Council meeting 16th November 2020

Port Eynon Community Council

Minutes of monthly Council meeting held on Monday 16th November 2020 at The Old Pharmacy, Scurlage.

Present                  Councillors: Martin Cox, Robert Fisher, Sheila Fisher, David Lewis, and Gareth Jones

Apologies:             Gareth Evans

In attendance       Mr.Barry Stubbings – Clerk;

  1. Minutes                 Clerk confirmed that the notes of a ‘virtual’  meeting held via ZOOM technology on 19th October had been circulated to all Councillors.
  • Declarations of Interest      None were declared.
  • Matters Arising

None considered at this meeting.

  • Finance 

Clerk advised of current resources available and that two of the three precept payments had been received and final payment was due in December.  

Further to the last meeting Clerk confirmed that he had taken out an upgrade subscription for ZOOM meetings at a cost of £144 to facilitate further meetings using this technology. Agreed to reimburse the Clerk.

Clerk advised that he was experiencing difficulty in communications with CARIAD for provision of further defibrillators and all agreed that this likely reflected the Covid pandemic situation.

Timber posts around edge of Overton Green – Penrice Estate had objected and the present stones would be retained.

Xmas trees had been purchased from ‘Gower Fresh Xmas Trees’ for Scurlage and Port Eynon together with solar power lights. Budget of £750. Warden of St Cattwg’s church had kindly agreed for a tree to be ercetec in the churchyard near to the RNLI monument. Councillor Gareth Jones kindly offered to prepare sunken tubes

at each location.

Bench seat at Scurlage bus stop would be facilitated by relocation of the present seat at the Salisbury/Monksland road junction.

War Memorial bench seat had been ordered from David Ogilvie Engineering. Budget £1,260.

A further bench seat had been purchased for the green area near nos 20/22 Monksland Road. Budget £700.

New Notice Board had been ordered for Scurlage Green to be located nearby the bus stop. Budget £2,000. Board would provide for community notices in separate section to Council notices.

Repairs to Notice Boards at Port Eynon, and Knelston. Budget £200.

Wildfower planting at Sculage and Port Eynon village greens, and bramble clearance at Port Eynon. Budget £150

Traffic calming measures at Scurlage. Budget £3,000.

Clerk confirmed that reserves together with 2020 Precept were adequate to meet these commitments.                      

  • Planning  

Clerk provided a resume of applications recently considered and now approved or refused


2020/2269 FUL – The Old Pharmacy, Scurlage

Conversion of office premises to living accommodation including addition of first floor and porch.

The community Council have considered this application for full planning approval and have the following comments.

Council supports the conversion to living accommodation of this small property presenting providing office premises. In so doing Council notes that the present flat roof structure is deteriorating and requires substantial renovation works.

Council considers that the addition of a pitched roof and front porch will result in elevations which are more consistent with the residential street scene of Monksland Road. Council notes that parking is presently provided for the office premises by means of a lay-by fronting the property and that this will continue to be the case.

For the above reasons, Council by majority were of the opinion that this planning application is supported.

2020/2119 FUL Well Cottage, Port Eynon

Single storey Rear Extension (Amendment to application 2012/2543)

The community Council have considered this application for full planning approval to amend application 2019/2543 and have the following comments.

The amendment incorporates substantial changes to the rear elevation including 15 roof lights. No supporting floor plans have been provided to illustrate how the amended elevation is integrated with the floor plans. Whilst the amendment would appear to result in a ‘cleaner’ rear elevation the provision of such a large number of roof lights detracts from the overall appearance of the rear elevation.

Council notes that although the cottage is unchanged from the present arrangement of three bedrooms no indication is given as to how provision will be made for parking. Residents and Council are concerned that the lack of parking provision for Well cottage and neighbouring properties is leading to considerable congestion in nearby Orchard  Close which leads to difficulty in access for emergency and refuse vehicles to the properties in this area.

For the above reasons, Council by majority were of the opinion that this amendment to the previous planning application could not be supported.

  • Highways, Footpaths and Environment

No matters considered.

  • Correspondence

Clerk advised that he had received no correspondence of note.

  • Communications, Notice Boards, Etc

See above.

  • Village Halls

Chair advised that he had received notice that an architect was to be appointed to produce an outline scheme for shops, toilets and community centre at the car park in Port Eynon.

  1. Knelston Burial Ground.

Clerk advised, on behalf of the Trustees, that there was nothing to report.

  1. Any Other Business            

There was no further business.

Next meeting – Monday 21st December 2020, 7 pm. At The Old Pharmacy, Scurlage as pandemic restrictions precluded a return to meetings at Knelston School.

There being no further business to discuss the Chair thanked all in attendance and the meeting adjourned at 9: 00 pm.

————————————–                                                                                             ——————————————

Barry Stubbings (Clerk)                                                                                                       Robert Fisher (Chair)

10th March 2020

Notes of Meeting 16 October 2020



Participating: Robert Fisher, Gareth Evans, Sheila Fisher, Martin Cox, Barry stubbings                                 

Apologies:           Dave Lewis, Gareth Jones

Purpose: To discuss key issues and progress planned expenditure.

Agreed immediate expenditure:

  1. To purchase a new notice board for Scurlage Green, to be sited close to bus stop. (£2,000)
  2. To relocate existing bench from opposite Salisbury Close to above new Notice Board.
  3. To purchase a memorial seat for war memorial garden area. (£1,000)
  4. To purchase new bench seat to be placed on green area at end of Monksland Road in Scurlage. (£1,000)
  5. To obtain from City Council, or purchase, new dog bins for Scurlage, Overton and Port Eynon
  6. To purchase Xmas trees for Scurlage and Port Eynon. (£500)
  7. To secure contractor to restore notice boards at Port Eynon and Knelston, erect new board at Scurlage, resite seat and clear old posts. (£500).

Further expenditure:

Knelston School – assistance with a blindfold/sensory trail in woodland area near to Knelston Garage.

Further projects:

  1. Liaise with City Council on speed restriction along A4118.
  2. Liaise with City Council on new and additional rubbish bins for Port Eynon.
  3. Liaise with City Council on possible long term lease of village green area at rear of Borfa House.
  4. Liaise with City Council/Gower AONB on lowering of sand dunes fronting shops in Port Eynon.
  5. Liaise with Sketty Housing on replanting of trees at Scurlage Green.

General Points

  1. Port Eynon Car park to be open on 24/7 basis, also key evening businesses now have a key to assist customers.
  2. Wire fence between car park and Sky & Sea Park is to be reinstated to original boundary.
  3. Posts along lane to Hostel and salt House to be cleared of encroaching undergrowth.

Council Meeting February 2020

Approved minutes of meeting held in February 2020

Port Eynon Community Council

Minutes of monthly Council meeting held on Monday 24th February 2020 at Knelston Primary School

Present                  Councillors: Martin Cox, Robert Fisher, Sheila Fisher, David Lewis, Steve Young.

Apologies:             Gareth Jones

In attendance       Mr.Barry Stubbings – Clerk;

  1. Minutes                 Clerk confirmed that the draft minutes of the last meeting held on 20th January 2020 had been circulated to all Councillors. The Chair expressed his thanks to Cllr. Evans for acting as clerk and preparing the record of the meeting. Cllr Young requested a minor change at Section 6 to show that the request to alter the traffic sign in Port Eynon was in fact made by Cllr. Lewis. It was proposed by Councillor Martin Cox, and seconded by Councillor Sheila Fisher that the minutes, with this correction, be accepted and this proposal was agreed by all.
  • Declarations of Interest      None were declared.
  • Matters Arising


TRAFFIC SPEED – Clerk advised of response from CC&S on 4th February regarding traffic control measures in Scurlage. After discussion it was agreed to invite the representative of C&CS to attend a Council meeting.

