.


090/16 Knelston Burial Ground.  Nothing to report.


091/16 Village Halls & Knelston School


Port Eynon – Cllr Fisher advised that the VHMC planned to meet with MP Byron Davies in January.


Llandewi Hall – Meeting with Trustees to be arranged by Clerk.


092/16  Knelston Prinmary School – Cllr S Fisher advised that a new Deputy Head had been appointed, members of public raised the matter of how only minor missed attendances seriously affected the school’s SATS ratings.


093/16 Newsletter –  Cllr R Fisher would continue to liaise with Mr Tony Wright of AW Graphics concerning a newsletter.


094/16 Any Other Business:



Date of Next Meeting: Monday 16th January 2017 at 7:30 pm  in the  Port Eynon Village Hall.


Meeting closed at 8:30 pm.                                                        Chairman



  1. J. Stubbings, (Clerk) R. Fisher

Minutes of Council Meeting on 25th January 2016



Minutes of Monthly Council Meeting held on

 Monday 25th January 2016 at Port Eynon Village Hall.


The meeting commenced at 7:30 pm.


Present:                                  Cllr. G.Evans, Cllr. R. Fisher, Cllr. Mrs. S. Fisher, Cllr. G. Jones, Cllr. Mrs. Ann Stott and Cllr, Andrew Milligan


Apologies for Absence:         Cllr. Mrs. L. Newland


In attendance:                        City Cllr. Richard Lewis

Mr. B. Stubbings (clerk),


Chair person:                         Cllr. R. Fisher took the Chair.


001/16.  Declarations of Interest:     None


002/16  Flooding


Cllr. Lewis had been requested to attend this meeting to review the recent incidences of flooding in the Scurlage – Llanddewi corridor. In particular the extended closure of the A4118 at Llanddewi corner, and the flooding of properties at Berry Lane.


Cllr. Lewis remarked that there was a general worsening of the situation due to more persistent rainfall and an increase in ground water tables throughout the area. He further commented that the extent and timing of maintenance of water courses by the City Council may also have led to the recent problems. Work had now been put in hand to clean and regrade the water courses from Scurlage all the way through to Burry Alley, as well as the holding lagoon at Llanddewi.


Cllr Sheila Fisher pointed out that the recent housing developments at Scurlage and the  new agricultural buildings at Scurlage farm have all led to significant increases in rain water run off. The practice of relying on soakaways to accommodate the run off from buildings and paved surfaces was clearly not working. Cllr. Robert Fisher added that shallow soakaways were ineffective when the ground was as saturated, as it has been in the winter months. Also there was no provision in the planning process for new developments, to ensure that soakaways were maintained and renewed when necessary.


Cllr. Scott pointed out that present practice of maintenance of hedges and verges was contributing to the problem as the debris generated was swept into the drainage ditches and accumulated there.


Cllr. Robert Fisher pointed out that after the issues of flooding of Mrs Lewis’ house at the bottom of Berry Lane in 2014. The City council had made no effort to prevent a re-occurrence. Cllr. Lewis ventured the opinion that the house, being of traditional cottage construction without a solid floor, would always be subject to flooding. Mrs. Lewis has now been provided with alternate accommodation by Sketty Housing Association.


Cllr Robert Fisher enquired of Cllr Lewis what measures could be taken to control traffic speed through Scurlage.


Cllr. Gareth Evans enquired of Cllr. Lewis what measures could eb done to improve the tourist experience, particularly in Port Eynon. Cllr Robert Fisher added that Gower was the so-called jewel in the crown of Swansea City Council and generated substantial income for the City but little was done to maintain or improve the image. Cllr Evans pointed out that there were simple measures like clearing the brambles from the areas of the Port Eynon water frontage that would enhance the impression gained of a visit to Gower.


Cllr. Robert Fisher thanked Cllr. Lewis for taking the time to attend this meeting.


002/16 Minutes of Last Meeting (November 2015):


The minutes were proposed to be accepted as a true record by Cllr. S. Fisher, the proposal was seconded by Cllr, G. Jones and agreed by all.  The minutes were signed by the chairperson.


003/16.  Matters Arising from previous Meeting:


Bench seat at Overton – Clerk advised that an order had been placed and delivery was awaited. Cllr. Gareth jones advised that once we had the bench to hand he would carry out the ground works.


Scurlage Green – Vehicles continue to be driven across the Green. It was agreed that the most effective control would be to re-establish the posts or stones along the edge of the green fronting the A4118. Clerk to write to Sketty Housing Assn. to inform them of proposal to place 15 cm. diameter posts at 2 metre centres rising to say 30cm above the ground.


Defibrillators – Noted that a suitable site in Overton could not be found.


004/16.  Finance:


Clerk advised that there had been no income or expenditure in the past month and the bank balances were as follows:


Current Account         £9,460

Savings Account         £5,255

Knelston Burial Ground Account       £675


The following funding commitments have been made and are carried forward:


Wooden bench seat (1 no) at Overton – £500

Scurlage Green Improvements – £2,000

Port Eynon village green improvements – £2,000.


Clerk advised that the City council required notification of the precept requested for 2016/17, and recommended that the precept remained unchanged at £5,500. Cllr. Gareth  Evans proposed that the precept be £5500, seconded by Cllr Sheila Fisher and agreed by all.


005/16.  Planning:

From Previous applications


2015/1502 Lake farm, Llandewi Erection of new agricultural building. Council agreed to support this application. Permission granted.


2015/1892 The Rickyard, Port Eynon Construction of three new detached dwellimgs.

Council noted that a previous application for construction of three dwellings on this site had been approved in application 2011/1389. Council further noted that the original application had not been supported and that the new application did not address any of the concerns that had been previously made. Council agreed by majority that theis application should be reluctantly accepted and reference should be made to those comments previously raised. Permission granted on 23rd December 2015.


New applications :

2015/2323 Salt Cottage, Port Eynon. Repair and reconstruction of Sea Wall. Council noted that this new application was for more extensive reconstruction. Council considered the works to be of an essential nature and recommended approval.


2015/2362 Scurlage Farm, Scurlage. Removal of agricultural buildings and construction of four new houses.  Council noted that this site had been included in the LDP. Councillors noted that the access to the development was via the road junction between Berry Lane and the A4118. This was already proving dangerous and no measures are proposed to improve it. Councillors further noted that the development was reliant on shallow soakaways for the disposal of rain water and that this had proved unacceptable for other neighbouring recent developments. Recommendation should be made for attenuation tests to be carried out.  Proposal was otherwise considered to be acceptable


006/16 Highways & Footpaths.


Scurlage – Cllr. Robert Fisher again stressed the need for traffic speed control measures in Scurlage, particularly for through traffic to and from Port Eynon. Clerk was requested to arrange for speed monitoring to be provided by C&CS. Also that a request be made for highways department to consider the creation of a small roundabout which would serve the purpose of reducing traffic speed and improving safety at the junction.