                                FOOTPATHS – response from C&CS, as above, was noted and agreed that Clerk should write to the developer to seek adoption.

                                SALTHOUSE LANE, PORT EYNON Clerk advised that he had received a response from C&CS Peter Beynon but it did not seem to progress matters. Agreed to invite Peter Beynon to future Council meeting.

DEFIBRILLATORS – After further consideration Council agreed to proceed with funding of two defibrillators. Clerk to advise ‘Cariad’.

  • Finance 

Clerk advised of current resources available and that precept application for £6,000 had been agreed. Clerk advised that he was in receipt of invoices from Knelston School for hire of the meeting room, £200 and Membership of One voice Wales, £138. Proposed by Cllr Gareth Evans and seconded by Cllr. Steve Young that payment be made. Agreed unanimously.

 After discussion it was agreed to proceed without delay on following items of village improvement.

Two defibrillators to be sited at Overton Green (free standing solar powered); Port Eynon Youth Hostel (mains power with unit relocated from Knelston garage; Knelston village (free standing solar powered) Budget £3,000.

Timber posts around edge of Overton Green (agreement of Penrice Estate will be necessary). Budget £1,000.

Bench seats at Scurlage bus stop and War Memorial. Budget £3,000.

Repairs to Notice Boards at Port Eynon, and Knelston. Budget £500.

Replacement Notice Board at Scurlage green. Budget £1,000.

Wildfower planting at Sculage and Port Eynon village greens, and bramble clearance at Port Eynon. Budget £150

Traffic calming measures at Scurlage. Budget £3,000.

                                Total budget allocation £11,650.

Clerk confirmed that reserves together with 2020 Precept were adequate to meet these commitments.                      

  • Planning  

Clerk provided a resume of applications recently considered and now approved or refused


2019/2543 FUL    Well Cottage, Port Eynon – Increase of roof height at rear, rooflights and patio doors.

Council considered the application and found it generally acceptable with no adverse effect on neighbours or the neighbourhood. Application granted 8th January 2020

2019/2313 FUL    Land adjoining Dinglebank, Trumpet Lane, Knelston – New detached house and garage.

Council considered this further application for this site.Council were of the opinion that the proposals represented an over development of the site leading to a detached house which was not in accordance with the guidelines expressed in the AONB Design Guide for both overall size and for height. The resulting house would not be compatible with existing properties in Trumpet Lane. Council noted that the proposed first floor terrace would give rise to intrusive overlooking of a neighbouring property. Council noted that the plot size had been maximised by the removal of established hedgerows and replacement with close boarded fencing which is further contrary to AONB Guidelines.

Council reiterated previously expressed concerns with regard to further development being served by Trumpet Lane which is an unmade road served from a sub-standard junction with the A4118 Port Eynon Road. This junction lacks visibility for exiting traffic and is sited close to a rise in the main road such that southbound traffic is unaware of exiting vehicles.

Overall Council were of the unanimous opinion that the application should be refused. Application refused on 9th December 2019.

2019/2493 South Gower Sports Club, Detached Gymnasium Building. Council by majority agreed this proposed addition to the Sports Club complex is in principle, acceptable .

2019/2811/PRE A Pre-App for detached dwelling at Scurlage Farm Scurlage SA3 1BA

Councillors referred to their consideration of an earlier application and concerns re; increased surface water run-off but considered that the increased amenity space and smaller footprint of the proposed property sufficient for them to support the application.

2019/2794/FUL  Milestone Court Scurlage SA3 1AX Proposed detached dwelling.

Overall Council were unanimously of the opinion that the proposed development was not in accordance with local planning policy, was of excessive size and constituted over development of a small backland site.

2018/2279/FUL granted 12/12/2018 Murmur y Llanw, Overton Lane Port Eynon SA3 1NR

Discharge of condition 3 of Planning permission.

2020/0044/TEM Moor Corner Farm Port Eynon Swansea SA3 1NJ Use of land for the siting of 5 Touring caravans from Good Friday (whichever is the earlier) or the 1st April t 31st October 2020 (inclusive) and Good Friday (whichever is the earlier0 1st April to 31st October 2021 (inclusive).

Council considered the application and recommended approval.

2019/2945/FUL Highfield Port Eynon SA3 1NL Extend the use of the garage to operate gin tasting/making classes with first floor accommodation above to accommodate staff/owners and use of 4 bedrooms of the main dwelling house as a Bed and Breakfast.

Council considered the application and recommended approval.


2019/2541 PRE – Land South of Highwinds, Port Eynon, Development of a Holiday Park. Council noted the application and were of the opinion that it was contrary to the Local Development plan and planning policy for Gower AONB. Concern was raised as to the precedent that would be set if approved, noting that there would be substantial loss of active prime agricultural land, the development would impinge on the skyline of hills surrounding Port Eynon village. The size of the planned development would place considerable stress on the infrastructure of the area. Council unanimously voted that the proposal should be refused.

2020/0172 FUL – No 1 Frogmoor Cottages, Frogmoor Lane. Single storey rear extension.

Council considered the details of the application for a minor infill extension to the rear of the cottage and agreed unanimously that approval should be recommended.

2020/0021 ELD – Plot 90 Highfield Holiday park, Port Eynon. Replacement of caravan with a log cabin. Council noted that this was a retrospective application and were of the opinion that a certificate could be granted.

  • Highways, Footpaths and Environment

Cllr. Lewis again raised concern over the traffic sign on the approach to port eynon and the deep hole in the edge of the carriageway at St Cattwg’s church.

Cllr. Young repeated his concerns over the boardwalk from Port Eynon to Horton which is hazardous to pedestrians when it is wet. He advised that a serious accident had recently occurred which necessitated the attendance of the air ambulance.  As a corollary he requested the Clerk to make enquiries of the First Responder Unit as to why they do not appear to be reacting to accidents of this nature or to routine medical emergencies.

With the approach of a new holiday season Council expressed again their commitment to replacing the beach litter bins and to engaging local businesses in a plastic free village.

  • Correspondence

Clerk advised that he had received no correspondence of note.

  • Communications, Notice Boards, Etc

Cllr. Evans reported that the Notice Board at St Cattwg’s church had been blown or knocked down. He had approached Cllr. Jones to carry out repairs..

  • Village Halls

Port Eynon – Cllr. Robert Fisher advised that he had written to the VHMC and to Highfields Holiday Park regarding the boundary encroachment but had received no response.

Llanddewi – Chair advised that he was still unable to contact Mr Walters.

  1. Knelston Burial Ground.

Clerk advised, on behalf of the Trustees, that there was nothing to report.

  1. Any Other Business            

There was no further business.

Next meeting – Monday 23rd March 2020, 7 pm. At Knelston School.

There being no further business to discuss the Chair thanked all in attendance and the meeting adjourned at 9: 00 pm.

————————————–                                                                                             ——————————————

Barry Stubbings (Clerk)                                                                                                       Robert Fisher (Chair)

10th March 2020

Minutes November 2019

Approved Minutes of Council meeting November 2019

Port Eynon Community Council

Minutes of monthly Council meeting held on Monday 18th November 2019 at Knelston Primary School

Present                  Councillors: Martin Cox, Gareth Evans, Robert Fisher, David Lewis

Apologies:             Sheila Fisher, Gareth Jones

In attendance       Mr.Barry Stubbings – Clerk;

  1. Minutes                 Clerk confirmed that the draft minutes of the last meeting held on 14th October 2019 had been circulated to all Councillors; also that the confirmed minutes of the September council meeting had been displayed on the Council notice boards and posted on the web site.. It was proposed by Councillor Martin Cox, and seconded by Councillor Gareth Evans that the minutes be accepted and this proposal was agreed by all.
  • Declarations of Interest      None were declared.
  • Matters Arising


TRAFFIC SPEED – Clerk tabled a draft of letter to C&CS Chief Executive calling for action and all agreed on the letter being sent.

                                FOOTPATHS – call for action was also included in the above letter.

                                SALTHOUSE LANE, PORT EYNON Clerk to make contact with Peter Beynon and AONB taskforce to have undergrowth cleared and to make marker posts visible, also to regrade the lane surface. All matters previously promised and now long overdue.

DEFIBRILLATORS – No further consideration .

  • Finance 

Budgetted expenditure was presently:

                                                Port Eynon Village Green works- £2,000

                                                Scurlage Village Green works – £2,000

                                                Scurlage traffic speed management – £3,000

Clerk confirmed that there were adequate resources to meet these commitments.                           

  • Planning  

Clerk provided a resume of applications recently considered and now approved or refused

2019/1556 Llais y Don, Overton lane, SA3 1NR – Extensions, Porches, canopy and front patio area.

Council noted that the proposal amounted to considerable reconfiguration and extension of the existing building. Reference was made to a detailed objection from owners of the neighbouring property. Council expressed concern over the extent of the additions to the present property and in particular, to the proximity of the side extension to the property boundary. Council further noted the incorporation of flat roof areas which would not be consistent with the Gower AONB Design Guides. Overall Council concluded by majority that the application could be recommended for approval provided the above concerns could be addressed.

Application approved on 5th November 2019.

2019/2027TCA Box Boat Cottage, Port Eynon – To lop and crown lift one cedar tree. Council had no recommendations.

2019/ 2080 PRE-App  Manzell Kuchak, Port Eynon  – Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension.

Council considered the application which was for extension and improvement of an existing holiday cottage. Council noted that there was no provision for parking at the existing property and there would be none after the improvements are carried out. Car parking in the immediate area is already problematic. Council further noted that the proposed fenestration would appear to not be compatible with the AONB design guide and expressed reservations over the proposed balcony.

Overall Council recommended that the application be refused.

Decided on 8th October and given a ‘MIXED’ response.


2019/2543 FUL    Well Cottage, Port Eynon – Increase of roof height at rear, rooflights and patio doors.

Council considered the application and found it generally acceptable with no adverse effect on neighbours or the neighbourhood.

2019/2313 FUL    Land adjoining Dinglebank, Trumpet Lane, Knelston – New detached house and garage.

Council considered this further application for this site.Council were of the opinion that the proposals represented an over development of the site leading to a detached house which was not in accordance with the guidelines expressed in the AONB Design Guide for both overall size and for height. The resulting house would not be compatible with existing properties in Trumpet Lane. Council noted that the proposed first floor terrace would give rise to intrusive overlooking of a neighbouring property. Council noted that the plot size had been maximised by the removal of established hedgerows and replacement with close boarded fencing which is further contrary to AONB Guidelines.

Council reiterated previously expressed concerns with regard to further development being served by Trumpet Lane which is an unmade road served from a sub-standard junction with the A4118 Port Eynon Road. This junction lacks visibility for exiting traffic and is sited close to a rise in the main road such that southbound traffic is unaware of exiting vehicles.

Overall Council were of the unanimous opinion that the application should be refused.

  • Highways and Footpaths

Councillors raised concern over the area at the rear of Borfa House, Port Eynon where the unmade surface had deteriorated to such an extent that it presented a severe hazard for pedestrians, particularly as there was no lighting in the area.  Numerous deep potholes were present which could easily lead to severe injuries to the public. It was noted that this area was a main pedestrian route serving the eastern part of Port Eynon and had become a parking area well used by tourists in the day time and by patrons of the Ship Inn in the evenings. Council noted that the popularity of this area for parking had risen in the recent past due to uncertainties around the cost and use of the main public car park.  Clerk to again raise with C&CS Peter Beynon.

Concern was raised with regard to the disabled car park area at the roundabout which was again suffering from frequent build up of sand and from the boundary wall which presented a dangerous unprotected drop for pedestrians.

Concern was raised with regard to the surface drain on the side of the A4118 just before St Cattwg’s church. Repairs had been ongoing for some time but there was concern that on completion there would remain a deep open drain which would be hazardous to pedestrians.

  • Correspondence

Clerk advised that he had received further correspondence from Mrs Walker concerning the green at Overton. In particular that the marker stones were no longer proving a deterrent to vehicles to park on the green. Councillor Evans advised that he would re-visit the area to see if improvements could be made.

Clerk advised that he had received letters from three residents in Knelston concerning the planning application for land adjacent to Dinglebank. These were considered with the application as above.

  • Communications, Notice Boards, Etc

Again, no matters for consideration.

  • Village Halls

Port Eynon – Cllr. Robert Fisher advised that he had written to the VHMC regarding the boundary encroachment from a caravan pitch and had emphasised that this was a matter that should be considered under the regulations for a party wall. A copy of letter was tabled for information of Councillors.

Llanddewi – Chair advised that he had been unable to contact Mr Walters.

  1. Knelston Burial Ground.

Clerk advised, on behalf of the Trustees, that there was nothing to report.

  1. Any Other Business            

Councillor Evans advised of his recent experience in the main car park at Port Eynon. He  was recently in the car park at approximately 8:30 pm and observed the gates being closed and possibly locked. He had to hastily exit the car park. He advised that it was his understanding that the car park was to remain open until 11 pm. But noted that the sign on the gate indicated hours of 8 am to 8:30 pm. The notice board on the toilet block advised hours of 8 am to 9 pm. He questioned what course of action was to be taken by a resident if they found their car locked in the car park, noting that there were no contact details given on the gates or the notice boards. Clerk was requested to raise with C&CS Peter Beynon.

Councillor Evans drew attention to previous discussions concerning the village green area in Port Eynon and wondered if this matter could be further addressed with a view leasing the area to preserve it for community use.

Next meeting – Unless there were urgent issues Council agreed not to meet in December and that next scheduled meeting would be Monday 18th January, 7 pm. At Knelston School.

There being no further business to discuss the Chair thanked all in attendance and the meeting adjourned at 9: 00 pm.

————————————–                                                                                             ——————————————

Barry Stubbings (Clerk)                                                                                                       Robert Fisher (Chair)

18th January 2020

Minutes October 2019

Approved minutes of Council Meeting October 2019

Port Eynon Community Council

Minutes of monthly Council meeting held on Monday 14th October 2019 at Knelston Primary School

Present                  Councillors: Martin Cox, Gareth Evans, Robert Fisher, Sheila Fisher, Gareth Jones David Lewis and Steve Young.

Apologies:             none

In attendance       Mr.Barry Stubbings – Clerk;

                                Residents of Scurlage –  Mr. Graham Howarth and Mrs Tracey Howarth

Chair                       Councillor Robert Fisher took the Chair and invited those members of the public present to address the meeting.

                                Mr. & Mrs. Howarth, on behalf of all residents in Scurlage, expressed concern over the lack of control of vehicle speed on the A4118 Port Eynon Road. They explained that they had organised a petition of residents and that this petition had been presented to the local Member of parliament Ms Antonia Antoniazza. Subsequently they had met at Scurlage with Mr. Lyn Jones of Swansea City Council and pointed out the hazardous stretch of road which included blind junctions at Berry road and Muddy Gap, bus stops on each side of the road, and in the summer months an ad hoc junction serving the Scurlage Farm shop via a field gate. They also stressed that the opposed service bus stops were used by numerous school busses.

                                The Chair responded to say that the Community Council had been pressing for many years for physical traffic calming measures to be introduced to reduce traffic speed and had offered to contribute to the cost of such measures from their limited budget. He further advised that their had been no response from the City Council to complaints from the Community Council and no contact with regard to this resident’s petition other than to advise that the same had been received.

                                Mr & Mrs Howarth thanked the Council for the sympathetic hearing they had received and all agreed to share any further developments. Mr & Mrs Howarth then left the meeting.