Trumpet Lane – Councillors repeated their concerns over the closure of Trumpet Lane as parts were in regular use. Clerk to query current position.


Salisbury Close – Parking continued to be a serious issue among residents. It was suggested that an approach be made to Sketty Housing Assn. to remove some of the grassed areas and replace with paving.  Consideration could also be given to the creation of ‘Residents Parking Bays and issue of Residents Parking Permits on an allocation per household. Clerk to write.


Monksland Road – it was noted that at least two of the street lights were not working.


007/16 Correspondence:


Clerk provide a resume of correspondence received.


008/16 Knelston Burial Ground.  Nothing to report.


009/16 Village Halls – Nothing to report


010/16 Communications  Nothing to report.


011/16 Any Other Business: – None.


Date of Next Meeting: Monday 22nd  February 2016 at 7:30 pm. at Port Eynon Village Hall.


Meeting closed at 9:30 pm.                                                                Chairman



  1. J. Stubbings, (Clerk)                                                                       R. Fisher

Draft Minutes of Council Meeting on 20th June 2016





Minutes of Monthly Council Meeting held on

 Monday 20th June 2016 at Port Eynon Village Hall.


The meeting commenced at 7:30 pm.


Present:                                                  Cllr. G.Evans, Cllr. R. Fisher, Cllr. Mrs. S. Fisher, Cllr. G. Jones,and  Cllr. Mrs. L. Newland,



Apologies for Absence:                         Cllr. Mrs. Ann Scott and Cllr. A. Milligan


In attendance:                                        Mr. B. Stubbings (clerk),


Chair person:                                        Cllr. R. Fisher took the Chair.


Declarations of Interest:                       Cllr. Mrs. L. Newland re Gower Holiday Village



053/16 Minutes of Last Meeting (May 2016):


The minutes were proposed to be accepted as a true record by Cllr. Mrs S. Fisher, the proposal was seconded by Cllr. Mrs. L. Newland and agreed by all.  The minutes were signed by the chairperson.


054/16.  Matters Arising from previous Meeting:



Scurlage Green – The Chairman requested that the installation of timber posts should now be proceeded with. Cllr. G. Jones offered to obtain prices for suitable posts.


Commemorative Coins – Cllr. S. Fisher advised that she had requested the supplier to forward their invoice to the clerk. Cllr. S Fisher passed round a thank you card received from the school children and it was agreed to place a copy on the web site.


055/16.  Finance:


Clerk tabled an updated Cash Book status. He advised that there had been no income or expenditure in the past month. The bank balances were presently as follows:


Current Account     £9,460

Savings Account     £5,255

Knelston Burial Ground Account           £675


Payments were outstanding for installation of the Overton seat (£350); the bramble clearance at Port Eynon (£130) and for the commemorative coins (approx. £250) Cllr G Evans proposed that these paymnts be made, Cllr Mrs L Newland seconded the proposal and all were in agreement.


The following funding commitments have been made and are carried forward:



Scurlage Green Improvements – £2,000

Port Eynon Village Green improvements – £2,000.



056/16.  Planning:

From Previous applications


2016/0514 Scurlage Farm – 4 new dwellings. Council noted that this was a revised application which superceded the previous. Council also noted that the changes were of a minimal nature, in that the width of the two ‘barn’ buildings was reduced and the windows had been limited to skylights; both in response to the proximity of the development to the neighbouring houses. It was noted that the application included a drainage report, however the report appeared to only substantiate the plan to dispose of surface water by soakaways and ground infiltration. Council noted that during most of the year the present usage of the site could not cope with such a drainage solution and that this was contributing to the flooding of Corner Cottage. The increase in built and paved area will most likely make the situation worse. Council noted that there had been no attempt to address the adequacy of the road junction of Berry Lane and Port Eynon Road.  18th May 2016 Permission refused as an unjustified residential development within the countryside.


2016/0524 Monksland Road Scurlage. Clerk advised that although this application had appeared on the weekly list of applications no papers had been received by the Council. He therefore could not advise on the details of the application. Cllr. R. Fisher advised that he understood that work was likely to commence within the next month. Access to the site would be via the lane adjacent to Ash Croft. He was of the opinion that problems still existed concerning drainage of the development which would rely on soakaways, even though rock existed within two metres of the surface. Also that inadequate parking was proposed. Application withdrawn


2015/1657 The Monksland Scurlage – Appeal for Permit for 64 units of Touring Caravans for three months. Council considered the grounds given for appeal and noted that the claims for a permit on the grounds of providing an overspill facility were not supported by local caravan site owners who had not experienced full occupancy in the past three years. Council also questioned the claims that the site would generate more than 20 full time jobs for the three months of operation, or that the continued viability of ‘The Monksland’ was dependent on this application being granted. Clerk was directed to respond to the Appeal document accordingly. Appeal decision pending.


2016/0471 Bank Farm, Castle Scurlage – Erection of marquee and permit for 125 units of camping both for 3 days of 10th to 12th June 2016  in conjunction with annual convention of West Wales Motor Cycle Club. Council noted that this event had been held for a number of years and had been well managed leading to no complaints or criticisms from local residents. It was agreed unanimously to reccommend approval. 20 April 2016 permission granted.


2016/0680 Adjacent to Hawthorn Cottage, Scurlage. – Outline planning permission for a single dwelling house. Council noted that there had been a previous application for outline permission over ten years ago which had been granted but had since lapsed. After discussion it was agreed that a number of changes had occurred in the vicinity of this site since the previous application. In particular Council considered that the proposed access would result in conflict with the bus lay by and was not to be recommended given the volume and speed of traffic using the A4118 at this location. It was considered that access should be taken from Monksland Road, as was required of the adjoining development. Concern should also again be raised of the unsatisfactory state of mains drainage serving this area and of flooding of this area. Decision pending.


New applications :


2016/1088 Berry Farm, Scurlage. – New agricultural barn. Council noted location and size of the new barn (approx. 18m by 12m.) and queried the height to eaves of only 3.7m. noting that whilst this rendered the barn more sympathetic to the surrounding buildings it would be of restricted use for access and storage. Council unanimously recommended approval.


057/16 Highways & Footpaths.


Councillors noted that there the void in the road surface between near to the entrance to Mr. John Mumby’s field was still present and required levelling. Clerk to action.


Also there was a large pothole in the vicinity of 18 and 20 Monksland Road. Clerk again to action.


Cllr Newland advised that shew as in receipt of complaints from residents regarding the overgrown verges in the Port Eynon area. Two way traffic on the Port Eynon road was no longer possible and vision at bends and junctions was severely impeded. Also all of the road signs were obscured.


After discussion it was again agreed to raise with the City council permission for the Community Council to carry out verge trimming subject to a cross funding arrangement.


Cllr. Jones advised that he had received a complaint from a resident concerning the overgrown hedges at the junction of Trumpet Lane in Knelston which obscured vision for traffic leaving Trumpet Lane.