                                The Chair commenced the business of the regular Council Meeting.

  1. Minutes                 Clerk confirmed that the draft minutes of the last meeting held on 14th September 2019 had been circulated to all Councillors; also that the confirmed minutes of the July council meeting had been displayed on the Council notice boards and posted on the web site. Minor corrections were made. It was proposed by Councillor Gareth Evans, and seconded by Councillor Martin Cox that the minutes be accepted and this proposal was agreed by all.
  • Declarations of Interest      None were declared.
  • Matters Arising


Bench seat – Clerk advised that he had received no response from C&CS Highways Dept concerning the removal of the bench seat.

Traffic speed – Clerk advised that he had written to C&CS Highways Dept. on traffic calming and possible provision of ‘Gateway’ signage for the village. He had sent a reminder and copied correspondence to Cllr. Richard Lewis but again was yet to receive any response. Cllr.Young advised that he was being pressed by many residents to take action to have ‘speed bumps’ installed. Clerk advised that he had been in contact with C&CS and requested the installation of speed monitoring strips in the vicinity of the junction with Berry lane.

                                FOOTPATHS –Cllr Steve Young advised that the footpath thro’ to the Sports Ground had been cleaned but a long term solution was still required.

It was agreed that Clerk should address all of the above long standing issues to the Council Chief Executive.

DEFIBRILLATORS –Clerk advised that the Council’s application for lottery funding had been declined with an indication that community support had not been demonstrated.

  • Finance 

Committed expenditure was presently:

                                                Port Eynon Village Green works- £2,000

                                                Scurlage Village Green works – £2,000

                                                Scurlage traffic speed management – £3,000

Clerk confirmed that there were adequate resources to meet these commitments.                           

  • Planning  

Clerk provided a resume of applications recently considered and now approved or refused

2019/1556 Llais y Don, Overton lane, SA3 1NR – Extensions, Porches, canopy and front patio area.

Council noted that the proposal amounted to considerable reconfiguration and extension of the existing building. Reference was made to a detailed objection from owners of the neighbouring property. Council expressed concern over the extent of the additions to the present property and in particular, to the proximity of the side extension to the property boundary. Council further noted the incorporation of flat roof areas which would not be consistent with the Gower AONB Design Guides. Overall Council concluded by majority that the application could be recommended for approval provided the above concerns could be addressed.

Application approved on 5th November 2019.

2019/1982 Milestone Court, Scurlage, SA3 1AX – Proposed new dwelling house and attached Garage.

Council considered the application and noted that a previous application for a detached house at this location had already been granted, but an application for a pair of semi detached dwellings had been rejected. It was noted that this application increased the size of the proposed dwelling but now integrated the previously detached garage with the main house. Council expressed concern over the size of the dwelling which seemed inappropriate to what was effectively a ‘backland site’. In view of the previously granted application Council reluctantly accepted the modifications now presented. Application refused on 1st October as representing over development of the site and being inappropriate.


2019/2027TCA Box Boat Cottage, Port Eynon – To lop and crown lift one cedar tree. Council had no recommendations.

2019/ 2080  Manzell Kuchak, Port Eynon  – Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension.

Council considered the application which was for extension and improvement of an existing holiday cottage. Council noted that there was no provision for parking at the existing property and there would be none after the improvements are carried out. Car parking in the immediate area is already problematic. Council further noted that the proposed fenestration would appear to not be compatible with the AONB design guide and expressed reservations over the proposed balcony.

Overall Council recommended that the application be refused.

  • Highways and Footpaths

No new matters considered.

  • Correspondence

Clerk advised of no issues for consideration

  • Communications, Notice Boards, Etc

Again, no matters for consideration.

  • Village Halls

Port Eynon – Cllr. Robert Fisher advised that he had written to the VHMC regarding the boundary encroachment from a caravan pitch and had emphasised that this was a matter that should be considered under the regulations for a party wall.

Llanddewi – Nothing to report.

  1. Knelston Burial Ground.

Clerk advised, on behalf of the Trustees, that there was nothing to report.

  1. Any Other Business            

Cllr. Sheila Fisher advised that arrangements had been made for a brief service of rememberance at the Scurlage Green Memorial on Monday 11th November. All were welcome to attend and clerk agreed to publicise on Council notice boards and web site.

Cllr Steve Young advised that he had been approached by residents in Monksland road concerning the dangers presented to children who were attending evening coaching sessions at the sports Club. After discussion it was agreed that children should be encouraged to use the footpath link alongside Monksland Court and not the main road. Council would look into the possibility of improving this link to remove unnecessary vegetation and provide solar powered bollard lighting.

Next meeting – Monday 18th November, 7 pm. At Knelston School.

There being no further business to discuss the Chair thanked all in attendance and the meeting adjourned at 9: 00 pm.

————————————–                                                                                             ——————————————

Barry Stubbings (Clerk)                                                                                                       Robert Fisher (Chair)

18th Nov 2019

Minutes September 2019

Confirmed minutes of Council meeting September 2019

Port Eynon Community Council

Minutes of monthly Council meeting held on Monday 9th September 2019 at Knelston Primary School

Present                  Councillors: Martin Cox, Robert Fisher, Sheila Fisher, Gareth Evans, Gareth Jones and Steven Young.

Apologies:             Councillors: David Lewis

In attendance       Mr.Barry Stubbings – Clerk;                             

Chair                       Councillor Robert Fisher took the Chair.

  1. Minutes                 Clerk confirmed that the draft minutes of the last meeting held on 15th July 2019 had been circulated to all Councillors; also that the confirmed minutes of the June council meeting had been displayed on the Council notice boards and posted on the web site. It was proposed by Councillor Martin Cox, and seconded by Councillor Gareth Evans that the minutes be accepted and this proposal was agreed by all.
  • Declarations of Interest      None so declared.
  • Matters Arising


Bench seat – Clerk advised that he had received no response from C&CS Highways Dept concerning the removal of the bench seat.

Traffic speed – Clerk advised that he had written to C&CS Highways Dept. on traffic calming and possible provision of ‘Gateway’ signage for the village. He had sent a reminder and copied correspondence to Cllr. Richard Lewis but again was yet to receive any response. Cllr.Young advised that he was being pressed by many residents to take action to have ‘speed bumps’ installed. Clerk advised that he had been in contact with C&CS and requested the installation of speed monitoring strips in the vicinity of the junction with Berry lane.

                                FOOTPATHS –Cllr Steve Young advised that the footpath thro’ to the Sports Ground had been cleaned but a long term solution was still required.

DEFIBRILLATORS –Clerk advised that he had made an application to Lotteries Fund for Wales for a grant of £7,500 for four defibrillators accompanied by a commitment of Council funds up to £1,000 for installation costs and training. He had received acknowledgement of the application.

NOTICE BOARD AT KNELSTON – Clerk advised that he was in receipt of new MMT notice board to replace the present board at the burial ground and would install as soon as he could.

  • Finance 

Committed expenditure was presently:

                                                Port Eynon Village Green works- £2,000

                                                Scurlage Village Green works – £2,000

                                                Scurlage traffic speed management – £3,000

                                                Defibrillators – £9,000 (with possible grant aid of £7,500)

                                                New notice board at Knelston burial ground – £675

                                                Annual membership of One Voice Wales – £133

Clerk confirmed that there were adequate resources to meet these commitments.                           

  • Planning  

Clerk provided a resume of applications recently considered and now approved or refused

2019/1419 Land North of 2 Frogmoor Cottages, Frog Moor lane. Conversion of garage to a two bedroom holiday cottage

Council noted that there was a previous application in 2018 (2018/1267) for conversion of the same garage building into a two bedroom holiday home and that this was refused. The existing building was considered to be unsuitable for conversion and the resultant building would be of inappropriate scale and design.

Council noted that the present garage building was no longer associated with the adjacent cottages and that it was significantly isolated in an adjoining field and had no apparent usage or purpose. Council were of the opinion that the present appearance of the building was incongruous. Council considered that the proposed conversion would serve to improve the usage and appearance of the building. Council agreed by majority to support the application.

Application refused on 19th June 2019 as existing building is not appropriate for conversion and resultant building would be an inappropriate suburban form.

2019/1587 PRE. Conversion of office building to a two bedroom dwelling

Council noted that the building in question was originally constructed as a pharmacy to serve what was then an adjacent doctor’s surgery building. It has latterly been in use as commercial office premises. The building is located in a residential context on a small infill site and in close proximity to the adjacent residential bungalow. Council were of the opinion that the present building was inappropriate to its residential surroundings and that the proposed conversion would offer significant visual improvement. Concern was expressed that the resultant accommodation was very limited for its purpose as a self-contained residential dwelling. Overall Council, by majority, recommended that the application be granted.

Application refused on 24th July as an inappropriate form of development which could be considered as detrimental to the character and appearance of the settlement.


2019/1156 Llais y Don, Overton lane, SA3 1NR – Extensions, Porches, canopy and front patio area.

Council noted that the proposal amounted to considerable reconfiguration and extension of the existing building. Reference was made to a detailed objection from owners of the neighbouring property. Council expressed concern over the extent of the additions to the present property and in particular, to the proximity of the side extension to the property boundary. Council further noted the incorporation of flat roof areas which would not be consistent with the Gower AONB Design Guides. Overall Council concluded by majority that the application could be recommended for approval provided the above concerns could be addressed.

2019/1982 Milestone Court, Scurlage, SA3 1AX – Proposed new dwelling house and attached Garage.

Council considered the application and noted that a previous application for a detached house at this location had already been granted, but an application for a pair of semi detached dwellings had been rejected. It was noted that this application increased the size of the proposed dwelling but now integrated the previously detached garage with the main house. Council expressed concern over the size of the dwelling which seemed inappropriate to what was effectively a ‘backland site’. In view of the previously granted application Council reluctantly accepted the modifications now presented.

  • Highways and Footpaths

Cllr. Lewis drew attention to the apparent disregard of motorists to the traffic control measures on Port Eynon hill. Present signage requires descending vehicles to give way to ascending vehicles. After discussion it was agreed that the relevant traffic sign should be relocated at a level corresponding to driver’s eye level. Inspection at site had confirmed that this was feasible at the present sign location. Clerk to write to C&CS Highways.

Cllrs Evans and Lewis drew attention to vehicles parking on the access lane to the Youth Hostel at Port Eynon. It was apparent that regular visitors were persistently avoiding parking in the car park and leaving vehicles on the access track. A Council Enforcement officer had periodically attempted to exercise control by issuance of parking tickets but this was having little effect. The question was raised as to whether this was a public highway. A similar situation existed for the parking area at the rear of Borva House.

Cllrs Young and Evans again raised issues concerning the ‘Inner Green’ area at Scurlage and the extent of fly tipping and abandoned or temporarily disused vehicles. Clerk confirmed that the matter had been referred to Sketty Housing Association.

  • Correspondence

Clerk advised receipt of:

Notification from C&CS Transport re new bus time tables introduced by NAT bus Company.

Complaint on 6th September from resident concerning works by Dwr Cymru at Overton Green and subsequent inadequate reinstatement work. Cllr. Evans advised that he was aware of the problem and had been in lengthy discussion with DWr Cymru and their contractors. A further delivery of top soil was now awaited following which the large stones around the green could be repositioned.

Complaint in July from visitors to Port Eynon concerning the poor cleanliness and maintenance of the public toilets and the general cleanliness of the beach. Clerk advised that the complaint had immediately been referred to C&CS Foreshore Officer, Peter Beynon.

Circular advising of activities of Gower Hedgerow Hub.

  • Communications, Notice Boards, Etc

See previous note.

  • Village Halls

Port Eynon – Cllr. Robert Fisher advised that at the VEHMC last meeting the Committee continued to discuss  the matters of wayleave payments from WPD, and the ownership of the land. Chair advised that he had found it necessary to write to the committee to clarify mistakes and omissions in the meeting minutes.

Llanddewi – Nothing to report.

  1. Knelston Burial Ground.

Clerk advised, on behalf of the Trustees, that there was nothing to report.

  1. Any Other Business            

Cllr. Sheila Fisher raised concern that the footpaths and verges in Scurlage had not received routine spraying to control weeds.

Cllr Steve Young drew attention the overgrown state of the bridleway between Llanddewi and Kings Hall.

Cllr Martin Cox drew attention to the signage at the Port Eynon Public Car park which appeared to act as a deterrent to evening parking as users could not be sure that vehicles would not be trapped inside the car park. Question swere raised as to whom had placed the current signage and why the park should be closed before 11 pm.

Next meeting – Monday 14th October, 7 pm. At Knelston School.

There being no further business to discuss the Chair thanked all in attendance and the meeting adjourned at 9: 00 pm.

————————————–                                                                                             ——————————————

Barry Stubbings (Clerk)                                                                                                       Robert Fisher (Chair)

20th Sept 2019

Confirmed Minutes of Council Meeting held on 15th July 2019

Minutes of monthly Council meeting held on Monday 15th July 2019 at Knelston Primary School


Present                  Councillors: Martin Cox,  Robert Fisher, Sheila Fisher, Gareth Evans, Gareth Jones and Steven Young.


Apologies:             Councillors: David Lewis


In attendance       Mr.Barry Stubbings – Clerk;


Chair                       Councillor Robert Fisher took the Chair.




  1. Minutes Clerk confirmed that the draft minutes of the last meeting held on 17th June 2019 had been circulated to all Councillors; also that the confirmed minutes of the May council meeting had been displayed on the Council notice boards and posted on the web site. It was proposed by Councillor Steve Young, and seconded by Councillor Sheila Fisher that the minutes be accepted and this proposal was agreed by all.


  1. Declarations of Interest Councillor Robert Fisher declared a commercial interest in both of the planning applications to be considered..


  1. Matters Arising



Clerk advised that he had written to both C&CS Parks Dept and Highways Dept concerning the removal of the bench seat, requesting that it either be replaced or the Council be compensated. He advised that he had sent a reminder but was still yet to receive a response. Recommended to refer to City Councillor Richard Lewis.


Cllr Martin Cox advised that there were attractive bench seats at Gowerton Railway station commemorating the fallen of World war 1 and suggesting that these be considered.


Clerk advised that he had written to C&CS Highways Dept. on traffic calming and possible provision of ‘Gateway’ signage for the village. He had sent a reminder and copied correspondence to Cllr. Richard Lewis but again was yet to receive any response. Cllr.Young advised that he was being pressed by many residents to take action to have ‘speed bumps’ installed. Agreed that Clerk should request C&CS to again place speed monitoring strips.


FOOTPATHS –Cllr Steve Young advised that he had spoken with City Cllr Richard Lewis who would arrange for cleaning of the path at Scurlage..


DEFIBRILLATORS –Clerk advised that he had made an application to Lotteries Fund for Wales for a grant of £7,500 for four defibrillators accompanied by a commitment of Council funds up to £1,000 for installation costs and training. He had received acknowledgement of the application.


NOTICE BOARD AT KNELSTON – Clerk advised that an order had been placed for a MMT notice board to replace the present board at the burial ground. Cost of £671.


  1. Finance


Clerk advised that expenditure since the last meeting had included contributions to church yard maintenance – totalling £900.

Also, that he had received invoice for renewal of membership of One Voice Wales at £133. Payment as proposed by Cllr Gareth Evans and seconded by Cllr Sheila Fisher was agreed by all.