Cllr Evans advised that the drainage to the disabled parking bays at Port Eynon had once again become blocked with sand and required thorough cleaning.


Cllr Fisher advised that the road signage for the site access to the housing development at Monksland Road was not in conformity with the submitted plans and traffic management statement resulting in large vehicles ‘missing’ the site access and trying to access the site via Monksland Road. He had taken the matter up with the City Council.


058/16 Correspondence:


  • Council further discussed the Letter from South Gower Sports Club which questioned the action of the Community Council in issuing a notice to residents concerning the planning application for camping and the wording of the Council’s letter of objection to City Planning Dept. A draft response was agreed and Clerk was directed to finalise and respond to the Sports Club.
  • Series of e-mail communications from a resident concerning the actions of the Council in the election and co-option of Councillors. Again a draft response was agreed and Clerk was directed to finalise and respond to the complainant.


059/16 Knelston Burial Ground.  Nothing to report.


060/16 Village Halls

Port Eynon – Clerk advised that he was waiting for pegging of the boundary to be completed.

Port Eynon Green – Council discussed measures to control parking on the green and agreed that a suitable solution would be to install timber posts similar to those at Scurlage Green. It was noted that access would need to be maintained to the electricity sub-station. It was agreed to proceed with drawing up an outline plan and obtaining quotations.

Llandewi Hall – nothing to report.


061/16 Communications –  Cllr R Fisher would continue to liaise with Mr Tony Wright of AW Graphics concerning a newsletter.


062/16 Any Other Business:


After discussion it was agreed to look again at the registration of Port Eynon Green as a village green.


Councillors noted that the water supply pressure in the Port Eynon area had been very low. It was agreed to keep the matter under observation.


Cllr Evans advised that there had been foul odours in the area of Boarlands and Overton and on inquiry to Welsh Water they advised that there had been some difficulties in managing the water treatment plant at Overton.


Date of Next Meeting: Monday 18th July 2016 at 7:30 pm  in the  Port Eynon Village Hall.


Meeting closed at 9:30 pm.                                                                                    Chairman



  1. J. Stubbings, (Clerk) R. Fisher

Minutes of May 2016 Council Meeting





Minutes of Monthly Council Meeting held on

 Monday 16th May 2016 at Port Eynon Village Hall.


The meeting commenced at 7:30 pm.


Present:                                                  Cllr. G.Evans, Cllr. R. Fisher, Cllr. Mrs. S. Fisher, Cllr. G. Jones, Cllr. A. Milligan, Cllr. Mrs. L. Newland, and Cllr. Mrs. Ann Scott


Apologies for Absence:                         none


In attendance:                                       Mr. B. Stubbings (clerk), Two members of the public.


Chair person:                                        Cllr. R. Fisher took the Chair.


Declarations of Interest:       None



043/16 Minutes of Last Meeting (April 2016):


The minutes were proposed to be accepted as a true record by Cllr. Mr G. Evans, the proposal was seconded by Cllr. Mrs. S. Fisher and agreed by all.  The minutes were signed by the chairperson.


044/16.  Matters Arising from previous Meeting:


Bench seat at Overton – Clerk advised that the bench seat had been installed and thanked Cllr. G. Evans and Cllr. G. Jones for their assistance in this.


Scurlage Green – It was noted that the flower beds would be extended and the installation of timber posts would be deferred pending completion of the flower beds.


Port Eynon Bramble Clearance – Clerk advised that he was still awaiting the contractor to submit his invoice.


Commemorative Coins – Cllr. S. Fisher reported that the commemorative coins had been distributed and had been very well received by the school and by the children.


045/16.  Finance:


Clerk tabled an updated Cash Book status. He advised that there had been no income or expenditure in the past month. The bank balances were presently as follows:


Current Account      £9,460

Savings Account     £5,255

Knelston Burial Ground Account            £675


The following funding commitments have been made and are carried forward:


Wooden bench seat (1 no) at Overton – £500

Scurlage Green Improvements – £2,000

Port Eynon village green improvements – £2,000.



046/16.  Planning:

From Previous applications


2016/0514 Scurlage Farm – 4 new dwellings. Council noted that this was a revised application which superceded the previous. Council also noted that the changes were of a minimal nature, in that the width of the two ‘barn’ buildings was reduced and the windows had been limited to skylights; both in response to the proximity of the development to the neighbouring houses. It was noted that the application included a drainage report, however the report appeared to only substantiate the plan to dispose of surface water by soakaways and ground infiltration. Council noted that during most of the year the present usage of the site could not cope with such a drainage solution and that this was contributing to the flooding of Corner Cottage. The increase in built and paved area will most likely make the situation worse. Council noted that there had been no attempt to address the adequacy of the road junction of Berry Lane and Port Eynon Road.


2016/0524 Monksland Road Scurlage. Clerk advised that although this application had appeared on the weekly list of applications no papers had been received by the Council. He therefore could not advise on the details of the application. Cllr. R. Fisher advised that he understood that work was likely to commence within the next month. Access to the site would be via the lane adjacent to Ash Croft. He was of the opinion that problems still existed concerning drainage of the development which would rely on soakaways, even though rock existed within two metres of the surface. Also that inadequate parking was proposed.


New applications :


2015/1657 The Monksland Scurlage – Appeal for Permit for 64 units of Touring Caravans for three months. Council considered the grounds given for appeal and noted that they claims for a permit on the grounds of providing an overspill facility were not supported by local caravan site owners who had not experienced full occupancy in the past three years. Council also questioned the claims that the site would generate more than 20 full time jobs for the three months of operation, or that the continued viability of The Monksland was dependent on this application being granted. Clerk was directed to respond to the Appeal document accordingly.


2016/0471 Bank Farm, Castle Scurlage – Erection of marquee and permit for 125 units of camping both for 3 days of 10th to 12th June 2016  in conjunction with annual convention of West Wales Motor Cycle Club. Council noted that this event had been held for a number of years and had been well managed leading to no complaints or criticisms from local residents. It was agreed unanimously to reccommend approval.


2016/0680 Adjacent to Hawthorn Cottage, Scurlage. – Outline planning permission for a single dwelling house. Council noted that there had been a previous application for outline permission over ten years ago which had been granted but had since lapsed. After discussion it was agreed that a number of changes had occurred in the vicinity of this site since the previous application. In particular Council considered that the proposed access would result in conflict with the bus lay by and was not to be recommended given the volume and speed of traffic using the A4118 at this location. It was considered that access should be taken from Monksland Road, as was required of the adjoining development. Concern should also again be raised of the unsatisfactory state of mains drainage serving this area and of flooding of this area.


047/16 Highways & Footpaths.


Councillors noted that there was a void in the road surface between Moor Corner and the entrance to John Mumby’s field which required levelling. Clerk to action.


Also there was a large pothole in the vicinity of 18 and 20 Monksland Road. Clerk again to action.