Committed expenditure was presently:

Port Eynon Village Green works- £2,000

Scurlage Village Green works – £2,000

Scurlage traffic speed management – £3,000

Defibrillators – £9,000 (with possible grant aid of £7,500)

New notice board at Knelston burial ground – £675

Annual membership of One Voice Wales – £133


Clerk confirmed that there were adequate resources to meet these commitments.


  1. Planning

Clerk provided a resume of applications recently considered and now approved or refused


2019/1051 Land adjacent to Hawthorn cottage, Scurlage. – Amendment to application 2019/0020

Council considered the application and noted that there appeared to only minor changes from application 2019/0020 which had been refused as being of ‘inappropriate scale and mass and poor design (which) would introduce a dominant and discordant building to the locality. & the proposed development is considered to be an overdevelopment of the site’. Council noted that the proposed annexe building had been deleted, but the footprint of the main house was largely unchanged. Council noted that the ‘mass’ and height of the garage attached to the house had been reduced. The only other changes were minor alterations to fenestration. Council reiterated their previous comments,  as follows

‘Council were of the opinion the application to be a considerable over development of a very small site.

The mass of the main house will be in visual conflict with neighbouring buildings, particularly the cottages and barn conversion on the immediate opposite side of the main road, and the semi-detached dwellings along Monksland Road.

Council considers the creation of a new access to the site, off the A4118 Port Eynon Road will be undesirable and will conflict with the junction of Berry Lane to the A4118. This is a known traffic ‘black spot’ and further access points should be avoided. Council notes that for the neighbouring development access off the A4118 was precluded and was provided off Monksland Road, in recognition of these difficulties.

Council notes that there is a history of surface water flooding at this location and that there should be no increase in run-off from additional paved areas and all surface water should be disposed of within the site. Council further questions the feasibility/economics of constructing  a deep basement where the water table is at or close to the ground surface for most of the year.’

Application refused on 2nd May 2019 as (1) being of inappropriate scale and mass and poor design and (2) an overdevelopment of the site.


2019/1127 Nos. 4 and 5 Milestone Court Single storey rear and side extensions, garages and porches

Council noted that this was a single application for alteration works to two dwelling houses and questioned the validity of such an application. Clerk advised that there was no application form available on the C&CS planning portal to clarify the application.

Council noted that the side extensions to each property were taken to the property boundaries which precluded access for future maintenance. Also, that the only access to the rear of the properties would be through the property itself.

Council by majority recommended acceptance subject to clarification on the matter of a single application for two properties.

Application granted on 14th May 2019 with proviso that the rear extensions be constructed as one building operation.


2019/1263 Lesliedale Farm, Scurlage non material amendments.

Council noted the nature of the amendments to increase the ridge height, to add a window to bedroom 5, and to enlarge the ‘french’ doors to the kitchen and master bedroom. Council were of the opinion that the revisions could be accepted.

Application granted 20th June 2019.




2019/1419 Land North of 2 Frogmoor Cottages, Frog Moor lane. Conversion of garage to a two bedroom holiday cottage

Council noted that there was a previous application in 2018 (2018/1267) for conversion of the same garage building into a two bedroom holiday home and that this was refused. The existing building was considered to be unsuitable for conversion and the resultant building would be of inappropriate scale and design.

Council noted that the present garage building was no longer associated with the adjacent cottages and that it was significantly isolated in an adjoining field and had no apparent usage or purpose. Council were of the opinion that the present appearance of the building was incongruous. Council considered that the proposed conversion would serve to improve the usage and appearance of the building. Council agreed by majority to support the application.

Application refused on 19th June 2019 as existing building is not appropriate for conversion and resultant building would be an inappropriate suburban form.


2019/1587 PRE. Conversion of office building to a two bedroom dwelling

Council noted that the building in question was originally constructed as a pharmacy to serve what was then an adjacent doctor’s surgery building. It has latterly been in use as commercial office premises. The building is located in a residential context on a small infill site and in close proximity to the adjacent residential bungalow. Council were of the opinion that the present building was inappropriate to its residential surroundings and that the proposed conversion would offer significant visual improvement. Concern was expressed that the resultant accommodation was very limited for its purpose as a self-contained residential dwelling. Overall Council, by majority, recommended that the application be granted.

Application refused on 24th July as an inappropriate form of development which could be considered as detrimental to the character and appearance of the settlement.


  1. Highways and Footpaths


No new issues.


  1. Correspondence

Clerk advised receipt of report on Boundary Commission proposals..


  1. Communications, Notice Boards, Etc

Clerk advised that he was presently looking for a replacement notice board at Knelston.


  1. Village Halls

Port Eynon – Cllr. Robert Fisher advised that at the VEHMC last meeting there had been further discussion with respect to wayleave payments from WPD, and the ownership of the land.


Llanddewi – Chair advised that a reply to the Llanddewi Village Hall Trustees was in hand.


  1. Knelston Burial Ground.

Clerk advised, on behalf of the Trustees, that there was nothing to report.


  1. Any Other Business


Cllr. Gareth jones advised that he had received comments that whereas areas in Port Eynon in the vicinity of the camp sites and the carpark were looking tidy other areas in Port Eynon were distinctly overgrown.


Cllr. Gareth Evans advised that he had witnessed a utility vehicle and trailer accessing the beach via the disabled parking area. Consideration should be given to a barrier rail along this length of the disabled parking area.


Cllr. Martin Cox advised that following recent grass cutting in vicinity of the Youth Hostel the footpath sign had been removed and needed to be reinstated.


Cllr. Sheila Fisher again raised the matter of beach rubbish and use of the rubbish bins by local population and campers to deposit their refuse bags.


Next meeting – Monday 9th September at 7 pm. At Knelston School.


There being no further business to discuss the Chair thanked all in attendance and the meeting adjourned at 9: 00 pm.



————————————–                                                                                             ——————————————

Barry Stubbings (Clerk)                                                                                                       Robert Fisher (Chair)

20th May 2019

Minutes of Council Meeting held on 19th May

Port Eynon Community Council
Minutes of monthly Council meeting held on Monday 18th May 2019 at Knelston Primary School
Present Councillors: , Robert Fisher, Sheila Fisher, Gareth Evans, David Lewis and Steven Young.
Apologies: Councillors Martin Cox, and Gareth Jones.
In attendance Mr.Barry Stubbings – Clerk;
Chair Councillor Robert Fisher took the Chair.
1. Minutes Clerk confirmed that the draft minutes of the last meeting held on 15th April 2019 had been circulated to all Councillors, displayed on the Council notice boards and posted on the web site. It was proposed by Councillor Steve Young, and seconded by Councillor David Lewis that the minutes be accepted and this proposal was agreed by all.
2. Declarations of Interest None were made.
3. Matters Arising
Cllr. Sheila Fisher advised that the garden area around the War memorial had been completed but there were some aspects that were not satisfactory. CllrS Fisher would meet with the gardener and see if improvements could be made.
Clerk advised that he had written to both C&CS Parks Dept and Highways Dept concerning the removal of the bench seat, requesting that it either be replaced or the Council be compensated. He advised that he had sent a reminder but was still yet to receive a response.
Clerk advised that he had written to C&CS Highways Dept. on traffic calming and possible provision of ‘Gateway’ signage for the village. He had sent a reminder and copied correspondence to Cllr. Richard Lewis but again was yet to receive any response.
PORT EYNON FOOTPATHS – Clerk advised that he had no further news on this matter.
DEFIBRILLATORS –Clerk advised that he had written to Cariad (First Response) on the proposals and received their agreement together with outline costing. After discussion Council agreed to make enquiries for a further grant from Lotteries Funding.
4. Finance
Committed expenditure was presently:
Port Eynon Village Green works- £2,000
Scurlage Village Green works – £2,000
Scurlage Village Awareness signs – £3,000
Defibrillators – £5,000 (with possible grant aid)
Contribution to church yard maintenance – £900
Clerk confirmed that there were adequate resources to meet these commitments.
5. Planning
Clerk provided a resume of applications recently considered and now approved or refused
2019/0571 Cherry Tree Cottage, Port Eynon – Retention of existing detached garage as ancillary laundry and staff living accommodation and external alteration in association with the main dwelling and holiday let business.

site, noting that:
Application 2010/1778 made in November 2010 for a detached garage with holiday flat above was refused in February 2011 as representing excessive overdevelopment of the site and providing residential accommodation in too close proximity to neighbouring residential development.
Application 2011/1192 made in August 2011 for a detached garage and laundry was granted on 17th November 2011 despite being essentially a resubmission of 2010/1778 and the approval contained a specific proviso that the building should not be used or converted to domestic living accommodation.
Council considered the present application to be duplicitous as it could be read as ‘Retention of use of an ancillary laundry’ which was in conformity to application granted in 2011, but application for ’staff living accommodation’ was not a retention of use and was a new matter clearly in contradiction to permission granted on 17th November 2011. Further Council was in the understanding that the present building had and was still in continuous use for domestic accommodation in contravention to the conditions made in 2011.
Council considered and confirmed its previous advice that the scale and location of the building was inappropriate and constituted severe overdevelopment of the site (2010) and that any adoption or conversion of the building to holiday or permanent occupation should be prevented (2011).
For these reasons Council recommended refusal of the application and referral for Planning Enforcement action. Application granted on 14th May 2019
2019/0753/PRE The Bays Farm, Overton – Pre application for alterations and changes of use from a garden store and art studio into separate holiday accommodation lets.
Council considered the application and noted that this was an existing structure divorced from the principal residence. It was noted that the proposed alterations would not materially change the scale and size of the existing building. Further the external appearance would not be significantly altered.
Council were of the unanimous opinion that the application should be granted. Decision pending.
2019/0699 Bank farm Scurlage. – Use of Fields 1 and 2 for the siting of a marquee and camping for a maximum of 150 units from 7th to 10th June 2019.
Council considered the application and noted that it was similar to previous applications made for this site. Council also noted that the temporary camp created had caused no adverse local comment. Council recommended that the Application be granted. Decision pending.
2019/1051 Land adjacent to Hawthorn cottage, Scurlage. – Amendment to application 2019/0020
Council considered the application and noted that there appeared to only minor changes from application 2019/0020 which had been refused as being of ‘inappropriate scale and mass and poor design (which) would introduce a dominant and discordant building to the locality. & the proposed development is considered to be an overdevelopment of the site’. Council noted that the proposed annexe building had been deleted, but the footprint of the main house was largely unchanged. Councilnoted that the ‘mass’ and height of the garage attached to the house had been reduced. The only other changes were minor alterations to fenestration. Council reiterated their previous comments:
‘Council were of the opinion the application to be a considerable over development of a very small site.
The mass of the main house will be in visual conflict with neighbouring buildings, particularly the cottages and barn conversion on the immediate opposite side of the main road, and the semi-detached dwellings along Monksland Road.
Council considers the creation of a new access to the site, off the A4118 Port Eynon Road will be undesirable and will conflict with the junction of Berry Lane to the A4118. This is a known traffic ‘black spot’ and further access points should be avoided. Council notes that for the neighbouring development access off the A4118 was precluded and was provided off Monksland Road, in recognition of these difficulties.
Council notes that there is a history of surface water flooding at this location and that there should be no increase in run-off from additional paved areas and all surface water should be disposed of within the site. Council further questions the feasibility/economics of constructing a deep basement where the water table is at or close to the ground surface for most of the year.’
2019/1009 South Gower Sports Club – Licence for camping for 80 units on three weekends.
Council considered the application and noted that the provision for camping on the lower sports field was generally acceptable based on similar provisions in the previous year. Council however noted that the application did not include for a marquee and that the marquee erected last year had never been removed, also that the previous licence was for indoor music only but that the marquee was usually in use without side panels. Council were of the opinion that these issues needed to be regularised.
6. Highways and Footpaths
Cllr Robert Fisher advised that street signage in Monksland road should be improved as on frequent occasions delivery vehicles were unable to locate destination addresses. He recommended a street sign at the junction of Monksland Road and Salisbury Close directing to the higher numbered houses in Monksland Road. All agreed.
7. Correspondence
Clerk advised that he had received communication and correspondence from western power Distribution concerning the annual wayleave payments. This had been promptly answered.
Clerk advised that he had received a request for contribution to the Port Eynon Village Hall Newsletetr but had been unable to respond due to pressure of other matters.
8. Communications, Notice Boards, Etc
Clerk advised that the Notice Board in the Burial Ground had collapsed from age deterioration. Council recommended that financial provision should be made for its replacement. Proposed by Gareth Evans and seconded by Steve Young, agreed by all, with provision that Clerk should seek a more durable replacement.
9. Village Halls
Port Eynon – Chair advised that at the VEHMC last meeting there had been further discussion with respect to wayleave payments from WPD, and concerning the footpath passing alongside the hall.
Llanddewi – Chair advised that he had written to the Llanddewi Village Hall Trustees.
10. Knelston Burial Ground.
Clerk advised, on behalf of the Trustees, that there was nothing to report other than the issue of the notice board (above)
11. Any Other Business
Cllr Sheila Fisher again expressed concern over litter on the beach and the presence of dangerous wire netting buried and now emerging from the sand dunes. Cllr Fisher asked for consideration to be given to making Port eynon and Horton beaches a plastic free arear. Cllr David Lewis added that this was now the adder ‘season’ and enquired whether waning notices could be placed in the dune areas. Agreed to refer all to C&CS.
Cllr Steve Young raised the matter of abandoned cars and rubbish in the small open space behind 12 Minksland Road and the old Warden’s House. Issue to be referred to C&CS Environmental Dept.
Next meeting – Monday 17th June at 7 pm. At Knelston School.
There being no further business to discuss the Chair thanked all in attendance and the meeting adjourned at 9: 00 pm.
————————————– ——————————————
Barry Stubbings (Clerk) Robert Fisher (Chair)

Minutes of meeting held on 18th March 2019

Port Eynon Community Council


Minutes of monthly Council meeting held on Monday 18th march 2019 at Knelston Primary School.


Present                  Councillors:  Martin Cox, Gareth Evans, Robert Fisher, Sheila Fisher and Steven Young.


Apologies:             Councillors Gareth Jones and Steve Young.


In attendance       Mr. David Lewis of Port Eynon and Mr.Barry Stubbings – Clerk;



Chair                       Councillor Robert Fisher took the Chair.