Cllr. R. Fisher suggested that if and when the timber posts were installed at Scurlage green, consideration should be given to placing some at the junction of Monksland Road with Rhossilli Road to control vehicles turning into Monksland Road.


048/16 Correspondence:


Clerk provided a resume of correspondence received which had included:

  • Letter from South Gower Sports Club questioning the action of the Community Council in issuing a notice to residents concerning the planning application for camping and in the wording of the Council’s letter of objection to City Planning Dept. It was agreed that Clerk should draft a response for consideration by Cllr’s.
  • Series of e-mail communications from a resident concerning the election and co-option of Councillors. Clerk was requested to provide copies of the correspondence to Cllr’s.


049/16 Knelston Burial Ground.  Nothing to report.


050/16 Village Halls

Clerk advised that he was waiting for pegging of the boundary to be completed.


051/16 Communications –  Cllr R Fisher had contacted Mr Tony Wright of AW Graphics and he was agreeable to proceed with the newsletter.


052/16 Any Other Business:

Cllr. L. Newland noted that the placing of advertising boards on the verge and pavement areas near the junction of Port Eynon Road and Rhossilli Road had again become a problem.


After discussion it was agreed to look again at the registration of Port Eynon Green as a village green.


From the public, enquiry was made as to the local council policy on affordable housing and the possibility of adopting a similar policy to that implemented by St. Ives Council in Cornwall to restrict the proliferation of holiday homes. Chair advised that this would need to be raised with Mr. Richard Lewis as City Councillor.


Date of Next Meeting: Monday 20th June 2016 at 7:30 pm  in the  Port Eynon Village Hall.


Meeting closed at 9:30 pm.                                                                                     Chairman



  1. J. Stubbings, (Clerk) R. Fisher

Minutes of Annual General Meeting May 2015





Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on

 Wednesday 18th May 2015 at Port Eynon Village Hall.


The meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.


Present:                      Cllr. G. Evans Cllr. R. Fisher, Cllr. S. Fisher; Cllr. G. Jones; Cllr. L. Newland, and Cllr. P. Pritchard


In attendance:            Mr. B. Stubbings (Clerk)


Apologies for Absence:,   Cllr. T. Roderick.,


Chair person:             Cllr. R. Fisher took the Chair.


  1. Minutes of Last Annual General Meeting:

The minutes of the AGM held on 16th May 2014 had been circulated prior to the meeting and no comments had been received. Cllr. G. Evans proposed that the minutes of be accepted as a true record, the proposal was seconded by Cllr. L. Newland and agreed by all. The minutes were signed by the chairman.


  1. Election of Chairperson.

Cllr. G. Evans proposed that Cllr. Robert Fisher be re-elected as Chairperson for the forthcoming year. The proposal was seconded by Cllr. Newland. There being no other proposals the meeting elected Cllr. R. Fisher by unanimity.


  1. Election of Vice Chairperson.

Cllr. Jones proposed that Cllr. G. Evans be re-elected as Vice-Chairperson for the forthcoming year. The proposal was seconded by Cllr. R. Fisher. There being no other proposals the meeting elected Cllr. Evans by unanimity.


  1. Resignations

Council noted receipt from Cllr. P. Pritchard of her resignation due to relocation, with effect from the end of this meeting. She wished the new Council well for the forthcoming year. Her resignation was accepted with regret and the Chair requested the Clerk to thank her for her valuable services as a Councillor.


  1. Chairman’s Report


Cllr. R. Fisher presented a brief report of activities during the past year:


  • Following the public election of Councillors in 2012 vacancies still remained on the Council and despite advertising on the Notice Boards and Village Hall website these had remained unfilled throughout the year. The vacancies were for one Councillor each in the Port Eynon and Knelston wards. Cllr. Fisher expressed his continued disappointment at the apparent lack of interest from the community, or appreciation of the contribution that the Community Council makes to the local environment. He expressed his opinion that their was a need to raise the profile of the Council within the community and that consideration should be given to regular leaflets to households or to a small magazine.
  • Cllr. Fisher expressed his thanks for the support and assistance that he had received in the campaign to object to the Atlantic Array Wind Farm.
  • He noted the substantial completion of the Green seas Project to construct a new boat slip and to provide enhancement to the ‘visitor experience’ in Port Eynon. He noted that it would now be necessary to monitor the use of the boat slip and the management issues associated therewith. He noted however that there appeared to still be some visitor noticeboards to be provided and erected.
  • Looking forward he hoped that it would be possible to identify one Councillor to lead on particular issues
  • Finally, Cllr. Fisher expressed his thanks for the support and assistance of all the elected Councillors and also to the Clerk for his support and service to the Council.


  1. Financial Report:

Clerk advised that the year-end bank balances were as follows:


Current Account         £10,943

Savings Account         £5,254

Knelston Burial Ground Account       £575


The Clerk provided a brief review of expenditure throughout the year and presented a budget for the forthcoming year together with a proposal that the precept be maintained at £5,500. The Clerk recommended that consideration be given to providing either additional support or to separate fundraising in order to maintain the Burial Ground at Knelston.


Cllr. Pritchard proposed that the budget for 2014-2015 be accepted. The proposal was seconded by Cllr. Newland and passed unanimously.


  1. Standing Orders
  • The clerk distributed a further copy of the current Standing orders to all present.
  • Cllr. Fisher advised that he had been in contact with the head at Knelston School but that she was not receptive to the Council using the premises for monthly meetings. Council noted that if proposals to redevelop the Talbot Hall should progress then identification of a suitable alternative venue was essential. Cllr. Fisher said that he would make yet a further approach to the school. He also advised that his office in Scurlage could be used.
  • It was confirmed that meetings should continue to be held at the Port Eynon Village Hall.
  • It was confirmed that the regular monthly meetings of the Council continue to be held on the third Monday of each month commencing at 7:30 p.m..



  1. Committees
  • It was unanimously agreed, in the absence of any counter proposals, that Cllr. Newland should represent the Council at the Port Eynon Village Hall Management Committee.
  • It was unanimously agreed that Cllr. Fisher should represent the Council on the Management Trust for Knelston Chapel Burial Ground, noting that the Clerk also was in attendance to this Trust.
  • Councillors noted that the Council was not represented on the Port Eynon Boat Club Committee and thought that an approach should be made to seek such a presence. Clerk advised that historically the Boat Club was a participating member of the Village Hall Management Committee at which the Council was represented.



  1. Date of Next Meeting – was provisionally set as 16th May 2016 and venue as Port Eynon Village Hall.


The meeting closed at 8:00 pm.






B. J. Stubbings, (Clerk)

Minutes of monthly meeting April 2016





Minutes of Monthly Council Meeting held on

 Monday 18th April 2016 at Port Eynon Village Hall.


The meeting commenced at 7:30 pm.


Present:                                  Cllr. G.Evans, Cllr. R. Fisher, Cllr. Mrs. S. Fisher, Cllr. G. Jones, , Cllr. Mrs. L. Newland,


Apologies for Absence:         Cllr. A. Milligan and Cllr. Mrs. Ann Scott


In attendance:                        Mr. B. Stubbings (clerk),


Chair person:                         Cllr. R. Fisher took the Chair.


032/16.  Declarations of Interest:     None



033/16 Minutes of Last Meeting (March 2016):


Cllr Mrs S Fisher noted that the discussion concerning purchase of commemorative coins for school children at Knelston school had been omitted. Clerk apologised for the oversight and advised that the official record would be amended. The minutes were then proposed to be accepted, including the above amendment, as a true record by Cllr. Mrs. S. Fisher, the proposal was seconded by Cllr, G. Evans and agreed by all.  The minutes were signed by the chairperson.


034/16.  Matters Arising from previous Meeting:


Bench seat at Overton – Clerk advised that the bench seat was awaiting installation (Cllr. G. Evans).


Scurlage Green – Cllr. S. fisher advised that the preparation works for the flower beds had taken place. The installation of timber posts was awaiting a quotation for the works.


Port Eynon Bramble Clearance –Cllr. G. Evans advised that the work had been carried out and he had requested the contractor to forward his invoice to the Clerk.


Commemorative Coins – Cllr. S. Fisher confirmed that the coins had been ordered and she had received assurance from the supplier that they would be delivered before the Queen’s birthday.


035/16.  Finance:


Clerk tabled an updated Cash Book status. He advised that there had been no income in the pst month and expenditure of £67 for the proposed flower bed at Scurlage Green. The bank balances were presently as follows:


Current Account         £9,460

Savings Account         £5,255

Knelston Burial Ground Account       £675


The following funding commitments have been made and are carried forward:


Wooden bench seat (1 no) at Overton – £500

Scurlage Green Improvements – £2,000

Port Eynon village green improvements – £2,000.



036/16.  Planning:

From Previous applications


No 1, Milestone Court, Scurlage. Addition of attached single storey garage extension. Council noted that the house was at present without garage facilities, the planned extension was sympathetic to its location and theer was unanimous agreement that permission should be granted. Application has been withdrawn.


New applications :

2016/0514 Scurlage farm – 4 new dwellings. Council noted that this was a revised application which superceded the previous. Council also noted that the changes were of a minimal nature, in that the width of the two ‘barn’ buildings was reduced and the windows had been limited to skylights; both in response to the proximity of the development to the neighbouring houses. It was noted that the application included a drainage report, however the report appeared to only substantiate the plan to dispose of surface water by soakaways and ground infiltration. Council noted that during most of the year the present usage of the site could not cope with such a drainage solution and that this was contributing to the flooding of Corner Cottage. The increase in built and paved area will most likely make the situation worse. Council noted that there had been no attempt to address the adequacy of the road junction of Berry Lane and Port Eynon Road.


2016/0524 Monksland Road Scurlage. Clerk advised that although this application had appeared on the weekly list of applications no papers had been received by the Council. He therefore could not advise on the details of the application. Cllr. R. Fisher advised that he understood that work was likely to commence within the next month. Access to the site would be via the lane adjacent to Ash Croft. He was of the opinion that problems still existed concerning drainage of the development which would rely on soakaways, even though rock existed within two metres of the surface. Also that inadequate parking was proposed.


037/16 Highways & Footpaths.


The Clerk advised that there was nothing to report..


038/16 Correspondence:


Clerk provided a resume of correspondence received which had included:

City & County of Swansea – Request for Community Councils to fund Sunday bus services to Gower. Council agreed in principle to support but on a pro rata basis to the Community Council rate.


039/16 Knelston Burial Ground.  Nothing to report.


040/16 Village Halls

Clerk advised that he was awaiting for pegging of the boundary to be completed.


041/16 Communications –  Cllr R Fisher had contacted Mr Tony Wright of AW Graphics and he was agreeable to proceed with the newsletter.


042/16 Any Other Business:

Port Eynon – Cllr Evans advised that he was still looking into the ownership of the footpath passing by Tyr Gwynt and Vine Cottage.


Knelston – Cllr. S. Fisher was requested to again raise with the Knelston School Governors the possible use of the school for Council Meetings.


Date of Next Meeting: Monday 16th May 2016 at 8:00 pm. (following the annual General Meeting)  at Port Eynon Village Hall.


Meeting closed at 9:30 pm.                                                                 Chairman



B. J. Stubbings, (Clerk)

Minutes of monthly meeting March 2016



Minutes of Monthly Council Meeting held on

 Monday 18th April 2016 at Port Eynon Village Hall.


The meeting commenced at 7:30 pm.


Present:                                  Cllr. G.Evans, Cllr. R. Fisher, Cllr. Mrs. S. Fisher, Cllr. G. Jones, , Cllr. Mrs. L. Newland,


Apologies for Absence:         Cllr. A. Milligan and Cllr. Mrs. Ann Scott


In attendance:                        Mr. B. Stubbings (clerk),


Chair person:                         Cllr. R. Fisher took the Chair.


032/16.  Declarations of Interest:     None



033/16 Minutes of Last Meeting (March 2016):


Cllr Mrs S Fisher noted that the discussion concerning purchase of commemorative coins for school children at Knelston school had been omitted. Clerk apologised for the oversight and advised that the official record would be amended. The minutes were then proposed to be accepted, including the above amendment, as a true record by Cllr. Mrs. S. Fisher, the proposal was seconded by Cllr, G. Evans and agreed by all.  The minutes were signed by the chairperson.


034/16.  Matters Arising from previous Meeting:


Bench seat at Overton – Clerk advised that the bench seat was awaiting installation (Cllr. G. Evans).


Scurlage Green – Cllr. S. fisher advised that the preparation works for the flower beds had taken place. The installation of timber posts was awaiting a quotation for the works.


Port Eynon Bramble Clearance –Cllr. G. Evans advised that the work had been carried out and he had requested the contractor to forward his invoice to the Clerk.


Commemorative Coins – Cllr. S. Fisher confirmed that the coins had been ordered and she had received assurance from the supplier that they would be delivered before the Queen’s birthday.


035/16.  Finance:


Clerk tabled an updated Cash Book status. He advised that there had been no income in the pst month and expenditure of £67 for the proposed flower bed at Scurlage Green. The bank balances were presently as follows:


Current Account         £9,460

Savings Account         £5,255

Knelston Burial Ground Account       £675


The following funding commitments have been made and are carried forward:


Wooden bench seat (1 no) at Overton – £500

Scurlage Green Improvements – £2,000

Port Eynon village green improvements – £2,000.



036/16.  Planning:

From Previous applications


No 1, Milestone Court, Scurlage. Addition of attached single storey garage extension. Council noted that the house was at present without garage facilities, the planned extension was sympathetic to its location and theer was unanimous agreement that permission should be granted. Application has been withdrawn.