  1. Minutes                 Clerk confirmed that the draft minutes of the last meeting held on 18th February 2019 had been circulated to all Councillors, displayed on the Council notice boards and posted on the web site. It was proposed by Councillor Martin Cox, and seconded by Councillor Sheila Fisher that the minutes be accepted and this proposal was agreed by all.
  2. Declarations of Interest      None were made.
  3. Matters ArisingSCURLAGE GREEN – Cllr. Sheila Fisher advised that she was awaiting a second quotation to engrave image of a poppy and small amount of text on the obverse side of the memorial. and matter was further deferred to next meeting for further consideration.
  4. DEFIBRILLATORS – Council agreed that now the expenditure on Scrurlage green was largely complete Council should reconsider the provision of further defibrillators. It was agreed that course of action should be
  5.                                 PORT EYNON FOOTPATHS – Clerkadvised that he had written to C&CS Countryside Access Officers to request that the footpath from the church to Borva House be registered over its full length..
  6. Clerk advised that he had written to C&CS Highways Dept. on the provision of ‘Gateway’signage for the village. He was yet to receive a response. Council suggested that Clerk write to Cllr. Richard Lewis on this matter.
  7. Clerk advised that he had written to both C&CS Parks Dept and Highways Dept concerning the removal of the bench seat, requesting that it either be replaced or the Council be compensated. He had not received a response.
  8. Cllr. Evans advised that he had been contacted by Parks Section of C&CS to confirm that they would provide wild flower seeding of areas at the green.
  9. Council agreed that Clerk should write to families connected with the War Memorial to see if there was interest in funding one or more bench seats similar to those funded at Port Eynon water front.
  10. Council considered the quotation for landscaping and planting around the memorial stone and sketches for two options. Cost would be in the region of £200. Cllr. Sheila Fisher requested that a decision be deferred until she had met with the gardener to discuss the planting.
  1. To resite the unit at Knelston garage to an external location. If the garage proprietor was not prepared to accept external mounting with a power supply, the powered unit should be relocated elsewhere and a solar powered unit purchased for installation either at the garage or possibly the old chapel burial ground.
  2. To purchase solar powered units for Overton (Village Green site) and Lower Scurlage.
  3. To re-evaluate with ‘Cariad’ siting of a powered unit at Port Eynon Youth Hostel (possible relocation from Knelston garage).
    1. Finance  Committed expenditure was presently:                                                Scurlage Village Green works – £2,000                                                 Defibrillators – £3,000                                                                                 One Voice Wales membership renewal – £133
    2.                                 Clerk advised that he had settled the invoices for:
    3. Clerk confirmed that there were adequate resources to meet these commitments.
    4.                                                 Contribution to church yard maintenance – £900
    5.                                                 Scurlage Village Awareness signs – £3,000
    6.                                                 Port Eynon Village Green works- £2,000
  • Planning                                Council noted that this was an amendment to recently approved plans and they had no comments on the proposals. Decision pending.2019/0009 Rylands, Overton Lane – Alterations to rear dormer, rooflights, etc.. 2019/0123 Ty Borva, Port Eynon – Provision of four ‘Glamping Pods’ in the rear gardens. Council considered the application and found it to be generally acceptable. Comment was made that recent works at the premises had included changes to the doors and windows which were not in this application or had been the subject of other applications. Decision pending.2019/0250 OUT – Land off Trumpet Lane, Knelston. Council considered the application and noted that several adjacent properties had already found it necessary to replace the original windows and doors. Council agreed to support the application. Decision pending.NEW APPLICATIONS2019/0389 Milestone Court, Scurlage – Two new dwelling housesThis proposal for two houses on the same site area represents even greater over-development of what is a ‘backland site’. The imposition of two houses on the same site area represents even greater over-development of the site.The original development of Milestone Court was considered to be a sustainable development which effectively established a new western limit to the edge of the community of Scurlage, albeit at the expense of what was useful recreational land. Further development, although within the boundary area of Milestone Court effectively serves to keep pushing the natural boundary of the community further to the west.For the reasons above Council has no choice but to recommend refusal of this application.


    2. Council continues to reiterate its concern over continued development of the Scurlage Community without any improvements to the drainage of foul water and surface water. Despite the assertions from Dwr Cymru that the provisions are adequate, the whole community continues to experience flooding of surface water and backing up of foul water drains.
    3. Council notes that the indicated plan layout does not appear to satisfy the planning guidelines for provision of car parking together with turning space in an effective cul-de-sac.
    4. Planning application 2018/2004 for a single dwelling house at the same site was granted on 30th November 2018. Community council in their letter of 1st August 2018 expressed concern over that proposal being an effective over-development of the site.
    7. 2019/0274 – 3 Milestone Court, Scurlage – Replacement windows and doors.
    8. Council noted that this was a further application for the site where permission had been granted for a single dwelling house and garage (2017/2392). Council further considered this application for a pair of semi detached dwellings with integral garages. Council noted that recent development on Trumpet Lane had largely resulted in the provision of second homes or holiday letting accommodation and thought that this development may continue that trend. Overall Council agreed by majority to support the application but to repeat previous concerns over the inadequacy of Trumpet Lane and particularly its junction with the A4118. Decision pending.
    9. 2019/0138 Smugglers Restaurant, Port Eynon – Rear extension to provide new toilet facilities.
    10. Council noted that the ‘Pods’ were mobile and the application should be viewed in the same context as an application to site four touring caravans. Council noted that the gardens of Ty Borva had been the subject of severe flooding for many years on account of a water course passing through the grounds however, this provision may result in improvements to local drainage. Council noted and took cognisance of Gower AONB policy precluding the establishment of new caravan sites, but also noted that an application to site up to five touring caravans at this location would likely be approved. Council further noted the considerable adverse comments from neighbouring properties concerning noise resulting from camping and activities at Ty Borva on weekends and holiday periods. Overall Council by majority recommended that the application be refused. Decision pending.
    11. Council noted that the application was for works at the rear of the property which would not be evident to the public or be intrusive to the neighbouring properties. Council was unanimous in recommending the application be accepted. Decision pending.
    12.         2018/2529 Adjacent to ‘Murmur Y Llanw”Overton Lane – Revised landscaping
    13. Clerk provided a resume of applications recently considered and now approved or refused
  • Highways and Footpaths  


    1. Cllr Martin Cox advised that the lane to the Youth Hostel continued to present considerable problems concerning its surface condition and restricted width. Clerk advised that he had experienced difficulties in contacting Mr. Peter Beynon of C&CS.
    2. Clerk advised that he was yet to receive a response from C&CS Countryside Access on the registration of path from Port Eynon Church to Borva House.
  • Correspondence 


    1. The Clerk provided a resume of correspondence received, none of which required consideration.
  • Communications, Notice Boards, Etc  


    1. Cllr. Fisher advised that she had been approached by Mrs Henderson, representing Llanddewi church, for Council to provide a notice board or space in the notice boards for posting both village and church notices, either at Knelston school or at Scurlage green. After discussion Council agreed that it was not appropriate for the Community Council to provide notice boards for the us of other organisations, noting also that the request did not appear to relate to a specific village organisation. It was agreed that space in Community Council Notice Boards could be made available via the clerk for appropriate notices, and if the Notice Boards were then judeged to be inadequate consideration would be given to larger or supplementary boards.
    2. Clerk advised that in posting notices at Scurlage the wind had caused the door of the board to break its hinges. Council agreed to refer matter to the insurers.
  • Village Halls  


    1. Chair confirmed that he would provide a strategy document for Clerk to prepare a paper for consideration by the Llanddewi Village Hall Trustees.
    2. Chair advised that he had again been approached by Port Eynon Village Hall Committee claiming ownership, or part ownership, of the Notice Board adjacent to the churchyard. Also claiming entitlement to the Wayleave payments received from Western Power for facilities in vicinity of the Village hall. Council agreed that there was no further information forthcoming on either issue and the VHMC should be advised that PECC considered the matters closed.
    3. Knelston Burial Ground.
    4. Clerk advised, on behalf of the Trustees, that there was nothing to report.
    5. Any Other Business    


  1. .
  2. Cllr. Sheila Fisher expressed concern over cleanliness of Port Eynon beach and tabled recent photographs of litter including quantities of partially buried rusting wire. She noted that the beach oil drum receptacles appeared to be in use by residents to deposit black bin bags of household waste.
  3. Cllr. Martin Cox advised that the Port Eynon car park gates continued to be closed, although not locked, before the scheduled time of 20:30.
  4. Cllr. Martin Cox enquired if there had been any feedback on the study of Tourism at Port Eynon by BRO Consultancy. Clerk confirmed that there had been none, and that a copy of the study had not been forthcoming. Chair directed Clerk to write to C&CS with a Freedom of Information Request.
  5. There being no further business to discuss the Chair thanked all in attendance and the meeting adjourned at 9: 15 pm.
  6. Next meeting – Monday 15th April at 7 pm. At Knelston school
  7. Barry Stubbings (Clerk)                                                                                                       Robert Fisher (Chair