New applications :

2016/0514 Scurlage farm – 4 new dwellings. Council noted that this was a revised application which superceded the previous. Council also noted that the changes were of a minimal nature, in that the width of the two ‘barn’ buildings was reduced and the windows had been limited to skylights; both in response to the proximity of the development to the neighbouring houses. It was noted that the application included a drainage report, however the report appeared to only substantiate the plan to dispose of surface water by soakaways and ground infiltration. Council noted that during most of the year the present usage of the site could not cope with such a drainage solution and that this was contributing to the flooding of Corner Cottage. The increase in built and paved area will most likely make the situation worse. Council noted that there had been no attempt to address the adequacy of the road junction of Berry Lane and Port Eynon Road.


2016/0524 Monksland Road Scurlage. Clerk advised that although this application had appeared on the weekly list of applications no papers had been received by the Council. He therefore could not advise on the details of the application. Cllr. R. Fisher advised that he understood that work was likely to commence within the next month. Access to the site would be via the lane adjacent to Ash Croft. He was of the opinion that problems still existed concerning drainage of the development which would rely on soakaways, even though rock existed within two metres of the surface. Also that inadequate parking was proposed.


037/16 Highways & Footpaths.


The Clerk advised that there was nothing to report..


038/16 Correspondence:


Clerk provided a resume of correspondence received which had included:

City & County of Swansea – Request for Community Councils to fund Sunday bus services to Gower. Council agreed in principle to support but on a pro rata basis to the Community Council rate.


039/16 Knelston Burial Ground.  Nothing to report.


040/16 Village Halls

Clerk advised that he was awaiting for pegging of the boundary to be completed.


041/16 Communications –  Cllr R Fisher had contacted Mr Tony Wright of AW Graphics and he was agreeable to proceed with the newsletter.


042/16 Any Other Business: (none).

Port Eynon – Cllr Evans advised that he was still looking into the ownership of the footpath passing by Tyr Gwynt and Vine Cottage.


Knelston – Cllr. S. Fisher was requested to again raise with the Knelston School Governors the possible use of the school for Council Meetings.


Date of Next Meeting: Monday 16th May 2016 at 8:00 pm. (following the annual General Meeting)  at Port Eynon Village Hall.


Meeting closed at 9:30 pm.                                                                 Chairman



B. J. Stubbings, (Clerk)

Minutes of meeting on 22nd February 2016



Minutes of Monthly Council Meeting held on

 Monday 22nd  February 2016 at Port Eynon Village Hall.


The meeting commenced at 7:30 pm.


Present:                                  Cllr. G.Evans, Cllr. R. Fisher, Cllr. Mrs. S. Fisher, Cllr. G. Jones, Cllr. Mrs. Ann Scott


Apologies for Absence:         Cllr. Mrs. L. Newland Cllr. G. Jones and Cllr. A Milligan


In attendance:                        Mr. B. Stubbings (clerk),


Chair person:                         Cllr. R. Fisher took the Chair.


012/16.  Declarations of Interest:     None



013/16 Minutes of Last Meeting (January 2016):


The minutes were proposed to be accepted as a true record by Cllr. S. Fisher, the proposal was seconded by Cllr, A. Scott and agreed by all.  The minutes were signed by the chairperson.


014/16.  Matters Arising from previous Meeting:


Bench seat at Overton – Clerk advised that he had taken delivery of the bench seat.


Scurlage Green – Clerk advised that he had written to Sketty Housing Office and notified them of the intention to place posts along the edge of the green where it abutted the A4118.


Defibrillators – Agreed to place plaques at the installed defibs to credit their placement to the Community Council. Clerk to arrange.


015/16.  Finance:


Clerk advised that there had been no income or expenditure in the past month and the bank balances were as follows:


Current Account         £9,460

Savings Account         £5,255

Knelston Burial Ground Account       £675


The following funding commitments have been made and are carried forward:


Wooden bench seat (1 no) at Overton – £500

Scurlage Green Improvements – £2,000

Port Eynon village green improvements – £2,000.



016/16.  Planning:

From Previous applications


2015/2323 Salt Cottage, Port Eynon. Repair and reconstruction of Sea Wall. Council noted that this new application was for more extensive reconstruction. Council considered the works to be of an essential nature and recommended approval. Permission granted on 10th February 2016.


2015/2363 Scurlage Farm, Scurlage. Removal of agricultural buildings and construction of three new houses.  Council noted that this site had been included in the LDP. Councillors noted that the access to the development was via the road junction between Berry Lane and the A4118. This was already proving dangerous and no measures are proposed to improve it. Councillors further noted that the development was reliant on shallow soakaways for the disposal of rain water and that this had proved unacceptable for other neighbouring recent developments. Recommendation should be made for attenuation tests to be carried out.  Proposal was otherwise considered to be acceptable. Application refused on 25th January 2016. Further submission necessary with regard to flood risk assessment, layout and siting of buildings, etc.


New applications :


2016/0108 South Gower Sports Club, Scurlage. Application for permit to site 80 units of camping on five weekends between 13th May and 13th August 2016 coincident with planned festival events. Councillors noted that a similar request had been granted in 2015 and had led to numerous complaints from residents in respect of noise disturbance from the events and unsanitary practices of the campers. Council noted that the current application had re-sited the camping area to be further distant from housing, however, there was no indicated control over the siting of individual units to provide access for emergency vehicles, fire break control, etc. Also the caping units were dependent on the toilet and wash facilities of the sports club with no additional provisions. Councillors questioned the nature of the planned events and the claim for associated camping. Council was of the opinion that the application as presented should be refused.


2016/0252 Port Eynon Bay, Tourist Information Boards. Councillors welcomed these supplementary boards which are of a style and size commensurate with the location. Council recommended approval.


2016/0274 Moor Corner Farm, Port Eynon. Renewal of permit for siting five units of touring caravans from 1st April to 31st October in 2016 and 2017. Councillors noted that the site was well screened and had been in use for a number of years with no adverse comments. Council recommended the permit be renewed.


017/16 Highways & Footpaths.


Scurlage – Cllr. Robert Fisher again stressed the need for traffic speed control measures in Scurlage, particularly for through traffic to and from Port Eynon. Clerk was requested to arrange for speed monitoring to be provided by C&CS. Also that a request be made for highways department to consider the creation of a small roundabout which would serve the purpose of reducing traffic speed and improving safety at the junction.


Trumpet Lane – Councillors note the recently advertised order to divert the upper portion of the footpath..


Salisbury Close – Councillors noted that residents parking continued to be a serious issue among residents. Consideration was given to making a survey of residents views, but after discussion it was agreed that the problem was self-evident and would only be solved by creation of additional parking area. Clek to write to Sketty Housing Officer.


Monksland Road – Councillors noted that motorists frequently experienced difficulty in turning off the Rhossilli Road, into Monksland Road, and then into the health centre. After discussion it was agreed to approach City Council with a view to widening this section of Monksland Road. Consideration should also be given to an additional Notice Board in the area of the health centre.


Scurlage Green  – It was agreed to proceed with creation of a ‘wildflower bed’ at Scurlage Green.


Port Eynon Bay – Councillors discussed the unsightly presence of large beds of brambles in the dunes fronting the shops and cafes at Port Eynon. It was agreed to obtain quotations for clearance of the area.


018/16 Correspondence:


Clerk provided a resume of correspondence received which had included:

City & County of Swansea – Port Eynon Village Tree Preservation Order.

Member of Parliament for Gower – Public petition to save the local cockle industry.

St Davids Church, Llandewi – request to finance grass cutting.


019/16 Knelston Burial Ground.  Nothing to report.


020/16 Village Halls

Clerk was directed to progress the matter of clearance of scrub at the back of the Talbot Hall and checking of the boundary.


021/16 Communications  Councillors noted that the planned Newsletter had not progressed. It was agreed that Cllr R Fisher would contact Mr Tony Wright of AW Graphics with a view to progressing the matter.


022/16 Any Other Business: (none).


Date of Next Meeting: Monday 21st  March 2016 at 7:30 pm. at Port Eynon Village Hall.


Meeting closed at 9:30 pm.                                                                 Chairman



  1. J. Stubbings, (Clerk)                                                                       R. Fisher

Minutes of Meeting held on 28th October 2015



Minutes of Monthly Council Meeting held on

 Monday 28th October 2015 at Port Eynon Village Hall.


The meeting commenced at 7:30 pm.


Present:                                  Cllr. G.Evans, Cllr. R. Fisher, Cllr. Mrs. S. Fisher, and Cllr. G. Jones.


Apologies for Absence:         Cllr. Mrs. L. Newland


In attendance:                        Mr. B. Stubbings (clerk),


Chair person:                         Cllr. R. Fisher took the Chair.


024/15.  Declarations of Interest:     None


025/15  Minutes of Last Meeting (September 2015):


The minutes were proposed to be accepted as a true record by Cllr. S. Fisher, the proposal was seconded by Cllr, G. Jones and agreed by all.  The minutes were signed by the chairperson.


027/15.  Matters Arising from previous Meeting:


Defibrillators. Clerk advised that he had recently checked all sites and found that the unit for Knelston garage was awaiting installation by the garage; the unit at llandewi hall was still not installed; and the unit for Scurlage had been located at the new pharmacy and not the old pharmacy. He had been in touch with CARIAD to expedite the two units yet to be installed. After discussion Council agreed that Clerk shoul approach CARIAD to have the unit at Scurlage re-located, at the same time the Medical Practice and/or Pharmacy could be approached to provide a unit at that location.

Cllr. Jones suggested that a suitable location at Overton could be provided by Mr. Russell Stokes. It was agreed that Mr. Stokes should be approached by Cllr. Jones.


028/15.  Finance:


Clerk advised that there had been no income or expenditure in the past month and the bank balances were as follows:


Current Account         £9,460

Savings Account         £5,255

Knelston Burial Ground Account       £675


The following funding commitments have been made and are carried forward:


Wooden bench seat (1 no) at Overton – £500

Scurlage Green Improvements – £2,000

Port Eynon village green improvements – £2,000.



029/15.  Planning:


From previous applications:


2015/1042 Llanddewi Castle Farm – Agricultural Building

Demolition of existing stone barn and erection of steel framed agricultural building. Council noted that the existing barn had been severely damaged by fire and that the new barn would provide more appropriate facilities for this active farm. Application was recommended for approval.

Decision pending


2015/1218 Monksland Road, Scurlage – 14 Units Social Housing

Amended submission for landscaping etc.


2015/1513 The Old Pharmacy, Monksland Road, Scurlage

Provision of non-illuminated advertising panels


Previous applications :


2015/1657 Gower Holiday Village, Scurlage

Renewal of permit for overspill touring caravan site for June to Sept 2016. Council note that this application was for renewal of the present temporary permit for the forthcoming year. Observations were made that in the peak period for 2015 established caravan sites accessed via the Port and Rhossilli roads were not at capacity and hence the need for a temporary overspill site was not justified. Also the usage of this site in the peak period was very small indicating that it was not operating as an overspill, as intended, but was picking up occasional occupants from passing tourists. Concerns were expressed that there were no associated facilities for toilets, washing etc. as required in  an established site and reliance was made on a small number of ‘Portaloos’. Council recommended by majority that the application should be refused. Application refused 2nd Oct 2015


2015/1199 Fairfield Farm, Knelston

Council noted that there was little material change from the previous application (2014/1788) which was refused. Storage of caravans, albeit short term, was still proposed in close proximity to the neighbouring houses, whereas this could readily be located adjacent to the existing barns. Concerns were again expressed over the poor visibility and consequent danger of slow vehicles entering and leaving the site from the main road, also the possible obstruction of a public right of way within the storage area. Council, by majority, recommended refusal.


2015/1513 Beach House Surf Shop, Port eynon

Conversion of garage storeroom into coffee shop plus external seating area. Application was supported by majority. Application approved.


New applications :


2015/1502 Lake farm, Llandewi Erection of new agricultural building. Council agreed to support this application.


2015/1892 The Rickyard, Port Eynon Construction of three new detached dwellimgs.

Council noted that a previous application for construction of three dwellings on this site had been approved in application 2011/1389. Council further noted that the original application had not been supported and that the new application did not address any of the concerns that had been previously made. Council agreed by majority that theis application should not be supported and reference should be made to those comments previously raised.


Berry Farm, Berry

Cllr. R. Fisher advised that solar panels had been installed on the roof of one of the agricultural buildings and requested that a query be raised as to whether the installation had received planning approval.


030/15 Highways & Footpaths.

Cllr. Fisher again stressed the need for traffic speed control measures in Scurlage, particularly for through traffic to and from Port Eynon. Clerk was requested to arrange for speed monitoring to be provided by C&CS. Also that a request be made for highways department to consider the creation of a small roundabout which would serve the purpose of reducing traffic speed and improving safety at the junction.


031/15 Correspondence:


Clerk advised that he had received no correspondence of note.


032/15 Knelston Burial Ground.  Nothing to report.


033/15 Village Halls


Talbot Hall (Port Eynon Village Hall) :Clerk reported on advice received from the solicitor engaged by the Council which confirmed that ownership of the land and the buildings was clearly held by the Community Council. Also he had been in informal contact with another solicitor in relation to the original deeds and that solicitor had provided identical advice to that already obtained. The latter solicitor also provided useful advice with respect to management of relations between the Custodian Trustee and the Management Trustee.

With regard to the possible boundary encroachment it was recommended that the grounds be cleared and a surveyor engaged to peg the boundaries. Clerk was instructed to action.


034/15 Communications  Nothing to report.


035/15 Any Other Business:

it was unanimously agreed that Mrs. Anne Stott and Mr. Andrew Milligan of Salisbury Close, Scurlage be co-opted as Councillors..


Date of Next Meeting: Monday 23rd November 2015 at 7:30 pm. at Port Eynon Village Hall.


Meeting closed at 9:30 pm.                                                                 Chairman



  1. J. Stubbings, (Clerk) R. Fisher

Minutes of Meeting on 26th September 2015



Minutes of Monthly Council Meeting held on

 Monday 28th September 2015 at Port Eynon Village Hall.


The meeting commenced at 7:30 pm.


Present:                                  Cllr. G.Evans, Cllr. R. Fisher, Cllr. Mrs. S. Fisher, and Cllr. G. Jones.


Apologies for Absence:         Cllr. A. Wright and Cllr. Mrs. L. Newland


In attendance:                        Mr. B. Stubbings (clerk), and

Mrs Ann Scott, Mr. Andrew Milligan and Mr. Peter Williams


Chair person:                         Cllr. R. Fisher took the Chair.


024/15.  Declarations of Interest:     None


025/15  Minutes of Last Meeting (June 2015):


The minutes were proposed to be accepted as a true record by Cllr. Evans, the proposal was seconded by Cllr, Jones and agreed by all.  The minutes were signed by the chairperson.


027/15.  Matters Arising from previous Meeting:


Enviromental Nuisance at Scurlage

Clerk advised that he had received responses from Environment Dept. and other sections of C&CS re control of noise and adequacy of facilities for large events at South Gower Sports Club. Generally these were positive and indicated that the City Council would be actively working with the Club to ensure that nuisances did not re-occur. Cllr. Jones advised that he understood that measures had been taken by the management persons of the Sports Club to strengthen the management and improve the  operation of the facilities.

Defibrillators. Clerk advised that installation work was now complete. Cllr. Jones suggested that a suitable location at Overton could be provided by Mr. Russell Stokes. It was agreed that Mr. Stokes should be approached by Cllr. Jones.


028/15.  Finance:


Clerk advised that payment had been made for the defibrillators in the amount of

The bank balances were as follows:


Current Account         £9,460

Savings Account         £5,255

Knelston Burial Ground Account       £675


The following funding commitments have been made and are carried forward:


Wooden bench seat (1 no) at Overton – £500

Scurlage Green Improvements – £2,000

Port Eynon village green improvements – £2,000.


029/15.  Planning:


From previous applications:


2015/1042 Llanddewi Castle Farm – Agricultural Building

Demolition of existing stone barn and erection of steel framed agricultural building. Council noted that the existing barn had been severely damaged by fire and that the new barn would provide more appropriate facilities for this active farm. Application was recommended for approval.

Decision pending


2015/1218 Monksland Road, Scurlage – 14 Units Social Housing

Amended submission for landscaping etc.


2015/1513 The Old Pharmacy, Monksland Road, Scurlage

Provision of non-illuminated advertising panels

(Note: This application was submitted with wrong address, correct address is ‘The Medical Centre, Scuralge’.)


New applications


2015/1657 Gower Holiday Village, Scurlage

Renewal of permit for overspill touring caravan site for June to Sept 2016. Council note that this application was for renewal of the present temporary permit for the forthcoming year. Observations were made that in the peak period for 2015 established caravan sites accessed via the Port and Rhossilli roads were not at capacity and hence the need for a temporary overspill site was not justified. Also the usage of this site in the peak period was very small indicating that it was not operating as an overspill, as intended, but was picking up occasional occupants from passing tourists. Concerns were expressed that there were no associated facilities for toilets, washing etc. as required in  an established site and reliance was made on a small number of ‘Portaloos’. Council recommended by majority that the application should be refused.


2015/1199 Fairfield Farm, Knelston

Council noted that there was little material change from the previous application (2014/1788) which was refused. Storage of caravans, albeit short term, was still proposed in close proximity to the neighbouring houses, whereas this could readily be located adjacent to the existing barns. Concerns were again expressed over the poor visibility and consequent danger of slow vehicles entering and leaving the site from the main road, also the possible obstruction of a public right of way within the storage area. Council, by majority, recommended refusal.


2015/1513 Beach House Surf Shop, Port eynon

Conversion of garage storeroom into coffee shop plus external seating area. Application was supported by majority.



030/15 Highways & Footpaths.

Cllr. Fisher again stressed the need for traffic speed control measures in Scurlage, particularly for through traffic to and from Port Eynon.


Cllr. Evans advised that overgrown trees on Port Eynon Hill were a considerable hazard. He also advised that C&CS were erecting a number of new road signs in Port eynon which were contrary to the previous policy of limiting intrusion by road signs and should be queried with the originating department.


Cllr. Jones advised that the footpath from Stoney Forge to Llanddewi remained impassable due to overgrowing bushes.


031/15 Correspondence:


Clerk provided a resume of correspondence received in the past four weeks. Of particular note were:

Post Office – Efforts to obtain alternate premises and a Post Master  had so far proved unsuccessful and the post office service at Scurlage would remain closed.

C&CS Review of Council Assets – Council noted that this was limited to properties, and it was recommended that a response be sent stressing the need for the grounds at Knelston school to be retained for use of the school; and querying the continuing use of Borva House as a recreational hostel.


032/15 Knelston Burial Ground.  Nothing to report.


033/15 Village Halls


Talbot Hall (Port Eynon Village Hall) :Clerk reported that he had referred the available documentation to Solicitors for clarification on ownership of land and buildings and interpretation of the Trust Deed. Solicitor had also been asked to advise on possible encroachment of the Talbot Hall land. Mr. Peter Williams (present) requested  a response to the VHMC request for a Certified True Copy of the 1985 Conveyance and Trust Deed.  The Clerk advised that the Council was only in possession of a photocopy of the said document and hence could not satisfy this request. Measures were in hand to locate an original copy but so far had proven unsuccessful.


Llandewi Hall – Clerk had invited chair of Trustees to attend a Council meeting in the autumn period.


034/15 Communications  No further developments

Mr. Peter Williams (present) advised that the Village Hall Management Committee planned to replace the public notice board opposite the bus shelter in Port Eynon.


035/15 Any Other Business:


Cllr. Fisher advised that PV panels had been placed on the roof of the new barn at Berry farm and he was not aware of any planning application for the same.


Cllr. Evans note that with the present recreational boating season coming to an end that it would be appropriate to request feedback on the use and operation of the boat slip at Port Eynon and the proposed arrangements for the next season.


Cllr. Fisher advised that the residents at Scurlage had recently been affected for several days by an intolerable odour presumably emanating from a particular matrial being spread on the local fields. Many residents had made individual complaints and Clerk was requested to also make a strong complaint.


Mr. Milligan (present) commented on the presence of several ad hoc advertising panels at the junction of the Port Eynon and Rhossilli roads which obstructed visibility and caused danger to both traffic and pedestrians.


Date of Next Meeting: Monday 19th October 2015 at 7:30 pm. at Port Eynon Village Hall. Rescheduled to Monday 26th October.


Meeting closed at 9:30 pm.                                                                 Chairman



  1. J. Stubbings, (Clerk) R. Fisher